Week 3 Post-op- 2.2 pounds lost this week, 20.7 total

Jun 16, 2010

 I'm not happy with 2.2 pounds, but I really can't complain. Hopefully I'll start feeling up to doing more strenuous and more activity. I have also heard that weeks 2-4 can be a lag area. Nothing really new this week... had my 2-week consultation with the nutritionist at Dr. Stewart's office via phone. Glad to be able to start eating more! Oh and I'm almost out of the 240s!!!!! yay! DONE with the 260s... DONE with the 250s... almost DONE with the 240s... FOREVER!! 

Pre Op weight: 261.5 lbs
Week 1 losses: 14 lbs
Week 2 losses: 4.5 lbs
Week 3 losses: 2.2 lbs
Total losses: 20.7 lbs
Current weight: 240.8 lbs!


Week 2 post op- 4.5 lbs lost this week, 18.5 total

Jun 09, 2010

Pre Op weight: 261.5 lbs
Week 1 losses: 14 lbs
Week 2 losses: 4.5 lbs
Total losses: 18.5 lbs
Current weight: 243.0 lbs!

I lost a lot my first week-- 15 lbs in the first 8 days. The few days after that I maintained and even gained ~.5 lbs. I am almost sure I was regaining fluids and some of my week 1 losses had been "water weight". I was upset when I didn't lose from Thursday- Sunday but finished off the week -4.5 by losing 3.5 since Monday. 

Excited and a little sun burnt from laying out yesterday..

***32*** pounds down from my highest weight
***20*** pounds down from my consultation weight
***18.5*** pounds down from my pre surgery weight


6 days post op-15 pounds down.

Jun 01, 2010

 Well, everything since surgery has been a crazy ride. Let me begin to dive into this past week.

Monday afternoon my mom, dad, sister, and I arrived at my eldest sister's house in McKinney, Texas. My parents took all 3 daughters and my niece to a nice steak dinner (nothin' like steak in Texas!). The next morning we woke up bright and early for the 45 minute drive to Denton for our 8 AM pre-op consultation. We made extra time for what we thought would be the "last supper". Not really knowing much of the area went to Cracker Barrel for a light (compared to the dinner the night before) breakfast. I had 2 scrambled eggs and 2 biscuits. We headed to our consultation which ended up being about a 5-hour affair. Once again, we waited on Dr. Stewart for A LONG TIME! Our first consultation we had to wait 1 1/2 hours past our appointment time, this time it was about 45 minutes--VERY frustrating! We then headed to lunch around 1 (we weren't supposed to eat after noon but the nurse whispered to us that we would be fine any time before 3). We found a Pei Wei near the office and indulged for one last time. After lunch we drove to North Texas Hospital for pre-registration, blood work, and a chest x-ray. We also had to find a pharmacy to fill out Emend, a pill that Dr. Stewart wanted us to take an hour before surgery to help with nausea ($50 per pill!!!). We finally left Denton around 3, exhausted. The rest of the day was a no-eating blur.

Wednesday the 26th was the big day. My sister was scheduled for surgery at 11:30 and me at 1:30. The surgery went well, I suppose. I woke up in the recovery room screaming. Being an asthmatic, I HATE having an oxygen mask. Any irregular amount of oxygen makes me begin to hyperventilate. I started screaming and telling the respiratory doctor I was drowning, that I was an asthmatic, and that I couldn't breathe. I think she wasn't very fond of me. The absolute WORST part about surgery was waking up with the SOREST throat imaginable. I was in a lot of pain for quite a while afterward, still feeling like I was suffocating with oxygen. Finally around 10 or so I was able to get up for the first time, use the restroom and take a walk around the ward with the night nurse. I kept feeling better into the next day. 

My grandfather was admitted to the ER early on Thursday morning in Oklahoma City so we checked out of the hospital early before 11. We headed on the 4 hour trip back home having no pain medication since early that morning. As we drove, i got sicker and sicker. My nausea was so horrible I didn't feel up to seeing my grandfather in the hospital. I headed home and passed out after my mom forced a Loretab down my throat. I was so nauseated, I refused to drink water, have a mint, or take medicine. Finally Friday my mom filled another Emend prescription and liquid Loretab. I still felt horrible and nauseated, I fell asleep with only the Loretab on my stomach..bad idea! 

Saturday my grandfather started to decline rapidly and I felt well enough to visit him at the hospital in the morning. We came back home and I slept until noon when we got the call that Dr.s had bad news about my grandfather. We learned he had less than two weeks to live. Talk about stress! Still feeling weak, my sister and I headed 4 blocks up the road to my grandparents house, as my grandfather had elected to leave the hospital to be at home in the care of hospice. My sister and I got to spend the rest of the night with family and my grandfather. We kissed him goodnight around 10 PM. At 3 AM we got the call from my aunt that he had passed. Both my sister and I were extraordinarily close to our grandfather and the news was very sudden and devastating to the entire family. 

The past few days since then we have been a lot more active than we should have been and have gotten far less sleep than recommended. I think the extra stress and activity has probably increased my weight loss. I am just now getting enough water and eating enough. As of yesterday, I had lost 15 pounds! However, that is still in the back of my mind. I know my grandfather would have loved to see me and my sister skinny. He knew how much being overweight affected our social lives and our lives in general. I am sure he is thrilled right now to see my 1-week success.

I will try to remember to take a 1-wk post-op photo tomorrow!

God Bless
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Two weeks from surgery!

May 12, 2010

Having a severe case of the pre-surgery butterflies. I'm not really nervous (i'm sure that will come later) but I feel like I can't think and talk about anything else except surgery. It is particularly bad because I'm out of school (in between spring and summer semesters), at home, and it has been cloudy and raining practically all day every day. I am also stuck in the house all day with my sister, who has the same surgery date. 

I got a chance to get of the house and get some exercise yesterday and played lacrosse for about an hour with a friend. It's an excellent sport requiring some strenuous use of upper, back, and stomach body strength. About a week ago we played catch and I had a cramp in my trapezius muscle. No cramp yesterday, just a few bug bites and a lot of soreness this morning! Lacrosse also requires a lot of running/walking/jogging, as you will find out fairly soon. Every time you don't catch a ball in your net you will be amazed by how far that little rubber ball can bounce. This is a sport I highly suggest for anyone looking for a full-body workout. 

Good of the order: Grades came in today! I got a 4.0! I feel like for the first time in my college career I am doing what I love and I am trying hard in my courses! I was thrilled. Snaps to @Brownblonde for also getting a 4.0 :)

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VSG date set!

May 06, 2010

 My sister and I are all ready for May 26th! 20 days and counting...

Interests and things you should know about me

May 04, 2010

I love LOVE college football. I have since I was about 10. I love traveling and ethnic experiences. I have a lot of friends who are African, French-speaking, exchange students. I love studying languages, well at least French. I love being with my twin, even though we are kind of opposite. I enjoy new experiences and change. I love the warmth and support of my family! Two of my closest friends are my grandmother and grandfather. I love hearing their stories and cherishing my time with them. Of course I love holding my baby niece!! She is adorable. My sorority has a dear place in my heart. It was my channel to becoming the confident, self-sufficient woman I am today..."To be womanly always and discouraged never." ♥ I like school, and I think I have really found a major that I truly enjoy. I do love to learn, something that is lacking in most classrooms. I LOVE the change of seasons, welcoming in each autumn with "When Harry Met Sally" and "You've Got Mail"--thinking about bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils. I celebrate winter by brining out heavy coats, leather gloves, and snow boots. Don't forget the Dean Martin Christmas CD! Spring is my least favorite season but I do occasionally get to wear my rain(bow) boots. I like to drive around Oklahoma City where the Bradford Pears and Redbud trees bloom in back-to-back weeks. I thank Summer for its break by laying out in its sun and trying to spend as much time outdoors as possible before the heat breaks the thermometer. 

My Story!

May 03, 2010

 Ok, so I've been on this site for a while, ever since my lovely older sister/soul mate/twin (brownblonde) informed me of all the wonderful feedback she was reading on here concerning WLS. At the time I was opposed to WLS for myself, but wanted to support her. I made an account. Less than a month away from surgery and I'm finally doing more than uploading pictures on here. I'd like to share my story with you. 
I am the youngest of 3 daughters, one of whom is naturally slim (not just normal..or even skinny..she is movie-star/size 0-2/rib-cage skinny), and one of whom is naturally heavy. While I was always heavier growing up, I didn't really belong in either of my sisters' categories. I ate a lot of stuff I shouldn't, but was also pretty athletic: volleyball, basketball, running around with friends. I was healthy (and fast!) but always fat. 
In middle school I was active but was a tight junior size 13, regular size 14. High school is kind of a blur. I quit all my sports and became more or less inactive. My size fluctuated from that size 14 all the way to a size 18 (senior year). There were diets along the way, but nothing stuck well for more than 8 weeks: I did a protein sparing modified shake diet my sophomore year of HS and was able to get down from 245 lbs to 213. I was so excited to be leaving the 200s that of course I celebrated by quitting my diet (--beat head here--)
I entered my freshman year of college on a good note--the summer before I had lost a good 15 or 20 lbs and was around 250. My first month of school I continued to drop weight regardless of what I ate. I was walking 2 or more miles a day across a huge campus. As the semester went along, I hated living away from home so decided to make the near-hour drive (one way!). That's when my food habits turned course for the worse. I began to pick up fast food at least 5 times a week (breakfast or lunch). I walked less and less as it got colder and colder. I hadn't felt the full effects of my new habits yet, thankfully.
I moved home that next semester to commute 30 minutes (one-way) to a different, smaller school. This is when I balloon. My habits finally caught up with me and I expanded from 250 to 275. It happened very quickly, and I could tell in my face and all over my body. I would work out once every blue moon, but didn't enjoy my life or the decisions I was making in it.
Finally, this last fall, I made a big change in my life. I decided to transfer, once again, to another school. This time, two hours away (one-way)! I would be forced to live there, and only come home on weekend. I would be forced to grow up, to take responsibility for myself, and to attend class and school events regularly. I decided to go through sorority rush as a sophomore. It was most definitely the best decision I have ever made. It has truly changed me as a person. I know now that being thin is not the key to happiness OR being accepted. My sorority has taught me that.

So who am I now? I'm *THAT* fat girl. The pretty, overconfident, "she-would-be-drop-dead-gorgeous-if-she-were-thin" fat girl. Yes I think I am pretty, but I now find that I use confidence as a defense mechanism. It's like if I let everyone else know that I think I'm the hottest thing walking, they might think I don't care what THEY think about me. 

But let's be honest, I am one of the hottest things walking  (just kidding...?)

About Me
Oklahoma City, OK
Surgery Date
Feb 26, 2010
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