3 Months post op and in Onderland!!!

Dec 22, 2009

Wow! Has it really been a little over three months now since my surgery? Time flies by so fast and in this case I'm glad that it did because I was so ready to start feeling normal again after it all. It took me about 3-4 weeks to start feeling like myself again (only healtheir). I had no strength teh first three weeks or so and I remember thinking if this might feel like what it's like when you have cancer and you are going through raidation or chemotherapy treatments. It was hard, not painful...just hard because you constantly feel so tired and loopy. Then sometimes you feel pretty sick to your stomach and all you wanna do is be an emotioanl basket case and cry because it won't stop.

With all that said, I hope that doesn't scare anyone into not going through with their upcoming surgeries because I would do it over again if I had to. I am sooo happy right now in my life. I never knew or thought that this would be a possibility for me. I mean I weighed in at 198 pounds this morning. OMG! I have lost 100 pounds since April 22nd this year. Taht is CRAZY!!! I have not been this weight since my senior year of high school! I am 30 freakin years old now. I only wish I had made tis step in my life a long time ago!

So, you always feel like when is this going to stop, you know? Like when is the weight loss going to slow down and stop? I hope to loose my last 48 pounds...but is this all too good to be true, you know? I will try my hardest to loose the last 48 pounds. I haven't even started working out yet. I do notice that I don't really loose any weight the week after my periods. Then the foillowing week I loose like 4 pounds in one week, sometimes more. It's funny that I even mention having a period. I have PCOS. Last year I think I had a period maybe twice in one year. I have now had a period normally every month since like August! This last period which just ended was way less painful then any other I have had in years also so I think maybe my PCOS symptoms are getting better. Before they were excrutiating!

I hope to continue with the normal cycles as my Hubby and I hope to try and conceive a baby after my surgeon opkays me, which I know won't be until I am at least 12-18 months post op. That's okay with me anyways. I have my little man to keep me busy for now anyways. He will be two and a half on Christmas Day! I love my baby boy!

So that's all thats going on with me right now. I can pretty much eat anything but eggs, and I stay away from carbs...no rice or pasta for sure. I have eaten some whole grain bread with some lunch meat and I did okay, but I only got in about 4 bites when I felt like okay I need to stop. I am really enjoying fudgecicles with no sugar added. I refrain from only having about 2-3 weekly. I also started eating little bites of fruit now and I absolutly love salad. I do a greek salad with green olives, cucmbers, tomatoes, and green onion with feta cheese, it's been my favorite. I just add a dab of olive oil and red wine vinegar for flavor. YUMMY! I do well with chicken and most meats as well. 

Well, I'll be going for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and Merry Christmas!!!! Love ya all here! Teresa

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Fowler, IN
Surgery Date
Apr 18, 2008
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