And The Testing Continues...

Jan 12, 2009


I am getting very anxious about my surgery. I am just sooo excited, I am so close but yet I feel so far away. I had my nutrition appointment on Saturday she said I was the best patient that she has ever met with lol. She said I am going to do amazing with this surgery; those kind words from her went along way with me. :) Ugh I just want to have the surgery already lol...Already I have met some amazing people on and A couple of the people are having the surgery done with Dr. Roye himself and we are going through our tests at the same time, I found that pretty cool. Well I love the support system here, its so amazing and encouraging! I have my UpperGI test, EKG and Chest X-Ray scheduled for Friday at 10:45am. I sooo hope I have this surgery by March. I am ready for this surgery I know its a huge decision but I am ready to make the changes, I’m looking forward to meeting the person underneath. I just pray it comes soon. Ill write more after my tests on Friday.


Little bit of info

Jan 12, 2009


I watched an actual Lap Band surgery being performed today. It was amazing! I am even more excited now. I know I wont be having my surgery until probably March though. That kind of makes me sad because I am wayyy to excited to have it done now, that I want it this minute just because I am looking forward to starting my new life. I can’t believe how long some people have to wait for this surgery. People wait years to have it done, I researched the Lap Band for 2 years before making my final decision, I wanted to make sure it was the right procedure for me, which no doubt in my mind it is. It has taken 4 months to get my testing package. The only hold up was that Dr. Roye's office did not submit my paper work for 3 months then once they submitted the paper work I was approved within a week. So this journey for me really started on the 17th of September, 2008. I am soooo excited!!!


The start of my LapBand Journey!!

Jan 12, 2009


Well today I had my first PreOp test, I had the Psych Evaluation. I had to sit and talk with a woman from 8:30am - 10:45am <---- They ask you every question imaginable and if they find you in the least bit depressed or disturbed you wont pass. After that I went home and worked for an hour, then ran some errands to pass the time. At 3:15pm I had to go back to the doctors office and met with Dr. Zimmerman. He talked to me and made me explain my knowledge of the surgery. He then announced that he see's no reason as to why I wouldn’t be able to have the surgery. So I PASSED!! I have a couple more appointments, so we shall see how those go then hopefully I will be able to have the surgery soon!!

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Surgery Date
Jan 09, 2009
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