An epiphany

Oct 31, 2008

I met with my Nut last week and got some good info and will be moving to stage 5 which is AKA as the last and final stage after my surgery.  I am 5 weeks out this week and definitely ready for a change.   I love omelets, but I think I am starting to get sick of the ham, eggs and cheese – heck, I’ve been eating them every night for 2 weeks now.  I am ready for something with more SUBSTANCE!

So anyway, back to the meeting with the NUT.  We talked about my food and vitamins and how well I was doing.  I mentioned how I thought it was weird I was still craving things, bad thing and how odd that was to me since so many other people I read about didn’t really have those cravings after surgery, especially so soon.  As we were talking more, it came out that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis (which she knew), but she didn’t know I am on a steroid (prednisone) for it (among other things).  She said that my cravings and the prednisone go hand in hand, that the (evil) drug actually makes you crave bad carbs and sugars and stuff.  Wonderful – that explains why I would eat a box of Swiss Rolls in a sitting when I Just.Had.To.Have.Them.  Of course I ultimately put the food into my mouth thus causing the weight gain (although the prednisone had a hand in that too).  I guess it was really interesting to hear someone say that this suck ass drug I have been on for 14 years straight had attributed to where I am now and ultimately my need for WLS.

One of the many reasons for this surgery was so my body would feel better and maybe my RA would go into remission or at least not be so freaking painful and ultimately maybe get off of the prednisone for good. Of course if this freaking wound would heal, I could go back on my injectable RA meds that help control the disease, but since they weaken the immune system and can cause infection, I have to wait until I am healed.  Which, by the way, will hopefully be another month or so.  I healed another cm this week which brought it down to 4.2 (originally 9 cm), so hopefully this stuff is working.  I’m having an issue with the VNA, if you have VNA = can’t work.  Well, I was out of work for 5 weeks and really don’t want to be out any longer.  Of course that posed a problem because VNA orders my supplies for my wound care.  And in another damned if I do, damned if I don’t scenario, I am flaring and in a lot of pain lately because I can no longer take ibuprofen type pain relievers anymore.  So my options for pain relief (since I am not able to take my injectable meds) are more prednisone or narcotics.  Or suck it up and deal, which is my current method.

So, the appointment was helpful, but it still pissed me off that I have to take these suck ass drugs that have awful side effects.  I could go on with the snowball effect from there, but I won’t otherwise I would never get out of bed.

Moving on….

Wednesday Weigh In #5

Oct 28, 2008

Highest Weight: 284
Surgery Weight: 266
Current Weight: 242 (-2)
Total Lost: 42 lbs


Oct 23, 2008

So I've lost 40 lbs total between being a month out of RNY and my pre-op diet.  I haven't really done any clothes shopping since those 40 lbs went away and things were definitely getting too big.  So I stopped at Koh'ls to pickup a couple shirts and pants, thinking shopping might be just a little bit more enjoyable.

Ah, no.

It seems, as if I didn't already know, that I carry most of my weight in my upper body and belly. So trying on 1x and 2x shirts didn't yield good results, unfortunately.  I did end up getting a new bra - went from a 42 DD to a 40 DD - the 42 was too big and the 40 is just a little bit snug, but I'll be okay, I doubt I will be getting any bigger again (knock on wood).  It was a little disheartening that the shirts still didn't fit well and I have bubble belly/muffin top but it's gonna be like that for awhile I am sure.  I knew I wouldn't lose all my weight in one month, so it's okay.

I did have some better luck with pants, though.  I have gone from a 24W or higher pant to an 18W!  So things are going away, just not all in the right places.  I am sure I'll be in misses pants before I am shirts, but that's okay - sort of.  Plus size clothing is just so gawd awful ugly. Ugh, I can't wait to shop in the normal section where there are more CHOICES!  I really think I am fashion stunted because of all the shitty selections in the plus sizes.  Of course if I wasn't plus size in the first place maybe I wouldn't be fashion stunted.  Gotta keep watching 'TLC's What Not To Wear'.

Maybe I will be a hot diva one day....

Wednesday Weigh In #4

Oct 21, 2008

A month out today!  Woohoo!

Highest Weight: 284
Surgery Weight: 266
Current Weight: 244 (-5)
Total Lost: 40 lbs

Glutton for Punishment

Oct 20, 2008

So I am almost 1 month out (2 more days) and I decided I will go back to work 1/2 time for now.  So I get ready this morning, which was a feat in and of itself and make the 1/2 hour drive to work.  Well, I got in and everyone was happy to see me and I felt a little weird - I hadn't driven that far since surgery and of course was in the middle of breakfast and lunch.  So I took it easy, but after 3 hours I started getting hot flashes, really dizzy and feeling faint.  I over did it and they told me not to come back this week.

So I will continue to try and get my strength and stamina back.  Going to walk more I think.  I just wish this wound would HEAL!  Of course if I get the right stuff to pack my wound with, that might help.


Oh Mama. This is what I have been looking for...

Oct 17, 2008

It never fails, every year around this time, all I can think about it crock pots and apple crisps.  I knew my WLS would have a significant impact on my cravings for sweet apples and beef stew, so I have been searching for an alternative to the real sweet calorie and fat laden recipies.  Well, I have started with dessert first and found this apple crisp recipe.  Now I only need to wait until I am a couple more weeks out and on to 'full foods' before I start baking and trying these things.

Ingredients for Apples:

  • One can no sugar added Walmart generic apple topping dumped into glass bread loaf dish (of course I wouldn't use canned stuff)
  • Add cinnamon & splenda, chopped pecans
  • Add sugar free caramel syrup (such as Torani or Cinnabliss - I wonder if there is SF caramel icecream topping?)
  • Few drops of Almond extract

Ingredients for Crust: (Note:  Halfed this crust recipe

  • 1 1/4 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 1/4 cup Splenda
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
Dump the crust on top of your apples. I decoratively arranged pecan halves on top and drizzled with Cinnabliss caramel sauce on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for an additional 15-30 minutes. This recipe is best eaten warm. The crust can be somewhat soggy if chilled or cooled. Add a scoop of sugar free or low carb ice cream for an ala mode affect.


A little bit of buyers remorse

Oct 16, 2008

My wound isn't healing.  I am constipated.  I am bored with what I can eat.  I feel overwhelmed with making sure I get my protein from foods even though I am still only on stage 4, ground protein, so that's nice.  I have had some chili which is tasty.  I'm constantly reading labels.  I am exhausted because I cannot go back to work yet.  I have to drive an hour to the wound care center once a week to fix the remnants of the infection (i.e., my deep wound).  Being tired sucks and bored at home not being able to do a lot.  My RA is flaring hardcore and all I want to do is go back on my RA meds and take some of my NSAIDS.  But I can't, so I have to suck it up. 

But I can't be too down because a positive attitude is absolutely essential to healing and getting better to be somewhat normal again.  I want to eat the same things my husband eats.  I miss carbs wicked bad.  I still sort of crave the bad things, so when I am in the grocery store I need to literally move myself and not look at it.

I want to make apple crisp, but can't.  I miss the bad food.  Is that weird?  I can totally see why the behavior modification is so important.  I feel like I am constantly trying to play catchup with finding stuff that I can eat and is relatively inexpensive, which is difficult.

Gotta try and be positive and happy with what I have and keep my eye on the prize.  I'm almost a month out, and am hoping as time goes on and I feel better and lose more weight, this will all be a distant memory.

Wednesday Weigh In #3

Oct 14, 2008

Highest Weight: 284
Surgery Weight: 266
Current Weight: 249 (-3)
Total Lost: 35 lbs

Delish Pizza Recipe

Oct 10, 2008

From melinda:

Stuffed Crust Pizza

  • Joseph's Low Carb Pita Bread
  • 2 Reduced Fat Mozarella sticks  (slice in the size of dimes, along the "tube")
  • Low sugar pizza, marinara, or spaghetti sauce (approx 1/8 - 1/4 cup)
  • Cheeses of your choice
  • Toppings of your choice

Instructions for Stuffed Crust: 

Slice along the edge of your pita bread.  Stuff the reduced fat mozarella stick pieces in between the thin pita layers.  Broil in the oven on both sides until light golden to medium golden brown, depending on how crispy you like Pizza crust, keeping in mind that you will be putting this crust back into the oven.

Instructions for Pizza:

Once your stuffed cheesy crust is done, remove from oven.  Switch oven temperature to 450 degrees.  Cover pita bread with Pizza, marinara, or spaghetti sauce and your favorite cheeses and other toppings (i.e. mushrooms, onions, bell pepper, pepperoni, black olives).  Bake until cheeses are melted.

Sounds devine!

Wednesday Weigh In #2

Oct 07, 2008

Highest Weight: 284
Surgery Weight: 266
Current Weight: 252 (-7)
Total Lost: 32 lbs

About Me
Pittsfield, NH
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2008
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