Robert O'Rourke

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 22 ratings

Robert O'Rourke Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

6 yr Experience

6 yr in Bariatrics

6 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is none

22 Reviews for Robert O'Rourke
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Dr. O'Rourke handled everything concerned in a professional, caring manner. The entire staff at OHSU Digestive Health Center is specially commended and highly recommended by me, as they were all helpful and genuinely concerned not only pre-op, but during my hospital stay, and post-op as well. There is extensive emphasis on aftercare from both Dr. O'Rourke and staff, and a well structured program is in place. Pre-op, Dr. O'Rourke and staff covered all of the aspects of involved risk in a direct manner, with no skirting of any issues. Pain was minimal for a procedure of this scope. Overall, if I really have to rate Dr. O'Rourke and the OHSU staff, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give them a solid 9. I should point out that in order to get a 10 on my scale they would have had to disobey the laws of physics and performed magic not requiring a hospital stay. It went as well as it possibly could. rnrnI also wish to make special mention of Susan Fee, Nurse Practicioner, who went out of her way to help me on more than one occassion. Thank you , Susan.rnrnAs far as surgical competence versus bedside manner, look at it this way: If you take your car to a good mechanic that has no personality, your car gets fixed, and you don't have to deal with him anymore unless it breaks again. If you take your car to a bad mechanic with a good personality, the conversation may be enjoyable, but your car will continue to have problems. In Dr. O'Rourke's case, he is a good balance of competence and personality, and if I had to do this again, I would not hesitate to have him be the surgeon. rnrnThe only negative thing I have to say about my whole experience at OHSU is that the Physical Therapy staff was a little overbearing when they came to get me out of bed, but it was partially due to them not being accustomed to patients that recovered very quickly, which I did.

2 people found this helpful


The OHSU staff were absolutly amazing! I had gone to three other doctors before finding them and none of them were as efficient and caring as this place is! They are straight forward and let you know all your options and Dr. O'Rouke made sure I knew all my options, pros and cons, good and bad. I live 8 hours away and he helped me chose the best proceedure and made sure I was completly comfortable with the choice. He and his staff have been nothing but commited, kind, and understanding. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself and I do not regret this decision at all! I know we are supposed to say any negative, but I honestly do not have one.


I first seen DR Robert O'Rourke at the seminar. He seems very compentant, seemed to be very structured. I than meet with him for my surgery consult. I spoke with him and he outlined all the risks, and what I could expect. seemed to have a good bedside manner and I liked him, and think he will be very good.

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I had my pre-op appointment today. I met Dr. O'Rourke and his team. They were all wonderful. They were attentive and seemed to genuinely care about me and my health. It was apparent that they had read my records and were aware of my medical issues. They take this very seriously and made sure I knew all of the risk and outcome possibilities. I feel very confident in his surgical abilities. At this point I would give Dr. O'Rourke and his team a 10 of 10. I will update after surgery.

1 person found this helpful


I was very impressed with Dr O'Rourke from the first time I met him. He is extremely knowledge of the laproscopic RNY procedure. My pain level was never much over a three for me. I have healed quickly and have had no comlications so far. He and his staff are very thourough in care before, during and after surgery. I rate Dr O'Rourke among one of the most highly qualified medical professionals I have ever met.


Dr. O'Rourke is very nice and personable and I felt secure that he called me and talked to me personally before ever meeting with him.

1 person found this helpful


I've only met Dr. O'rourke once but was impressed by his thoroughness, knowledge, professionalism and kindness. He instantly put me at ease and made me feel very comfortable knowing I'd be taken care of.

1 person found this helpful


My first impression was great. I was late to my appointment (my bad) and he had no need to see me. I had met with one of his collegues and was able to answer/ask all of my questions I had. He went out of his way to meet my wife and I. He wanted to meet to see if there was anything he could do or if I had any questions. He was very professional and clear with the plans.

The staff called me and let me know I had missed my appointment and reschedule me for the same day. They were also great.

I was able to complete all of the required admittance paperwork on the same day as my appointment with the doctor. So, all I have to do is show up and get a room on the day of surgury.

Overall, I have not had a bad experience yet. One negative thing would be the parking at OSHU is not great for a larger vehicle. But, there is a lot of construction going on now. That could change in the future.

1 person found this helpful


Dr. O'Rourke is a serious no-nosense type of doctor. He takes as much time as is needed but definitely gets right to the point. I personally appreciated that kind of candor and efficiency. His staff and the others at OHSU were all very, very good. I always felt like I knew exactly what was going on and what to expect next.

Do not expect him to sit at your bedside and coax your feelings about the surgery or issues out. He is not that kind of doctor. He does not come across as uncaring, but if you do not actively steer the conversation, he will be very efficient and it will quickly end. (which, once again, I personally, found very refreshing.)


He was great
very friendly... sometimes mishandle insurance stuff though
very professional knowledgeable and caring
very much
talked with me many times about it
a 10
both are great

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