Harry Sax

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 44 ratings

Harry Sax Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

16 yr Experience

13 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

3 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

60% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 16

Max Age of Patient is 60

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch



44 Reviews for Harry Sax
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I met with Dr.Sax on 10/16.Both he and the office staff where wonderful.Dr.Sax was compassionate and professional.He asked me alot of questions and really listened to my answers.Gave me alot of info on the surgery and said he felt I was an excellent cantidate.I have an appt. with Dr. Nickels on 11/9,and another with Dr. Sax 11/20.I'll update after that visit.11/22 Met with Dr. Nickels,he was also very nice,made me feel comfortable easy to talk to.He felt I am ready for surgery.Had appt. with Dr. Sax 11/20,he talked to both my husband and myself.Now I have to wait about a week for them to apply for insurance approval.I'll update when I hear something.


My surgeon is Dr. Harry Sax in Rochester NY. My first impression is that of a quiet man who pulls no punches. On my first appointment he asked questions on why I was overweight. Went into great detail that the surgery was no picnic and if I had throughly thought it through. When I assured him I had, he gave me literature and made the appointment with the psychologist. I had my appoinment with Dr. Nickels on April 24. He just again wanted to know why I overeat, if anything in my past caused me to indulge in food etc. After my appoinment with him, I again saw Dr. Sax who reiterated the dangers and the hardships of the sugery. I assured him understood and that it was what I wanted. We went ahead and made the appointment for surgery. He is very blunt about what is expected of me after surgery. He also explained to me that surgery was not a "cure all" that it requires a commitment to the diet and exercise program to be successful. Without this commitment he would not even bother doing surgery. I will have to follow with him for at least three years. I was impressed with his no nonsense attitude.


Dr. Sax was very nice during my initial visit. But the visit was short and to the point. He told me that I did qualify for the surgery and then I set up an appt. with the psych doctor. I have to go back to Dr. Sax on August 7th with a support perosn. I'll let you know then how the second visit went.

August 7th - Just had my second visit with Dr. Sax. He is a very caring doctor and makes his patients feel at ease. He told me that he is sending in the paperwork to the insurance company, and he hopes to have me scheduled for surgery in the beginning of September. He had a few Resident doctors talk to me, and they were also very nice. He went over all the risks and the benefits of the surgery. I would rate Dr. Sax a 9 out of 10.


The Doctor that performed my surgery is Dr. Harry Sax. I went to see him because he was the only option my PCP gave me. BOY AM I GLAD I SAW HIM!! He is the greatest. At my 1st appointment I thought he was very brusque and I was kinda disappointed, but during subsequent appointments, he was more than willing to spend as much time as I wanted. He has a very busy practice, but ALWAYS has the time to answer all my questions, whether on the phone or in person. Dr. Sax does require a good support system for all of his patients. He was very adament about me having people to help me after the surgery. I am also required to have monthly appointments for the 1st year (although this has been "relaxed" because I am doing well and it snows alot up here, so it's long drive in the winter!) Dr. Sax's secretary is MaryAnn, who has been my lifeline! She does everything except the actual surgery!
Overall, I would say my surgery with Dr. Sax was VERY successful and I would highly recommend him to other prospective surgical candidates!

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