Aurora Pryor

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 41 ratings

Aurora Pryor Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

12 yr Experience

14 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

41 Reviews for Aurora Pryor
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Dr. Pryor is a wonderful lady who made me feel that I had a big say in what went on with my own body. I love her! She is an excellent surgeon and I would recommend her to anyone.


Dr. Pryor was awesome. My first impression of her was that she was very thorough and would not perform the surgery if she thought for one second that I was not going to do what I supposed to do. Overtime, I found out that my first impression was right on the head. Her staff at the Duke Metabolic rnWeight Loss Center was excellent; they were as if not more efficient than she. She made sure that she was in town for my aftercare period and came and personally checked on me. She is the best.


Dr. Pryor is an excellent surgeon. She is caring and not preachy. She informs you of the risks and answers all of your questions. Most of all, she is great at what she does. My husband and I both had BMIs over 60. She managed to do our surgeries without converting to open and she left minimal scars. She doesn't use stitches or staples, just glue I think?, so there is not a lot of pain after the surgery. I went home the day after my surgery and only needed two pain pills over the next three weeks. I would highly recommend her. The only frustrating thing about Duke WLS is the appointments can be hard to get. I had to wait about a year for my surgery. I do think that they have improved that recently, I started in a kind of transitional time for the program, they were moving to a new office and changing some of the pre and post op programs.


I had my surgery at Duke in Durham, NC. Their program is a program of Excellence for a good reason. They are thorough and completely contained in one office. It is a real \"team effort\". My daugher-in-law had her surgery there and was very satisfied. It took me a year and three months to get my surgery date. It was well worth the wait (although I didn't feel that way at the time). My surgery took 90 minutes and was very professional! Dr. Pryor was a doll! She fixed two hernias (umbilical and esophageal) at the same time that she did my Roux-n-Y. I was very, very pleased!! I am two months post-op and I am happier and healthier every day! My PCP has taken away two of three medications for high blood pressure and cholesterol problems! I no longer have my BiPap machine or acid reflux! I still have allergies :) It is simply amazing!! I would rate Dr. Pryor AND the Duke Weight-Loss Surgery Program, 100%.


Dr Pryor and her staff would receive all A's from me. The overall calm manner seemed flow over on to me and kept my anxiety level to a minimum.


Very pleased with Dr. Pryor. Great doctor!!


I am very happy with the surgical process. Aurora did the trick. After leaving the hospital, I have had no issues and am loosing weight. Things are almost too easy. I would recommend Aurora to do the Lap RNY.

The follow-up by the program is not as stellar as the Surgeon. The program has initiated no follow-up. I find this hard to accept. I feel like I am a pay check to them only. While I do not expect the team to call weekly, I would have thought a single call, asking how things were going, would take place. Nothing.

The 3 week meeting was not beneficial. I get much more information from this site than I get from the program.


She was very nice, young and very professional. I liked her immediately. Office staff is nice and knows the process. I didn't spend a lot of time with her, mainly her staff. I would recommend her to anyone.


Dr. Pryor was a wonderful surgeon who should have minored in art. I was very impressed with my stomach and continue to be amazed everyday. She also has great bedside manner.


She has a great personality - answered all my questions without making me feel stupid.rnall staff is professional - Beth in office is an angel - she is insurance person.rn

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