Richard Symmonds

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 62 ratings

Richard Symmonds Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

28 yr Experience

17 yr in Bariatrics

21 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 72

62 Reviews for Richard Symmonds
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I thought Dr. Symmonds was very informative and helpful with my questions....He is a funny and likable man/Dr.
His office staff has been very helpful and pleasing to work with...


Loved Dr. Symmonds...he's the greatest!


First impression was stuck, but over time he does grow on you. His office staff are the best, Don't know what would do without Paulett and Karen. What I liked least about him was always seems like was in a hurry, though always answered all my questions. I think he is a very excellent surgeon and would recommend him to anyone. They have a very well structured aftercare program. And he did cover all the risk of surgery.
Overall, I think he is great!
His surgical competence is much better then his bedside manner by far.



My first impressions of Dr. Symonds was that he was very intelligent, experienced, detailed and professional. My impression of him did not change over time. If anything it was validated. Dr. Symonds office staff have the same characterics he has. Great! There was not anything to dislike. Future patients should know that they do not have anything to worry about. You will be in good hands with a great bunch of individuals. The importance of following the aftercare program is stressed over and over again. The aftercare program is structured with step by step requirements. Dr. Symonds was totally truthful/informative about the risks of WLS. He did not cut any corners. I would rate him excellent, outstanding, exceeds expectations. His surgical competence and bedside manner were outstanding. My entire experience with Dr. Symonds and his staff was great. I know that this is a rare but, this was my experience.


I just found out I now have Dr. Symmonds. I get to meet him on Sept. 20th and receive my surgery date. I hear nothing but GREAT things about him!!! I can not wait to meet him.


When I finally got the chance to meet with Dr. Symmonds face to face, I knew that he was pretty easy going. He obviously knows his stuff, and is VERY clear to anyone that the surgery is ONLY a tool, and your results will depend on how YOU use it. He looks a bit like Groucho Marx, with the big, bushy moustache. He is a VERY busy man, and even though he doesn't rush you, it is apparent that he has many other people in line to see him. This is most pronunced simply in the number of "hoops" you have to jump through to even get in to see him. I did have a small problem with one of the office staff on one occasion, but I have since been told that she does kind of have a Jeckyl & Hyde type of personality. At any rate, I KNOW they're VERY BUSY, but as far as I'm concerned, there's NO excuse for the comment that she made to me. I couldn't speak up for myself at that time, cause I didn't want her to "lose" my paperwork, but I'm glad I don't have to deal with her anymore. The nurse practitioner that works with him is tough, and seldom hands out any "atta boys" but she knows what she's doing, and doesn't "sugar coat" anything. Kind of feels like boot camp sometimes. There are support group meetings at the hospital twice monthly, and I have attended (and for the most part, enjoyed) them. They do provide some information, and support.
Overall, I was/am very pleased with Dr. Symmonds, and the outcome of the surgery. After waiting, and chasing the proverbial carrot that I had to chase for 18 months before surgery, I was just thrilled to finally get it over with!


Dr. Symmonds is a well known Dr. in this area, Ive heard alot about him, and have read alot.. When I met him he made me feel comfortable, he didnt rush me out of his office.


I first heard Dr. Symmonds at a seminer last July. I was impressed with his knowledge and concern for those suffering from Obesity.

When I met with him for scheduling of surgery I was very thankful that he was the surgeion appointed to me. After surgery , he was very caring and when I had difficulty he was constatntly appologizing for the pain I was in.

His staff is very caring and considerate.

I can't think of anything I don't like about him.

He has a one year follow-up with monthly visits with a nurse practioner for diet and himself for any problems.

Dr.Symmonds addresses all the risks of surgery at a seminer that all candidates must attend.

I would highly reccommend Dr.Symmonds for surgical competence and bedside manners.
I am thankful he was my surgeon.


Ive met with Dr. Symmonds one time, so far I have a good feeling about him. He seems like a very caring and kind Doctor. His office was warm and welcoming, the staff were nice. My surgery date is October 25th.


Very nice, easy to talk too, experineced, knowledgable, nice firm handshake!
Reasuring about up coming surgery, calmmed my fears.
Has a nurse practioner that works with him who is Fantastic! Patient coordinator (Karen) sets up appoints, and returns calls.
Went over all the risks, follow up visits at 1 week, 1 mth , 3 mths etc!
A couple of times I felt he was a little pre-occupied when he first came in for the appointments, he was looking at my chart while he was talking and my have just been absorbing the info.
I rate him highly, has preformed many surgical cases and seems to be very patient oriented. And his nurse practioner answers all your questions, and communicates with the Doctors.
I want the man doing the surgery to be the best in skills/competence and have good bedside manners.

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