One week from my day from hell in the ER

Oct 06, 2008

And I am doing much better regarding pain and infection.  Hard to believe I was in excruciating pain a week ago and sucking morphine like it was no tomorrow.  I stopped my pain meds (Vicodin) yesterday and feel like the fog is lifting a bit.  The pain is so much better, it's not so much pain anymore as it is tightness or feeling like I pulled something,  Kept under control with liquid Tylenol.  Still taking a nap a day - I didn't yesterday and was way over tired by the evening - of course I did go out yesterday to the hardware store and pharmacy so that made me even more tired than normal.  I might try and go outside for a short walk today, not sure.

I still have an open wound that the dressing needs to be changed twice a day.  My husband is my absolute savior - he made me all my protein shakes, mixed up my crystal light, crushed my pain meds and all my other meds I have to take still and also has learned how to pack and change my dressing on my wound.  It's no small feat - the wound is pretty deep and it was trying at first for him to push gauze down this big hole in my belly, but he is a trooper and even does it better than some of the visiting nurses - I even had him re-change one a nurse did because I know she didn't get the gauze all the way to the bottom.  I don't think I could have done this alone.  I am so thankful for my huge support from my husband, Mom/Dad/Sister, Mother/Father/Sister in Law  and friends. It's been great.

Now for the emotional, challenges.  I thought/figured/assumed that once I had this surgery no other food except my wonderful protein shakes would satisfy me and I would not crave anything else, especially what my husband made.  Boy, was I wrong.  As I was healing from the surgery and my infection was brewing I was in a lot of pain.  My DH made a wonderful smelling crock pot beef stew and although I noticed it smelled good, I had no desire for any of it.  Fast forward a few days after my infection was starting to heal and pain was subsiding.  My DH made some chili.  I don't like chili, but boy did I want some.  I'm in my 2nd week of my full liquid diet and the 2 shakes plus one cup of Unjury chicken soup is getting old FAST,  Last night, I was tired after my walk to the hardware store and pharmacy and no nap so I was a little bit cranky.  Well, everything kind of boiled up and I was so upset my DH had SOUP with oyster crackers.  I wanted to eat HIS chicken noodle soup and oyster crackers.  I wanted to eat something with SUBSTANCE.  So I was upset and my wonderful DH brought me down from the ledge.  Of course today is another day closer to the MUSHY STAGE!  Hopefully I will be cleared for that when I meet with the surgeon this week for a checkup.  I guess I didn't expect to be bombarded with food ads making me want stuff, or wanting Halloween candy.  I am a little pissed because now I CAN'T have it.  I mean, I could, but I might dump.  And I think I am more afraid of trying it and I DON'T dump.  Yeah, don't want to go there.  I am hoping it gets better once I can eat real food again and also start noticing weight coming off, too.  I'm trying to only weigh myself once a week on my surgery day, so I still have 2 more days until the 2 week mark.  I hope the weeks start going by faster and I see some change for all this hard work.  And work it is.

I am getting almost 100g of protein in a day - I need more than usual because of my wound.  I do also think I have a lactose intolerance.  I was having diarrhea bad when in the hospital and for a few days after I came home, but since I switched to Lactaid, that has gone away.  May be coincidence, not sure, but I am going to stick with the Lactaid for a bit.  I am obviously still very tired and tire easily, but it also seems to get a little better each day.

And then there were complications

Oct 02, 2008

Not something ANYONE wants to deal with.  The next day, Sunday morning I was feeling pretty crappy.  I was in pain and still had a fever.  It went between 99.0 to 100.3 all day even though I was keeping up with pain medication, fluids and protein.  My pain also kept increasing throughout the day and I called the surgeons office, wondering if I should be seen.  I didn't get my surgeon, however, another associate called me back and said if I didn't feel well, to go to the ER at the hospital I had my surgery at.  I figured I was probably overreacting and decided to just tough it out because the next day would surely be better.  It wasn't.

I called my surgeon, told her of my extreme pain in my left side and she told me to go to the ER.  To make a really long story short, my DH and I spent ELEVEN HOURS in the ER.  I had a chest xray, blood work and CT scan and was in excruciating pain all day.  I finally got some morphine, which helped since I was 4 hours overdue for pain meds, but didn't tell me at that time I could have it every hour for pain, so I went another few hours with nothing.  It was quite the roller coaster.  I did not see my surgeon until about the 9th hour when she came in with a bunch of surgical tools.  I asked the nurse if they knew what was going on, and he said something that didn't make any sense to me.  Finally, I was told I had an infection in my incision, which was the reason it was hot and hard to the touch.

My surgeon had to numb up the area and open the incision up and drain out the pus that was collecting in there.  Then it needed to be packed with gauze.  I was admitted to the hospital again and I never thought a hospital bed would be so comfortable after being on a ER gurney for 11 hours.  I started a new pain med, vicodin, too that night since I did not want to be in a haze or put to sleep anymore, but it didn't do quite as good of a job.  The pain was excruciating when I stood up to walk still.  The wonderful nurses thought a binder might help and help it did!  Until the fabric stretched out at least, we put the binder on and it kept everything in so it wouldn't pull and hurt more.  What a relief!  I didn't have to keep holding my tummy!  But, like I said, it did stretch out.  However, remarkably, the next day as I was home, the awful excruciating pain when I stood was downgraded to painful.  I could handle it.  So, here I am, on my way to recovering again!

Wednesday Weigh In #1

Oct 01, 2008

Highest Weight: 284
Surgery Weight: 266
Current Weight: 259
Total Lost: 25 lbs

Done and home

Sep 28, 2008

So my first surgery was postponed a month due to my surgeon being ill.  That really through me for a loop, but ended up being okay and I had  RNY on Wednesday 9/24, the day after my 2nd wedding anniversary.

It was a really early start to the day, my husband and I had to be to the hospital by 5:45 AM and we live over an hour away.  We left in plenty of time, got there a little early and had time to talk for a few minutes alone in the car.  I was nervous, no doubt about it,  Once we got to the Short Stay Unit, I was taken inside, weighed to make sure I was under my goal of 270 (I needed to lose 14 lbs before surgery) and I weighed in at 266.  A little breathing room to spare.  I was then told to empty my bladder and head into a room to get prepped.  I changed into the hospital johnny and we went through all my meds, and a bunch of other boring crap.  Did some sitting and waiting,  Finally, an hour and a half after I arrived, my IV was put in, the surgeons came to see me and then anesthesiology came in.  I was being wheeled out and they must have slipped me my mickey because I barely remember saying goodbye to my husband at the double doors where he could no longer continue with me.  Then I was out and the next thing I remember was waking in either recovery or in my room, but I remember saying 'it hurts, it hurts' and trying to listen to the nurses and the sounds of people, my mom, the beeping of things, etc.  The rest of that day really was a blur to me, I was in a lot of pain even though I had a morphine drip button.  That evening I was doing better and kept wondering if I should get up and walk, but my surgeon came by and said it was okay if I waited a little bit. 

I finally did get up and walk and it wasn't too bad.  I was finally taken off the morphine and put on rocksaset liquid and that stuff made me sleep.  After awhile, the pain came back, mostly on my left side incision, so I had another pain med to help supplement - toradol.  That seemed to work really well, except I needed to stay another night in the hospital because it affected my blood counts.  Once off it, however, they started normalizing again and I was home by Saturday afternoon.

I was really glad to be home although I was really sore and tired - and in a rocksaset fog.  I would take that stuff and fall asleep within a half hour usually.  If I really pushed myself to stay awake, I would feel even more miserable.  I had a fever, between 99.5 and 100.3, but was doing well with my protein and fluids.  I felt like I was finally on my way to getting better, healing and my new life.

2 weeks and counting!

Aug 13, 2008

2 weeks away from RNY surgery.  I am excited and nervous for the changes that lay ahead.  Slightly concerned about dying, I would really rather not...  Trying to maintain my mandatory weightloss and still wanting to eat a couple 'last suppers', but trying to keep that in moderation.

I'm collecting things I will need to bring to the hospital with me.  Eye mask and ear plugs first and foremost!  When I had my knee replacement in a Boston hospital I was there for a week and was exhausted from the noise, the contstant taking of vitals and brightness even at the dead of night.  I'm working on a 'soothing mix' of songs for my ipod - I am not sure if that is allowed in the OR, but at least afterward I should be able to have it once I am in my room - that always helps with noise too.  I have a pair of knock off crocs to slide on my feet for walking in the hospital.  I may pic up a magazine or two, but I have heard it's pretty hard to focus between pain meds, sleeping, walking and drinking fluids.  I'm also going to pack the necessary toiletries - toothpaste and brush, get some no water needed shampoo, hairbrush, feminine products just in case, baby wipes (hell, I use these when camping too!), cell phone and charger... I'll have DH bring me the pillow for the ride home and I'll wear loose fitting pants to wear home.  Pack light is my motto!

I'm also working on a list of things to 'stock the fridge' before I go to.  Get some easy stuff for DH to make for himself along with Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, FF broths, SF Pudding/jello, egg beaters, SF applesauce.  I also need to get some samples as I have NO IDEA what types of protien I like.  I am doing EAS carb control shakes and Slimfast Low Carb right now.  I pretty much can't stand CIB, but absolutely loathe and detest the vanilla flavor.  I've heard unjury is the best and have a list of stuff people like - I just need to GET it.  2 weeks won't go by THAT fast will it?

Will it?  Yeah, I thought so.

About Me
Pittsfield, NH
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2008
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