LaraNicole’s Posts

on 7/29/05 5:18 am
Topic: RE: Hellooooo One derland!!!!
Cindy, that is wonderful. I am 27lbs behind you so please don't leave any messes because I plan on being there sooooooooooooooon!!!! LaraNicole
on 7/29/05 5:15 am
Topic: RE: Im so jealous.....
Hi Cari, what I did was jump start my weight loss by practicing eating small amounts and getting out and exercising. I put myself in the frame of mind that from the first Dr. visit I was going to lose weight. I have lost 53lbs since the first week of Feb and I had my surgery May 12th. It really helped me while I was waiting and I wasn't so jealous because I was already losing! Good Luck! LaraNicole
on 7/20/05 1:33 am
Topic: RE: my incisions are itchy...
Yes, just get neosporin or something like it, you will see a difference! LaraNicole
on 7/19/05 11:05 am
Topic: RE: protein + potato=PB-help
Potatoes regroup once they go down and cause me to get blocked. My first pb was a fry that I had chewed forever and it still got stuck. My Dr. wants me to try to eat everything, but I told him that potatoes won't work for me. LaraNicole
on 7/19/05 11:03 am
Topic: RE: my incisions are itchy...
use an antibiotic ointment on them it will keep it moist and help with the healing, that's what I did! LaraNicole
on 7/19/05 11:01 am
Topic: RE: How many ounces a day?????
Also, you will put your self into starvation mode and stop losing if you do no****ch your calorie intake. This happened to me for two weeks until I added in protein shakes and believe me they were probably 8-10oz each and packed with bananas and strawberries and yogurt oh and lots of protein powder. LaraNicole
on 6/28/05 3:57 am
Topic: RE: Gained 4 pounds over a few days
The exact same thing happened to me this week and at the same weight too. I have been so upset about it. Now, my clothes still fit the same so I don't know why I am so mad. I just want it off me NOW. At least it did not go over the 240. I think I would be buying a new window pane if it had, LOL. I think we are just dealing with this horrible Texas heat and retaining water something fierce. I am taking Taekwondo classes now so I will be sweating up a storm tonight...maybe the scale will be my friend again tomorrow. LaraNicole
on 6/24/05 12:27 am
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
Thank you so much for the advice. I have been drinking a lot of lemonade lately. I will got get some lemons and make my own this morning. Being in Texas, it is always a good time for lemonade anyway. I am still in a bit of pain, but doing much better. I will find out the IVP results today (I think). Thank you so much for your advice and prayers! LaraNicole
on 6/23/05 12:11 am
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
My Dr. said that is has gone to my kidneys, but I am feeling much better now. I just think it is also rediculous for my surgeon to say that there is no way it happened because of the surgery. Years ago I had a laporoscopy through my belly button. About a month later I had a huge abcess through the scar they made and it was horrible. My Dr. said oh nothing to worry about just a stich abcess and closed it back up. A week later it erupted again, but much worse and I went to the ER. They tested it and called me a few days later to tell me that it was strep. I had strep belly button, but this time they gave me antibiotics to clear whatever it was up before the tests came back. I should have sued because my Dr. just closed it back up. Oh well, idiots are everywhere. LaraNicole
on 6/23/05 12:05 am
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
Thank you so much and I'm glad that I am not the only person this has happened to, although I wish you had never had one. Ugh it is horrible! LaraNicole
on 6/23/05 12:04 am
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
I hope I don't have a stone, but I have heard that they can get rid of them pretty easily now. I just want all this to stop. Never had to deal with this before. My father is diabetic and he always has kidney problems, but this is a first for me. Thank you for your support! LaraNicole
on 6/23/05 12:01 am
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
My Dr. said that it has turned into a kidney infection. It started in the bladder and has gone to the kidneys. She just wants to rule anything out since I never had one before and now I have had two in a month which is why I am having the IVP. I was in so much pain I could barely walk or even talk, but now I feel so much better. Thanks! LaraNicole
on 6/22/05 11:58 pm
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
Yes, I did have a catheter for the surgery. Which is why I think it came from the surgery. Also, my Dr. did the urine test in her office. It was almost 80% blood so she said was that I had Hematuria and a really bad Kidney infection since I had a fever and I felt like I had been punched in my kidney. You could not even touch my back and I had trouble walking. She gave me the antibiotic and some pain pills. I will let you know the results of the IVP. LaraNicole
on 6/22/05 11:53 pm
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
I will, thank you and good luck on your fill! LaraNicole
on 6/22/05 11:52 pm
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
No, it is not honeymoon bladder. My Dr. said it was definitely a kidney infection and since I have never had them before she is concerned. LaraNicole
on 6/22/05 10:43 am
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
Thank you for the response. I have just been so worried as I has anything like this before. I do hope I don't have a kidney stone, but like you said the pain is gone so it probably isn't. Let me know when you come to RR, we can have lunch. LaraNicole
on 6/22/05 10:11 am
Topic: RE: Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection...
Need Help! This is my 2nd kidney infection since I was banded on May 12th. The first time I called my surgeon and was told that it was not caused by the surgery and his nurse told me to drink cranberry juice. OK, I did that and it cleared I thought. For the last two weeks I have been feeling very sluggish in the afternoon/evening and even feverish at times. I have been eating right and drinking plenty of water, but what happened yesterday was something I will never forget. I woke up and went potty. It was all blood and I was in the worst pain I can remember (accept labor). This went on from 8am until 10am. I called my Husband and told him that I could not even walk and had to see the Dr. I got an appt. for 11am. I went in and the first thing they asked me was "Did I have surgery recently," and of course I said yes. They think I got something from the hospital because this is really bad. I have to have an IVP tomorrow. That is when they shoot dye into you to take pictures. They put me on and antibiotic and the pain is now gone. I have not been able to eat due to Drs. orders since yesterday. I go in at 2pm tomorrow for the IVP. I can have clear liquids. Has this happened to anyone else? Have you heard of this? My surgeon is on vacation and I can not get a hold of his nurse (she is probably on vacation as well). I am just scared. LaraNicole
on 6/22/05 9:57 am
Topic: RE: Scared about getting a fill?
I just had my first fill and my surgeon asked if he could do it without the numbing medication because it is easier to find the port that way. He showed me the needles for the fluid and the numbing med and they were the same size so I said sure. It did not hurt that much at all. Also after he got the fluid going in he had me sit up and drink some water to tell if I was too restricted. I was at first and then he let some fluid out and I drank again and I was perfect. I got 1.2cc's. I have been so happy. I got the fill on the 16th and have already lost 3lbs. However, now I have another kidney infection this is my 2nd since surgery May 12th. Dunno what that is all about. Gonna post about it. Good Luck! LaraNicole
on 6/1/05 6:41 am
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I didn't know that if I PB then I should do liquids or mushies for a day or two. Maybe that is why I keep being so swollen. I have just kept exacerbating it. UGH, I am going to get a bunch of stuff to make shakes in a little while and I have a bunch of mushies and I will go back to that. Thank YOU!!! LaraNicole
on 6/1/05 6:20 am
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I had a shake for breakfast and mushies for lunch. I am going to the store in little while to get more stuff to make shakes with and going to take a step back from solids for a while. I think my Dr. is a little agressive with his approach. He had me one liquids for three days, muchies for three days and then solids. He wants everyone off and running I think, but I am too restricted right now. LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 11:14 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I did not get a yeast infection from the antibiotics in the hospital and come to think of it that is strange since I usually do get one. Anyway, I drank tons of water, tea and cranberry juice all day yesterday and I feel TONS better today and I finally saw some movement on the scale -2lbs. LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 11:11 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I am going out to buy a bunch of stuff to make shakes with today. My surgeon had told me to eat solid food and even to continue to eat chicken even if it gets stuck just keep trying and eventually I will get used to it. But things keep getting stuck so often. Anyway, I am going to do the shake thing for a while. Thanks! LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 11:08 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I am drinking a shake right now as we speak. It is the only kind I had at home so I am going out in a while to get stuff to make them as well as prepared ones. The one I have is Atkins and only 170 calories. Now, here is the funny thing...I drank tons of water and cranberry juice yesterday and I hadn't seen the scale move in a week and this morning -2lbs. Interesting. Anyway, I am definitely going to be doing the shake thing and not getting a fill if I am still restricted on the 16th. Thank you! LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 12:33 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I am calling my PCP tomorrow, I called my surgeon today to see if he would be concerned that is was from the surgery, but he said to call my PCP so I am tomorrow. I don't want to get really sick. I have never had one of these before and I hate it!!! Thanks for the support! LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 12:17 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
Thank you!!! I will be adding more protein shakes that's for sure! LaraNicole
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