10 weeks

Apr 18, 2007

Today I am 232.6lbs. Recently I am loosing pretty fast but feeling pretty tired. I called the Nutrionist and she suggests keeping a food diary again to make sure I am getting everything I need.  
I already determined that yesterday I did not drink enough fluid. I think I am all right with the vitamins as I am right on track for those. I have slacked off on the protein shakes so I have started trying the protein bars for breakfast and that works well for me. It also gets me a 15-20 gr protein boost.
I am trying to get back on the walking again although it has rained for about 5 days straight. That seems to be my themeon many updates- Get my ass moving. 
I am starting to see a change in the photos that I still don't see on my body so the photos are priceless right now.
pre-op/op day/today/goal

9 week update

Apr 11, 2007

So down to 238.8lbs today.
That is 50 lbs exactly from surgery date until today and a total of 68 since start.Amazing.
The only thing is I just don't feel it. I mean I thought I would be in smaller clothes by now. I need to go shopping and try on clothes. Most of what I have hangs off especially shirts - My bra straps are hanging out all the time. I find I am still holding a lot of stomach weight. My pants may be sagging in the butt but the waist is still tight or fitting normally.
Well bitch, bitch, bitch.......I should be proud 238lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update long overdue-

Apr 01, 2007

I am writing a little something to catch up.
Most important is the weight an even 245.lbs!!! WOOHOO!!
I have been walking again the last 3 days. 3 miles the first 2 then an unmeasured walk on the bike path with my daughter on her bike then we ran around the playground for a while. It was some decent movement and fun with her.
I am feeling OK- I had some food issues last week where I wanted to eat some stuff and did. Nothing horrible but I felt like my bladder wasn't working properly so I tried some cranberry juice(light even) and boy did that suck. So no more of that.
Anyway trucking right along and happy with the progress. More to come soon.

6 week mark

Mar 21, 2007

So here I am at 6 weeks and feeling great. I was just telling someone yesterday that I don't even feel like I had the surgery. It has been great. I have no big milestones to report. I have been attempting to break my daughter of an overnight bottle so not much sleep and that has made me pretty tired. I have blown off exercise this week too but hope to get a good nap on my day off tomorrow and plan on walking my but off at the Boston Flower Show on Friday.The weather around here is finally supposed to get out of the arctic so I want to break in my new pink sneakers.
This week I plan on breaking 250lbs and that is a huge thing for me. I have printed my pictures off this website to look and compare because I am just starting to feel different and I want to see it .
Anyway to mark some stats - I was wearing 26/28 and am in a 22 now.
I have had 2 size 20's on but not too comfortable with my muffin top hanging out so they are back in the closet until another try next week.
I was actually called "Hey skinny" by someone at work today and I have to admit that was pretty nice.
So I guess I did have a few highlights although I didn't think so.
I am glad to have a place to write and think about my improvements as a way of cementing them into the feel world and not just in my imagination anymore.

Thoughts on food and my progress

Mar 16, 2007

So far  I have found myself wanting things that I know I shouldn't eat. I have also eaten things I shouldn't. I  am trying to follow the fluid guidelines and the protein amounts pretty well but I have eaten chicken
not pureed and I have had a slice of pizza. No ill effects either. I am not sure this is a good thing. I do have to say I am still completely sugar free as I am too afraid to go there and not sure I will be able to come back from the sugar abyss. I also don't want to go thru the sugar barfy feeling that people has told me about.
I am still pretty consistent with the weight loss so I guess I will keep trudging along.
I want this in writing but I have to make a better effort to exercise. I am thinking about going the gym but I need to make that an action not a thought. I want muscles!!!



4 weeks from surgery

Mar 07, 2007

Well I feel good and that is all that matters for me right now. I went to the doctor and their scale shows me at 262.5 so not in the 250 block but that was OK too. I keep track by my scale because that is the one that  I get on each week(or day sometimes).
One a better note I walked a little over 3 miles today and it was cold here ( about 23 without the wind ) I don't think I am ready for that everyday but I figure I may try it a couple times a week.
I will try to update my photos tomorrow.
Good luck to all- Happy Loosing!!

I made it to the 250 block!!!

Mar 06, 2007

I am 1 day before my 4 week anniversary but I had to write -
I have finally made it below 260-Although I am only 259.3 I don't care. I am sooo excited to be in the 50's I want to tell the world. I can't remember being this weight in the last 6-7 yrs at least.
I was asked today if I feel any better. The funny thing is I don't feel any different except that I only have about 2 -3 pairs of pants that fit right.(Not that I am complaining)
Well hopefully this 10lb block will go by fast.

3 weeks since surgery

Feb 28, 2007

So I am officially 3 weeks out and down 25lbs - I can't believe it!
I unfortunately have caught my husbands stomach flu. I am worried about dehydration so I think I may call the doctor tomorrow.
Otherwise I have been feeling pretty good. I have been walking the last 3 days 1.3 miles. Not today due to some leg pain in the back of my thighs.
So down I go.

1st day back at work

Feb 26, 2007

So I have survived my first night back at work. I am glad to be back.
I have been trying to commit to a regular walking plan. I have gotten in 1.3 miles the past 2 days-today in the snow. It made for a little harder work out.
The weight is coming off slowly but the clothes really show it more than anything. I
I have been eating soft food for about 5 days and survived 3 birthday parties full of food and cake this weekend. Every little step makes me feel stronger.
6 weeks of the soft diet left.
I am on the scale everyday and I need to get some help with that. I am thinking of asking the family to hide it and only bring it out 1 time a week but I can't even get the nerve to ask. I need the reassurance that this is really working and the weight is coming off.
I will try to update weight on Wednesday.

Getting into the swing of things.

Feb 12, 2007

So far no major problems besdies pushing myself to do more than I should. 
I have re-found a friend I have know for years and she had surgery 6 months ago. She invited my over to rummage thru her closet as she is downsizing again. Connection really help. I have for the most part been in lounging clothes as the incisions don't like to be bothered so I am not sure how my clothes are fitting yet. 
Also I am feeling hungry and I didn't expect that. It has been work to get in more protein to keep myself satisfied. Only 10 more days of only liquid and I can get some food in here.
I have my first post-op doctor appointment so I can see what the scale says. I have not been walking as I am tired enough just taking care of the kids.
I figured I would give myself this week to recoop and then move on to some more planned exercise again.
Thanks for everyones thoughts and prayers. 

About Me
E Falmouth, MA
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
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