Aurora Pryor

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 41 ratings

Aurora Pryor Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

12 yr Experience

14 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

14 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

50% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 12

41 Reviews for Aurora Pryor
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Dr. Pryor is the BEST!!!


Great Clinic, very informative, friendly staff! I am only in the begining stages so far so if this changes I will be sure to let you know.


She was GREAT, I had NO problems with her or the surgery AT ALL!!!!!


Dr. Pryor was excellent. Very easy to talk to and very understanding.rnrnI really don't have anything negative to say. I was very happy with my overall care!


Dr, Pryor,
Is wonderful. She truly cares about all of us dealing with weight problems.

Duke WLC in Durham is wonderful.
All there work hard to make the wls dream come true
for so many.

you go to see them for 1 yr post surgery.

all risk are explained, and they take time to answer any questions.

they are all great in all areas.

well One thing one Nurse at Durham Hospital didnt need to be dealing with over weight people.
very bad attuide.


My first impression of Dr. Pryor was that she was too young to be an experienced surgeon. My impression changed after speaking w/ her and asking lots of questions. Not only was she an experienced surgeon, she had performed hundreds of surgeries with great results. The staff at Duke WLS Center was wonderful. I was very satisfied with the treatment that I received.
Furture patients should not judge Dr. Pryor's experience with her young look.
Aftercare is a big deal at Duke WLS Center. Thank goodness for the aftercare program, it was just as important as the actual surgery. The risks of the surgery were always discussed up front. I never felt like I was not being told everything about the surgery. The good, the bad and the ugly.
I would rate my experience with Duke WLS Center and Dr. Pryor as excellent.
I personally feel that both surgical competence & bedside manner are equally important. This surgery is in my opinion more mental than physical. Once you recover from the actual surgery, you have to mentally prepare yourself for the permanet changes in your life. Once you accept the changes and deal with them, you are on your way to a healthy and happy experience.


My surgeon has always kept me well-informed and has been patient with my questions, anxiety level and addressed my family as well.
The staff at Duke University WLS is superb. I have been well taken of there. I feel as if I have been their only WLS patient. I know this is surely not true! Their level of expertise is surely learned.

The thing I liked least is that I would have liked to have seen her more after surgery. I saw several other doctors from her office and under her supervision, but no one knew me like her, or at least I had the most comfort with her. I had some high blood pressure concerns and the attending physician cautiously monitored me. Literally, sitting at the foot of my bed in ICU. All of them took good care of me. However, this is my experience with most surgeons. You see them about once a day.

The Duke WLS aftercare program is extensive. It includes a dietician, nurse practioner and a psychiatrist specializing in bariatric/obesity issues. One must sign a contract to cooperate for a minimum of one year. I guess they come after you if you dont!!!

All surgery risks, complications and short/long term risks were by a small group meeting. Family was invited. The surgeon also informed us how many deaths were attached to each one, if any. Some people, like myself, are curious about this. Duke WLS has completed over 1400 bariatric surgeries. If interested, to this date, they have had a total of 4 deaths. God knows best for all of us.


My surgeon, Dr Pryor is brilliant! She has a wonderful bedside manor, 2 beautiful kids and a soft side to boot. I personally have never met a person so intelligent and personable! Plus she looks 18 (but she not!).
She has done over 250 surgeries, explains things clearly and does many, many test before passing you on. She truly has a whole body picture of you before surgery.
The staff at Duke Weigh loss Surgery Center is the most supportive group I've ever known and work hard to get you approved.
Aftercare is scheduled out and you sign a form agreeing to attend your appointments before she'll do surgery.
We went over each individual risk from the surgery, the % of lifelikeness of occurring.
I would recommend her 100% to anyone!!!
Both her bedside manor and surgical competence are amazing!

I truly have no complaints. She covered all information, had a pleasant disposition and is a extremely educated successful surgeon. I even call her with silly paranoid questions and she answers, never seems interrupted or annoyed and comforts me well!!!




Dr. Pryor is a lovely and dynamic woman, as well as; a confident and skilled surgeon. Her intelligence and knowledge in the field of Bariatrics is outstanding. Her caring and honest nature immediately put me at ease and encouraged my trust. I felt I was important to Dr. Pryor and felt she would go the extra yard to insure my well being. My opinion of Dr. Pryor has not changed 4 months into the program. My increasing respect for her is only magnified by the gratitude I feel for her expert care. The team at Duke WLC and Durham Hospital are also deemed noteworthy. They presented in a Professional, Knowledgeable and Personable maner. I believe any patient considering WLS would truly benefit from Duke and especially Dr. Aurora Pryor. Yes, Dr. Pryor did emphasize an aftercare program...but she also educated her patients well, in the event that aftercare was not followed up on. She was upfront on all the Risks with WLS and provided an individalized assesment of what risks could effect me personally and their likelihood of occuring. I would rate Dr. Pryor at the top of the competency scale. Not only is she skilled and confident in her performance but her communication skills and empathic bed side maner, make her the #1 choice. I will be forever grateful to Dr. Pryor for believing in me and giving me back my life!

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