Finally have my appt with the surgeon!(Long)

on 1/16/12 3:17 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi JJ! I have a chin strap here that I bought when I tried my last set of masks as they recommended it to keep my mouth closed. Unfortunately, it didn't work - even when I had it on, my mouth still found a way to open enough to mess things up, so that was not a workable solution for me, but I appreciate you suggesting it for me!

I think that a big part of my problem is that I feel as though I can't get enough air into me if I have to only breathe through my nose. I'll be okay for a minute or so, then I start gasping & I pull off the mask & start sucking in huge gulps of air through my mouth.

on 1/16/12 1:26 am
 I am a major mouth breather too, and I use nasal pillows (Opus 360). At the beginning, when my pressure was high (18) the fleshy soft palatte would seal at the back of my throat and would prevent air escaping through the mouth (though I had to wear teeth guards to help with the pressure of my tounge pressing against my teeth). Now that my pressure is lower (9) I have recently begun to experience mouth leaks, but the use of a chin strap keeps the mouth closed and the nasal pillows working.

It takes some experimentation to get right, but it is well worth the effort. Not being on a CPAP in time for surgery will handcuff your metabolic response, and hamper your ability to shed the weight. I don't know how much you have to lose, but I wouldn't have wanted to lose my golden window to that. 

If you can't (or are not willing to )work it out, I would recommend you talk to the dietician/surgeon about doing an extended Optifast duration (8-12 weeks) prior to surgery in an effort to get CPAP compliant before actually proceeding with surgery.
Starting BMI 69 w comorbidities | 55 of the weight lost above was pre-op.    
on 1/16/12 3:38 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi flyingwoman - thanks for your suggestion.  I have actually tried a few nasal pillow type devices from different manufacturers & we were not able to keep my mouth closed while using them, even with a chin strap.  I would much rather wear something so light & unobtrusive as the nasal pillows, but they simply didn't work for me.

I do realize how important this issue is and, believe me, it isn't a matter of not wanting to work it out - I have tried many, many masks of every type & listened to all of the suggestions of the respiratory technicians in an attempt to find a solution.

I will certainly ask Dr Jackson if he feels that a longer duration of Optifast would be beneficial to me in order to lose as much weight as I can prior to surgery. I'm currently down 25 lbs from my start weight and am really watching what I eat right now as I want to lose as much as I can before I meet with him next month. I'm already planning to  increase my exercise routine to take full advantage of that optimal time frame after surgery until my metabolism slows down. 

Toni B.
on 1/14/12 8:41 am - Sudbury, Ontario
RNY on 01/19/12
 Deb, so glad you finally got a date to meet the surgeon..hopefully he agrees that the weight loss is more important than the sleep apnea...Happy thoughts, that's what I'm holding onto for you...happy thoughts that you are going for surgery soon!

Toni..."Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it" Twitter:@fatgirlchanging
   Surgery JAN. 19th, 2012 Down 120 lbs & 75 inches @ my last Weigh in!!!!  
Fat Girl Changing her World

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on 1/14/12 12:16 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Ah, Toni - I will gladly take all those happy thoughts that you are holding onto for me - I'm a big, big believer in the power of positive thinking! Thanks for adding your voice to all of this wonderful support I've received!

on 1/14/12 9:09 am - Vaughan, Canada
 Congrats Deb! I know the feelling. Best of luck.

on 1/14/12 12:18 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi Alla! Thanks so much for the congratulations - I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to get my appointment with the surgeon! I will definitely take the good luck wishes you are sending my way & I appreciate the kind thoughts!

on 1/14/12 9:34 am
Hi Deb, so glad to hear you got the call.  I have been wondering ever since we talked.  Congrats on the appointment and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.  I have heard Dr. Jackson is really good and there is always hope.  Look how one surgeon would not listen to me at all, but on the day of my surgery, my surgeon Dr. Penner listened to me and gave me what I wanted.  I understand it was a totally different situation, but my point is never give up hope and be prepared to plead your case.

Take care and bye for now
My angels are Sharon D and Weathers_pc. 
on 1/14/12 12:21 pm - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Hi Dawn - what a coincidence, huh? Funny how we were just talking about the situation a few days ago.  Nah, I won't give up Dawn, even if I get turned down by the surgeons. If that happens, then I will start looking into alternatives.  Thanks for keeping those fingers crossed for me!

on 1/14/12 7:20 pm - Kinburn, Canada
VSG on 01/26/12
I really hope you are given the OK for surgery. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Best Wishes
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