LaraNicole’s Posts

on 5/31/05 12:16 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I have been drinking tea and cranberry juice all day for the kindey infection, TONS. I will not have a fill if I do not lose the restriction by the 16th. I know I could no handle that. I just want to start losing again and feel better soon. Thank you for the ideas! LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 12:13 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
I keep waiting for the restriction to go down, but it just has not subsided yet. I will definitely NOT get a fill if it doesn't subside before the 16th because I could not deal with less right now. I will be getting some protein drinks tomorrow, Thank you! LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 12:10 pm
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
Thank you! I will start having liquids only in the morning and go back to mushies. LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 11:37 am
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
you know I am such an idiot. I think that if I start making like really think protein shakes I could get more calories. I could do that for breakfast and lunch. Thank you!!! LaraNicole
on 5/31/05 11:28 am
Topic: RE: Need HELP!
OK, I had surgery on May 12th and I am eating solids. I saw my Doctor on May 26th and he said everything was fine accept I told him that I was very restricted and that I was having trouble eating solids. He told me not to worry about it and that the swelling would go down and then I would get a fill on June 16th. OK, since then I still can barely eat a 1/2 a cup of food at a time and when I add up the calories I am only getting 500-600 at a day. I know I have put my body into starvation mode, but I can not get out of it. I can not eat more if I do I PB and have many times now trying to eat more knowing that I am eating to little. I talked about this in my group and they didn't know what to do either. I have lost about 11lbs and now nothing in a week. My clothes are falling off of me though. I also now have a kidney infection and I have no idea why and I have never had one before. LaraNicole
on 5/28/05 6:35 am
Topic: RE: HELP ! PAIN ! GAS !
Try sipping through a straw there was a post last week that talked about people having much less gas pain when using a straw, this may help. Good Luck! LaraNicole
on 5/28/05 6:34 am
Topic: RE: Is it a sign of hunger?
LOL, the hiccups are such a funny thing, right after surgery I got them for no reason at all, NOW I get them when I am full. I get two hiccups in a row and I know I can not eat any more or I will PB so I stop. LOL, strange thing these hiccups are. Good Luck! LaraNicole
on 5/28/05 6:27 am
Topic: RE: Haven't found this question and would like feedback
I had a horrible problem. I took Imodium and it went away. Good Luck! LaraNicole
on 5/26/05 7:33 am
Topic: RE: Norvasc 5mg or Lexapro 20 mg anyone?
I crushed my Lexapro after surgery and it really screwed me up. So once I could take it whole I felt much better. They are pretty small. You can get liquid Lexapro for a month too. LaraNicole
on 5/25/05 12:19 am
Topic: RE: The ACTUAL Surgery
I have five incisions. There are four across my belly . The one directly in the middle is the longest one and is 2 inches long the rest are about a 1/2 inch long. There is one other incision 2in directly above the middle one. I had surgery on 5/12 and they are all healed now and I have no pain at all. I never really had pain. I stayed one night in the hospital and left at 11am the next morning. I did not take pain meds after I left the hospital. I did have to call my surgeon for anti-nausea meds because I got very sick from the anesthesia and was dry heaving for 3 days. I also had diarrhea for three days after surgery. I lost 10lbs immediately. LaraNicole
on 5/23/05 2:50 am
Topic: RE: Need help after surgery!
I will definitely talk to my surgeon. I have an appt on Thursday. How long were you on liquids? LaraNicole
on 5/23/05 12:38 am
Topic: RE: Need help after surgery!
Well, I feel a little better after reading these replys. I had just heard about people losing 20lbs in the first month before it went down to 1-2 a week. My head has just gotten screwed up since surgery and I need to just be patient. I just want to be healthy. I am so sick of being fat. Thank you! LaraNicole
on 5/23/05 12:17 am
Topic: RE: Need help after surgery!
My Dr's nutritionist said liquid for 3 days and then mushy's for 3 days and then solids. I have been eating solids already. Everything goes down well accept meat even when I chew a lot. It is just that I wanted this to go so smoothly and it is just not what I thought it would be. I can't get my head back to where it was before surgery. I was doing so well a week ago. When did you start exercising? LaraNicole
on 5/22/05 11:58 pm
Topic: RE: Need help after surgery!
My Dr's nutritionist said liquid for 3 days and then mushy's for 3 days and then solids. I have been eating solids already. Everything goes down well accept meat even when I chew a lot. I just don't want to stop losing weight. LaraNicole
on 5/22/05 11:45 pm
Topic: RE: Need help after surgery!
I had the surgery last Thursday. I was very sick for the first three days and could barely even drink water. Now I can eat everything. I had lost 35lbs before the surgery and thought that I would have no problems after surgery continuing to lose BUT no! I don't drink before, during or after meals and I eat 1/2 cup of food at each meal. The problem is that I wake up at 6:30 and go to bed at 10pm. I am eating more than three meals. I need to eat every 3 hours almost like clock work. I am also not losing since I had the surgery. I feel so upset. I did everything right before surgery. Now, I feel like a failure. I did better before the surgery. I don't know what is wrong. I go in on Thursday to see my surgeon. I do not want to just rely on my fills, but if I am still hungery I have to eat or I get sick. I am going to start exercising this week because I am in no pain now. I hope the exercise will help. Also, I have been drinking tons more water than I used too. Any suggestions will help! LaraNicole
on 5/16/05 5:04 am
Topic: RE: Back from Surgery, feeling better NOW!
I will, I feel much better today! LaraNicole
on 5/16/05 5:03 am
Topic: RE: Back from Surgery, feeling better NOW!
I thought that the whole surgical team and preop was wonderful after that they were horrible. Oh well, I am back home and getting healthy! LaraNicole
on 5/16/05 12:48 am
Topic: RE: Back from Surgery, feeling better NOW!
I had my surgery on Thursday. When I got to the hospital I found out that I was spending the night (news to me, but ok since we only live 20 minutes away). It went according to clock work and I mean according to clock wor****il after the surgery. I woke up in recovery at 5pm. My surgery was at 12:30. I said was everything ok? Sure, we just don't have a room for you so you have been here for hours. I said has my husband seen me? NO. Did you at least tell him I was ok? Well, I am sure someone did. I asked them to find my husband and they couldn't so finally I said can I see your cell phone. I called him and he was somewhere in the hospital, but the surgeon had told him at 1:30 I was fine and everything went perfect. Finally at 6 I got into a room just in time for my husband to leave to go home to get the kids fed and ready for bed (remember we did not know I was spending the night). I went home on Friday afternoon after some nurse blunders...they lost my surgeons release forms for me to leave. I got ready and told them ok I am leaving the surgeon said I could and they said no you can't. LOL, they had to call him and find the forms he was not happy with them at all. When I got home I went to bed, I didn't know I wasn't going to get up again until Sunday evening. I got so sick. I was nauseated and had diarrhea constantly. Finally I called my surgeon and got a prescription and NOW I am feeling much better. I can not wait until I get into the groove of things. I want to thak everyone on this site for all their care and support! LaraNicole
on 5/3/05 8:43 am
Topic: RE: Getting Scared Surgery 5/12
I have been trying to be positive and I guess it just all hit me at once dunno why. I pray all day long. I just want this to all work out well. Thank you for the support! LaraNicole
on 5/3/05 8:40 am
Topic: RE: Getting Scared Surgery 5/12
I will let everyone know how I am doing when i get home. I am just soooo nervous. I am sure once I am home everything will be just fine. Thank you! LaraNicole
on 5/3/05 8:38 am
Topic: RE: Getting Scared Surgery 5/12
ok, you will hear from me after the 12th only if I hear from after the 11th, deal? Is yours out patient? Mine is at 12:30 I should be home by 4 if there are no complications. I had better be home by 4pm. I will post and go to bed. Good Luck on the 11th and I will be praying for you! LaraNicole
on 5/3/05 5:38 am
Topic: RE: Getting Scared Surgery 5/12
I keep hearing that there are no major complications or deaths, but what if I am the ONE. I have three kids. I just need to calm done and think about why I started all of this in the first place. Thanks for the support! LaraNicole
on 5/3/05 5:36 am
Topic: RE: Getting Scared Surgery 5/12
Thanks! I have nerve calming stuff already, just never take them...I might though if I keep feeling this way. LaraNicole
on 5/3/05 2:21 am
Topic: RE: Getting Scared Surgery 5/12
Barb, congrats on the 20th! We can support each other. I will write when I get home the computer is right next to the bed. Good Luck! LaraNicole
on 5/3/05 2:17 am
Topic: RE: Getting Scared Surgery 5/12
thank you so much! I have been praying tons. I just want/need this surgery so badly and I really am greatful that I get to have it, I am just scared. Thank you for the support! LaraNicole
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