Some thought off the cuff after four months!

Feb 12, 2010

I have had three great months but I noticed some things that have changed and I would like to write them down before I forget. Massive weight loss, 90 lbs in almost four months is great but getting older is still by the minute. Anyway a few obvious observations...... I am now into XL clothing and the old 3x-4x clothing I have no longer fits as it just hangs weird on my new frame. One great thing is I no longer have to stretch out a shirt to put it on and make it feel loose. I can just slip it on and it fits naturally. My pants when I bend over no longer show my ass, which I hate and I can actually squat down with ease. My shoes no longer are tight as my foot is thinner. My heels had problems with cracks from carrying all that weight but now no more cracks. I had to change my sleep number twice now as I shrink I have to put more air in to feel comfortable. My John Henry works again. Without pills! And I can see it again. A great thing indeed! I no longer have man boobs but alot of loose skin under my biceps and belly! I don't think it will ever tighten up their was just too much weight for too long. The drivers seat in the Suzuki I have had to raise the seat back and can now put on the seat belt with ease. I can walk for miles with no leg pain or back stiffness. But I do get colder faster and easier. I used to sweat in the middle of winter before but now I am freezing. My wife said that is a good thing! Women are totally attracted to me at work with alot of flirting and hugs. I love it! Feels great to to get hugs and the arms go around to meet in the middle of my back. That never happened before. I can wrap my wrist with my other hand so that my thumb and forefinger touch. I go number 2 less and wipe less therefore no more hemmoroids from doing too much of both before, and toilet paper use has gone down dramatically. My bowels are also clear because when I eat beans now within half an hour I can feel the rumblings. I no longer feels my bowels in turmoil like I used too from eating so much so often. I have had to adjust all my ball caps from my head shrinking. My neck is no longer wider than my head. I can't wait for warmer weather and getting out on my bike. Last time I rode I weighed four hundred pounds. I am going to start lifting weights as now I think I can really make a difference in my body and health, a huge change from before when I didn't seem to care. I didn't think I could get here but surgery was the best option for me. No regrets. People ask me about missing certain foods and I tell them it is a price I am willing to pay! I went to the store and the checker, a young lady, said " Wow, you sure eat healthy!" Cracked me up and it was the second time that has happened. No one would have ever said that before! I laughed out loud and she asked why and I told her about the surgery and she got the irony of it. I have already grown accustomed to eating half a cup a meal. Seems like so little but when eaten slowly and chewed slowly, with a baby spoon, seems to be quite filling. Eating every three hours is a good thing too, as the time goes by fast and next thing you know it is time to eat again. I find it a fulfilling way to eat. Better than cramming it down my throat to fill up my stomach to the point of total uncomfort. Was told the other day by a friend that I even walk different now and it feels like it too! I love eating a mostly protein diet as I love meat, beans, eggs and I have found out about Greek Yogurt. Very tasty yogurt and put in a quarter cup of egg white protein and an 1/8th cup of fruit, it is delicious like a custard in a way. Great high protein breakfast food first thing in the day! By the way egg white protein is the best protein for me. I love the taste and texture better than soy or whey protein. Mixes in food better. I figure we are spending three hundred dollars less a month at the grocery store. Unreal that I was eating that much extra food. The savings is like working some overtime every week. Was afraid of taking fish oil pills as I have gotten fills but discovered orange flavored fish oil in a bottle. Not a bad taste and easy to take with a teaspoon. It is funny and pleasing to see peoples reactions when they haven't seen me in awhile! Even just a couple of weeks makes a difference. Love to eat a protein bar every few days. Almost like eating a candy bar but the right bar and you get great protein in a 10/1 calories to protein ratio. I love Balance bars or Pure Protein bars, 15 - 20  grams protein and great flavors. I can now wear my cell phone on my waist and an MP3 player on the other and sit down in a chair with arms on it and be able to fit with room. Used to have a pad of fat on my neck and upper shoulders that I could use as a headrest sitting in office chairs. Can't do that anymore! I can sleep 6-7 hours and wake up refreshed not all tired from sleep apnea which for me is gone, I don't even snore anymore. A more sound sleep now! Playing sports again is a real possibility this summer. Funny how no I can feel full after a half a cup of food and notice it feeling a bit pleasant as before I would eat until gorged and in extreme discomfort alot of the time. I am really noticing, my wife too, of how many obese people there really are anymore. Just look around at the store it is amazing and sad!


About Me
Thornton, CO
Surgery Date
Oct 09, 2009
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