Richard Symmonds

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 62 ratings

Richard Symmonds Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

28 yr Experience

17 yr in Bariatrics

21 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

75% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 72

62 Reviews for Richard Symmonds
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My first impression of Dr. Symmonds was that he was a gentle person. My opinion of him has not changed because my experience with the surgery was a very positive one. He has always been gentle, kind, and patient. We had a surgery orientation conference where he adressed the facts and risks of the surgery thoroughly, the nurse practitioner, Paulette Whitfield,RN has been wonderful!!!My stay was wonderful as well!! Aftercare has been very positive, Paulette takes good care of us,is kind, and patient.The aftercare program is very structured and she is very strict about us following all rules of the aftercare program! For anyone who will be having surgery in the future, I highly recommend this doctor and his entire staff!Both, surgical competence and bedside manner are both great and this staff takes care of both of these very well!


The first time I saw Dr. Symmonds, it was at their 1st step, required Bariatric Lecture in January. He seemed like a very detail oriented guy, which was important to me. He presented a small video of a laproscopic Roux en Y he had performed. I thought that was great. No trying to put a pretty face on things just for marketing reasons. He spoke openly about the very serious risks envolved, explaining in detail his mortality rate and the causes of death he had encountered.

Our second meeting was in his office, where he patiently and thoroughly answered all the questions on my lengthy list of concerns and questions. He spent as much time as I needed to cover every single thing. I never felt rushed. Quite the contrary, after he answered all the questions on the list I provided him with. He went on for another long while telling me things I had never even thought of. The only thing that I can think of that I didn't care for was the scheduling. I would have preferred being a little more involved with choosing the appointment dates and times. But if your schedule is difficult maybe they could work with you. They did have to jimmy around my pre-op appointment as a result of an emergency my son had to have the week prior to my procedure. All in all I can't tell you how impressed I was!!!

For my pre-op appointment we met again in his office to review my labwork and talk about the specifics of my surgery. He prepared me wonderfully for the days to come. There were no nasty little surprises.

The day of my procedure I saw him a couple times and he kept coming back to check on me and make sure I was being taken care of and I saw him everyday a couple of times during my stay. I just cannot express to you how wonderful his bedside manner is. What a warm funny caring human being!!! Both he and his staff cared for me as if I were their only patient. I always felt like my needs and concerns were taken care of as their priority. What a great feeling.

I am only 5 days post op and I feel pretty darned good. The great care I received and the professional way I was treated is sure to be credited for that. Scott & White, Dr. Symmonds, Paulette and Karen are a class act!!!


Dr. Symmonds is a wonderful surgeon. He took lots of time to answer questions and made sure that I was comfortable with the procedures and the entire surgery process. He is a very soft spoken man, but extremely friendly and confident in what he does. He is professional as well as having a magnificant bed side manner. I completely trusted him and he in turn treated me very well. He asked me questions and I in turn asked him several questions. Paulette W., who works with Dr. Symmonds and helps with the followups is also very helpful. She is encouraging and extremely friendly. I am completely satisfied with my experience at Scott and White.


My first impression of Dr. Symmonds was at the seminar. He reminded my of Dr. Red Duke. A Dr. who did commentary on a local news program. My general impression of Dr. Symmonds did not really change. I did see how swamped they were with all the people interested in this type of surgery. The staff for the most part was great. (Paulette is the best). Paulette emailed me back very fast everytime I had any questions or concerns. The only negative thing I could say is that because he was so busy with so many people, we did not spend alot of time going over the things I thought we would. This was my perception mostly due to the postings on this website. Dr. Symmonds does have a post op support system. I have not had the surgery so I really don't know much about it yet. I had alot of information about insurance that I thought he would want to go over, but he really only checked out the exclusion and go over my co-morbidities. I would have like to spend more time with him, but he really was swamped.
07/16/03 - I met him again on this date and I was able to spend a little more time with him. He still is a very busy man, but will take all the time I needed answering questions,and working with me on a surgery date that worked for my schedule. Nice Man!


Dr Symmonds was great I couldnt have ask for a better doctor .


I love Dr. Symmonds! He is wonderful and kind. His staff is the very best. Paulette is tough but great! I think everyone going to Scott and White for this surgery should be open minded of anything can happen with general surgery. The aftercare program with this hospital is very good, you can call with any questions and get an answer.Overall I would do this again,and do it with this surgical team!


Dr. Simmonds is a quiet, pleasant man. While I have really spent little time with him, I have trust in him. I know several people whom he hadone this surgery on, and everyone likes him alot.

How strange is it that after being a Richard Simmons fan for many years, Dr. Richard Simmonds is doing my weight loss surgery!


Dr. Symmonds is a very relaxed, likeable man. He spoke to a small group of pre-op patients and then met with each person individually. I had a list of about questions for him and he patiently answered each question thoroughly. The hospital staff, including an anasthesiology nurse, raved about how wonderful he is. I feel very comfortable with Dr. Symmonds as my surgeon.


My first impression of Dr. Symmonds was made at the general briefing all of us at Scott and White must atend before persuing surgery. He was very professional an thorough but definitely lacked bedside manner. After attending a few more conference type meetings with him I felt the same way about his bedside manner. His office staff appeared to be the same way. Then, as the process went on I grew to understand they were very busy and understaffed. I also learned I'd rather have a surgeon with excellent surgical skills than one with good communication skills. Not that Dr. Symmonds can not communicate, he does so with ease. It's just a no nonsence approach. The team does have a structured folow up plan after surgery. You return at 1,2,3,and 4 weeks post-op. And then monthly thereafter for up to a year I believe.


I have only seem Dr. Symmonds four times and I'm now 3 months post-op. I saw him twice pre-op. After surgery I was in the hospital for five days, but only saw him once and Paulette once. After surgery I see Paulette each month. The last time I saw Dr. Symmonds was when I went with a stomach virus and had dehydrated. I feel that he did a great job in surgery, but doubt if he would know my name or face. I was just a patient in the OR. No feeling of connection or personal contact.

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