Unexpected side effects of WLS

on 10/11/12 6:48 am - Collierville, TN
 Like most of us here I have been SMO for most of my adult life.  I married a guy who was a little overweight (I fixed that though and soon he was fat too) and started to raise our little boy who was "chubby".  I was not an overweight kid and I know how cruel kids are and really wanted my son to be not be tortured about his weight.  It had already started for him in the 4th grade.  So my decision to have WLS was not just for me. I wanted him to see a sucessful example of some one who could change thier life.  Funny thing is even 160lbs thinner, he still will not admit I was fat. LOL, he is such a momma boy. :-)  Anyway, before starting football this year I was fortunate enough to be able to put him with a personal trainer for a few months. He began to feel healthy and STRONG!!!  Football has seriously helped to.  He is about to be 13, stands 5'10" and weighs 199.  But now he has changed out chub for muscle.  He asks about calories in a healthy way and is learning if he is hungry (which is all the stinking time!) to eat real food not junk.  He also runs 5ks with me.  For each new personal best he gets a new game.  Yeah, its a bribe, but now it has gotten to where he has to work at it or he just has the pleasure of running with me.  Cool thing is, he likes our time running together.

Now for the super cool part.  My beloved hubs was over 300lbs.  Without any suggestion from me, he started working out and jus****ching what he eats.  He has recently lost 15 lbs!!!  Of course it is vaguely annoying that he lost 15lbs in 2 weeks on his own, but I love him anyway.  He has asked me about food choices and exercise.  I hooked him up with a trainer and he is going 2 times a week with her and 2 times a week on his own.  He is starting to enjoy it!!!  He threw down the gauntlet to the kiddo, telling him he would beat him in a 5K in December.  Now, he has always been very physically active, but not a runner or walker.  I am just so very proud of him and I just had to share it with somebody!!!  I am trying to be very low key with him.  No pushing or suggestions unless he asks.  He did mention the other day that he realized that my maintaininng my weight was "all me" and the choices I made in exercise and eating.  

I guess I never, ever, thought that I would be the catalyst that changed all of our lives.  I love my family and I want them around for a long time.  Thanks for letting me run on and on.... I love this forum and all of our success, failures and struggles.  


Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog- www.NPRunner.blogspot.com


on 10/11/12 11:24 am
VSG on 07/18/13
very cool!

I'm really hoping that as I improve my eating, cooking and exercise habits it will influence my DH too - he's diabetic and could stand to lose 25 (or more) pounds...

we keep totally separate shifts and rarely eat together, so I can only influence the leftovers in our fridge, but a girl can dream...
on 10/11/12 12:42 pm - Collierville, TN
We only get to eat together about 2 times a week since we work different shifts. So keep on dreaming!!!!!!

Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog- www.NPRunner.blogspot.com


on 10/11/12 11:47 am - Granada Hills, CA
 What an awesome success story!!  The best thing we can do for kids is set a good example. I am sooo thankful that I got to "see the light" before I have kids - there are so many things out there that I missed out on being overweight my whole life that im looking forward to raising a healthy family. 

I cant wait for some family 5K photos :)
on 10/11/12 12:41 pm - Collierville, TN
Thanks!!! Cool thing is they are running/ walking the 5k together and I am running the 1/2. It's for St Jude here in Memphis so it going to be an emotional day for us all since you get to meet the kids in treatment. AND it's my birthday !!

Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog- www.NPRunner.blogspot.com


on 10/11/12 3:52 pm - Granada Hills, CA
 What an even better BD present to you!!!

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 10/11/12 2:07 pm - Canada
VSG on 06/25/12
Wonderfull family, and you must be soooo proud to set such an exemple for them, espacially for your child!

Thanks for sharing!

Gastroscopy: May 26th 2012                   SW + HW 360
Labs: May 30th 2012                                Post opti   341.2
SD:  June 25th 2012                                Post op     338.6       


on 10/11/12 9:13 pm - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12

I am so happy the fam is following in your footsteps. I get home every night at 10:30p from swimming and for months my couch potato husband has met me at the door and been so loving and supportive. Last night while I was getting my bag ready to leave for the pool I met him at the door with his gym bag in hand. I asked him where he was going and he said the gym. I cried all the way to the pool I was so proud and happy for him. That night he got home 15 minutes later than I. Thanks God!





on 10/12/12 1:25 am - Collierville, TN
 Isn't it cool!!!!   We actually rode to the gym together the other day.  He asked me if I thought that would ever happen.  I think he expected me to say no....but I just told him I never had any negative expectations, but thought it was great we could share this!!!  Of course inside I was bouncing around with joy!!!  Hope your hubs keeps it up too!!!


Lots of 5K's, 10K's., 4 1/2 Marathons, 3 Sprint Triathlon done. 2 Olympics and my  First IRONMAN 70.3 September 2013 and First Full Marathon Dec 2013  !!!!!

My blog- www.NPRunner.blogspot.com


on 10/12/12 12:02 pm - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12
 I am so happy for you both. Sharon




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