Oy, the back is out!

Sep 11, 2011

Well I have managed to throw my back out just walking. I was in a MVA many years ago and every now and then I just reach or move in a direction and BAM! I think if I exercised my back more often this would not happen. I hope this will not be a problem after surgery as it has happened twice within the last six months.

So no protein shakes today for me, we went out for dinner last night and again today for lunch. I did notice however, since coming off the protein shakes I can hardly get down half a sandwich. I wonder if it will be like this post surgery?

Anyway, I looked on the appetizer page and found most of their prices to be almost as much a meal. I am soooooo not gonna pay $8-9 for an appetizer. I also noticed they were very fatty appetizers. This is what I miss about living in California - there are so many healthy food options be it California sushi or a small tomato, basil and cheese platter. I checked out the senior meals and they looked pretty good. We decided today that I will pretty much split a meal with my hb or just order the soup. Like I said in prior blogs I am not much on meals (love those sweets), so I think soup will be a great option since I prefer to drink my meals.

This morning my husband and I sat in bed with laptop in hand and gazed at before and after pics on another website. So far his travels have left me alone throughout the pre surg stages so it was nice to bring him on board today. He is pretty awesome!


Sep 09, 2011

This weekend I plan to return to normal eating, well okay I will start with a protein shake this morning but after that we will probably go out for lunch or dinner.

Its a beautiful day out so maybe we will hang out at the beach for a minute or two or possibly head over to Bush Garden's for some fun. I dunno, but after several days of rain I am more than ready to get outside.

I need to purchase the Pure unflavored protein. Originally I had gone online to purchase it and I kept getting an error message to call customer relations. I left a message and they called back two days later to tell me the reason my order would not go through is because they cannot ship to a PO Box. I live in a rural area and sometimes the postman cannot reach us so he puts everything in our PO Box rather than coming all the way out. Oh well, such is life, I will just have to speak with him the next time I see him and tell him I would appreciate it if he would not delay delivering any boxes to us.

I miss living in the city sometimes and I find myself more and more homesick for California. I know when I do finally go back home, all the hustle and bustle will have me yearning to return to the peacefulness of VA, but still, for now, I miss my friends and family during such a pivotal moment in my life. By the time I see my family and friends again it will be a year post my surgery. I have only told one of my BFF's about the surgery and even though my mother has never said one negative thing about my weight, I know seeing me at a normal weight is going to reduce her to tears, too bad daddy is not alive to see it when it happens, it might have inspired him to lose weight through WLS.

Fast Food...ewwww

Sep 09, 2011

Well today I went off the trial liquid diet as I was starting to drop more weight than I wanted.  BMI is at 39 and it needs to be at 40 in order for my insurance company to approve.  I ate McDonald's today and was shocked that after being on the liquid diet for a week (or more) I barely got the chicken club down and I gave up on the fries.  Totally new experience for me and I am still full.  I think I will just go ahead and cut the fast food places out.  I think I can still keep my weight up by eating three meals a day - we shall see.

So next week will be my final pre requirement examination before all my paperwork gets shipped off to the insurance company.  I really hope I don't have many hoops to jump through in order to get approved.

Still looking at all the before and after pictures to keep me motivated, still sipping lots of water and still drinking my protein shakes and drinks, now if I can just get a surgery date. 

CAUTION: Gotta keep an eye on that BMI

Sep 07, 2011

Today the waiting process feels long and tedious for reasons unknown to me.  I think I am just going to calm down about it all and now just take the knowledge I do have  and put it to the test daily.  I have tried various ways of making my protein shake and all seem to be agreeing with me.  I have cut my meals down to two-three ounces and actually find even without the surgery that its enough to take away the hunger.  I am still watching the scale though because for every pound I lose I get closer and closer to dropping under the required BMI and I just made 40.  Its all good but I would much rather have the surgery than make this year number twenty-three of trying to lose weight.

Well that's pretty much it for now, just taking it easy on this very wet and rainy day.


Sensory overload

Sep 06, 2011

I think I am on sensory overload.  I joined three new sites regarding WLS, one of them I will have to excuse myself from because the board has not moved all weekend.  The hospital where I will be having my surgery set up the board but it must be run by hosptial administrators who have very little interest in keeping the board alive by answering our questions.  The other two websites which includes this one is providing me with everything I need which I am thankful for.  Last night I spent hours looking at before and after pics on one of the sites to a point I think my computer wore itself out.  Today I have been plagued with the blue screen of death so I am frustrated with that more than anything. 

I am learning more than I ever expected however I am also ready to put this information to the test.  Unfortunately, I still have one more doctors appointment to go before I can even have my paperwork submitted to the insurance company.  I guess that is what really has me a little down.  I keep wondering how many hoops they might make me jump through in order to get this done so I can start my new journey in life.

I also am concerned regarding the new job I recently accepted.  I have had the DA&A test done which was fine.  Now I have to get scheduled for a  physical and then I have to have my fingerprints done and a background check.  I am not worried about the outcome of any of that stuff, but again, its a long process and I am at the mercy of others regarding the fate of my future.  I also have some concerns about needing time off if they bring me on soon, so that I can have my surgery.  I need the job and I need the surgery.  I don't want to tell them what the surgery is for but I do need to let them know that its minor and that it will in no way affect my job performance once I get back from the surgery, I don't want them thinking they just hired a sickly, problem child on hand.  I am guessing I will be able to get at least two weeks off and since my job will be mostly sedentary at first i should do just fine.

So many changes taking place...I believe in God so I won't give any of this any more thought - ok letting go and letting God.

To Shakeology or not, that is the question?

Sep 05, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

My husband is TDY so no real Labor Day celebrations for me today. Anyway, I have had my first Protein Shake of the day (Shakeology). I have read mixed reviews from other websites on how peoples bodies react to this shake post surgery. Some say its the best thing on earth while others say its terrible on their pouch and doubles them over. I like the taste of the shake and it does give me plenty of energy and nutrients, however I am a bit fearful of what is to come post surgery.

I think I will look into purchasing Believe to see how that taste. I am sure it is better designed for the bariatric lifestyle.

Clear liquid type protein drinks are going well, I am sipping away and now finishing a twenty ounce bottle. Prior to that I could hardly get down 2 oz because I was frustrated with the sipping process. I would tire of trying to drink slowly and would put the bottle aside and grab a bottle of water and gulp it. So I am proud of the progress I have made and I think by the time the surgery rolls around I will be a much better sipper.

I usually don't cook much when my husband goes TDY so when he returns I will start back working on my slow chewing. For now the protein shakes are keeping me full.

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Sep 05, 2011
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