CAUTION: Gotta keep an eye on that BMI

Sep 07, 2011

Today the waiting process feels long and tedious for reasons unknown to me.  I think I am just going to calm down about it all and now just take the knowledge I do have  and put it to the test daily.  I have tried various ways of making my protein shake and all seem to be agreeing with me.  I have cut my meals down to two-three ounces and actually find even without the surgery that its enough to take away the hunger.  I am still watching the scale though because for every pound I lose I get closer and closer to dropping under the required BMI and I just made 40.  Its all good but I would much rather have the surgery than make this year number twenty-three of trying to lose weight.

Well that's pretty much it for now, just taking it easy on this very wet and rainy day.


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Sep 05, 2011
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