Tomorrow is a NEW day!!!

Oct 13, 2011

It simply has to be....because when you hit rock bottom there is truly no where to go but up right!?!?!?!?!?  I am completly frustrated with myself today.  Today is my 2 year anniversary at my job so they ordered in lunch.  1/2 salad and 1/2 sandwiches from Panera.  I had planned on having soup today for lunch.  But when the salads got here I had probably 1/4 of my coworkers salad.  Then about an hour later I decided to eat another 1/2 a salad (they were portioned out in 1/2 size servings).  Then about 2 hours later I ate the roast beef and cheddar cheese off the sandwich and threw away all the bread.  Might not sound like much....but it really is considering I shouldn't be eating like that.  While the thought of stretching my pouch is SO very real I truly think I have a food addiction.  If it is there I want to eat it.  I sit at my desk, and the afternoons are even worse, and I think about food.  It is crazy.  Maybe when I finally get health insurance I will do see a therapist because this is clearly an addiction.
really want to work on getting this food thing under control.  With the intense bloating that I have had going on, over eating is CLEARLY not going to be a help.  I would really like to remove meat products from my diet all together.  But that is going to take willpower.  Just like turning down the 1/2 salad, or simply not eating the roast beef and cheese off the sandwich takes willpower which I clearly do not have.  My stomach has literally been upset all day long.  So there is no real reason for me eating as much as I did.  So tomorrow IS a new day.  And if I can't promise anyone else anything I am going to promise myself that I WILL NOT overeat and I am going to literally watch everything I eat and write down what causes the bloating and what doesn't.  Today....everything has caused it.  From the egg I had for breakfast, to the cottage cheese snack, to the lettuce, to the roast beef.  I emailed my NUT so hopefully she will get back with me.  I also called the surgeon....but they NEVER get back with me so I don't see getting a call back from them.  
Tomorrow I am going to try something a little different.  Super small portions and tons of water.  From my reading water is suppose to help with bloating.  I also read that bloating can be a sign of dumping....but is it possible to dump from something I ate last week and was fine?  I have been eating cottage cheese since the very beginning and never had an issue.  I haven't ever had an issue with hot tea either but today even that caused my tummy to stick out a little further.  I do that pregnancy wobble when I try to walk it is that uncomfortable.
I promise myself right now TODAY 10/13/2011 at 4:41PM (it should be 5:30 by the way) that I WILL NOT allow myself to feel this way for even one more second.  If it IS because I am eating the wrong things or too much that IS something I have complete control over so there is NO excuse to be miserable.  Going to take a long walk tonight, and eat very light if I eat anything at all.  And tomorrow I will start over!!!!  Can't break a promise to myself right!!!  Why would anyone else keep their word to me if I can't even keep my word to myself!!


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Oct 01, 2010
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