What exactly is a "Scope"?

on 4/23/11 12:14 pm
No the thing your thinking of is called a barium swallow test. But don't worry it's simple and quick and not everyone needs it
on 4/23/11 12:23 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Thanks Jen! I guess I'll just stop assuming things and just wait until I have the test to find out exactly what's planned for my procedure.

Tracey H.
on 4/23/11 11:46 am - Tecumseh, Canada
RNY on 05/30/12
 Hi Deb,

I'm worried about that as well. I don't know what the scope is for either, but it doesn't sound like a very easy and it sounds quite invasive.

I, also like to research everything before having it done - sometimes i research too much!

I really hope that I don't have to go for the Upper GI - I did go for one a few years ago, and had such a hard time. I kept gagging and not being able to drink the stuff that the tech wanted to give up. She then let me put a piece of gum in my mouth and I got the drink down that way.

on 4/23/11 11:58 am
Not all clinics require it.  They don't do it at HRRH If you newbies would post what doctor you have it would make it easier for people who know the answers to post what is directly related to you.
Sue in Courtice
My angel is Ashleighsmom 

on 4/23/11 12:11 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi there!

I'm assuming you're referring to who our doctor is at the bariatric centre, as I haven't been referred to a surgeon yet. In my case, my doctor is Dr. Cheung at the Windsor Bariatric Clinic.   Thanks!

laura S.
on 4/23/11 1:10 pm - London, Canada
People going through the Windsor clinic do not know who their doctor is until they end up at the clinic they ultimately will be having their surgery in.  I've now been going through Guelph since December 2nd and still don't know who my surgeon is.  It's not as straight forward as it sounds!
on 4/23/11 12:11 pm - St Thomas, Canada
A scope is not the same as an Upper GI where you swallow some barium and they take pictures on a tilting machine.
A "scope" is usually an Endoscopy where they numb the throat and put a camera down to see how things look like on the inside.


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on 4/23/11 12:26 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Thanks Linda! As far as I  know, I'm only having an Upper GI & that's it. I guess that if they see anything peculiar, that would be their next step. Guess I'll cross that bridge if I come to it (but I'd rather take a detour around it instead - lol). 

on 4/23/11 12:29 pm - Ottawa, Canada
I am waiting for a call to have a scope i am with the Ottawa WLC
January 14 2011- Orientation at WMC
July 4- Sugery

on 4/23/11 12:28 pm, edited 4/23/11 12:32 pm - Hamilton, Canada
Hi, Deb.

I've noticed that this is at least the 2nd post you'd have about your worries about the procedures (or possible procedures) everyone goes thru prior to surgery.  You really need to try to not worry so much.  All this will do is increase your anxiety level about the whole thing, and probably your blood pressure.  Many, many people have already been thru this, without incident, and come thru it fine.  Researching is great, it gives you a head's up when you finally get the procedure started ... but not if you're going to spend the next few months worrying and worrying about what may, or may not, happen.

But I can tell you that, from what I've read here, if you don't get your sleep apnea treated (under control with a CPAP or other form of help) you will not get the surgery.  Period.  Untreated apnea can cause problems during the surgical procedure.  Why would you be afraid of a sleep apnea test?  Honestly, it's the easiest test to do.  Sure, you're wired for sound, and it's not comfortable, but all you need to do is sleep.  If you need a CPAP machine, then you go back for another night so they can get the right settings for you .. and you're done.  The hospital/clinic orders this if your GP hasn't already - and if you haven't had it treated, then you will have to do it again.  And frankly, if my GP knew I had a medical issue that he/she wasn't treating, I'd be furious.  It's YOUR HEALTH, and untreated apnea is dangerous to it.

So, if you need to go back and get it done, then just do it.  I'd rather go through a hundred tests, necessary or not, to come out the other end the better for it.

As for the scope, it's a quick procedure that you sleep through.  The doctor puts a camera on a tube down your throat (that you DO NOT feel) and when you wake up, you leave.  I even stopped at Tim Horton's for a tea on the way home.

Please, please, please ... stop stressing yourself out over this.  You're doing yourself more harm than good.


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


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