David Ward

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 46 ratings

David Ward Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

10 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

80% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

46 Reviews for David Ward
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1. First impression was he was a little nerd but told he had great bedside mannor.
2. Yes he is not a nerd a wonderful surgen and great Doc.
3. Obesity Center @ MMH and Mary are great
4. Dr. Ward has a wonderful personality and is very caring. Great bedside mannor.
5. He is young and little guy but very sweet and great surgen.
6. He emphasized to make sure I got enough protein and fluids and vitimens.
7. Yes very clear after care program in terms of foods and vitimens. MMH is very good about it and give you a book to take home.
8 Yes he addressed all the risks in meetings before and during the private consultations. Also sent it home in paperwork.
9. I would Rate Dr. Ward as Excellent and would reccomend him to anyone and everyone. And I have. :)
10. Both surgical competence and bedside mannor.
I really have nothing at all Negative to say


Dr. Ward is a very kind man. He took the time to answer not only my questions, but all of my husbands questions. And after speaking with him I knew I wanted him as my surgeon. I had complete faith in him.

I had only wished he had told me how horrible the swallow test is.

Dr. Ward works with the obesity center at Morristown Memorial Hospital. They have a monthly and weekly support group for post-ops. The monthly is also for people looking for info on wls.


My first impression of Dr.Ward was that he is very down to earth and very knowledgeable about what he is doing. Just the other day I was at his office and he was showing his nurse a paper he was having published about Gastric Bypass. I haven't had my surgery yet, it is scheduled or 2/14/02, but everytime I've met with him I've felt comfortable.


My first impression of Dr. Ward was a very good one. However does he look very young, but after talking with him I felt very comfortable and very safe. I had asked him (wiht tears in my eyes if he ever lost a patient) he said no not one. He has been preforming the open RNY for over 2 1/2 years.


When first meeting my surgeon I was a little nervous, never liked going to the doctor, nevertheless stepping on the scale. He made me feel very comfortable. Left the floor open for any questions I might have. They gave out a handbook which really helped with alot of questions. I received my sergury date on the first visit. I haven't heard anything yet, bad or good. They seem like they have a good aftercare program. I think I will be very comfortable with the surgeon I have chose.


He was kind and so patient. He answered all my questions and explained how this disease was not my "fault." It brings tears to my eyes when I remember our first meeting, as I finally felt hopeful with 40 years of searching and fighting morbid obesity.

My impression of Dr. Ward improves each time I see him for my post op visits.

Because of previous problems with insurance companies, all perspective surgery patients must see Dr. Ward through the Obesity Center at Morristown Memorial Hospital in Morristown, NJ. The staff there are very encouraging if however a bit brisk. I think they are that way to wead out those who are not serious about resolving their obesity. The Obesity Center has an open support group meeting the second Tuesday of each month and is required for pre-ops. They are very, very beneficial not only for the pre-op but for their family/friends as well.

I honestly cannot think of anything I did not like about Dr. Ward. He even remembered my mentioning on my first visit with him how much I hated staples and I woke up after surgery with invisable sutures instead, bless him!

He is a very quiet and shy person, don't be concerned about that as he is an excellent surgeon. Write a list of questions before you go and write down his answers. Write a list of questions your family and friends have (trust me they will have tons of questions, many of them quite challenging) and write down his answers to take back to them. He will suggest keeping a journal, my advise is do it! You will be amazed how it will serve you before and after surgery!

After care is really the whole ball of wax once you are cleared and deemed fit for surgery. Read all the aftercare literature you are given and DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU TO DO!

The Obesity Center has a life-long aftercare program that you must agree to in writing BEFORE you can have surgery through them. It is indeed very structured with a set time table for blood work and post op visits with Dr. Ward.

They explained all the risks, gave me all the morbidity numbers and explained the cause of the current failure re-gain rate of 15%.

A Ten Plus, excellent, he could not get a higher rating as far as I am concerned.

Obviously surgical competence must be the bottom line and Dr. Ward is a 10+ His excellent bedside manner both before and after surgery helped to get me through some difficult emotional times. I am most grateful to have found him.

I trully have nothing negative to say about Dr. Ward. I am not thrilled to have to go through the Obesity Center all the time to see him, I would really appreciate a visit with him alone. That is the only negative thing I can say about my experiences.

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