
Mar 08, 2007

9-17-04 .. I am an update/data junkie .. can you tell? I don't know anyone else so obsessed with the minutiae (sp?) of their weight loss journey. Oh well. Down to 240 today. I love getting to multiples of 10. It feels like you have "done something"! I did eat more calories/fat this week .. not on purpose; just couldn't get it together for lunch some days. Evidently it didn't hurt too much .. but still I don't intend to make a habit of it.

Can't wait to drop into the 230's .. I'm on my way to mini-goal #2 .. !

** oh, got to add one more thing. Wednesday night Kelsey and I had gone out for supper, and we passed my niece in the parking lot. I haven't seen her since last Thanksgiving, I guess .. she started to walk right past me. We had a big laugh over how she nearly didn't recognize me! ;) I'm not sure if I buy it totally, but it did give me a much-needed boost. Especially as this took place in the parking lot of a Mexican restaurant! HA!


Mar 08, 2007


Down to 241 this morning .. I don't know whether to say this is a 1 lb loss or a 2 lb loss! (Seeing as how I had gone back up to 243.) I will just say a 1 lb loss. Not that it matters .. this is my lowest weight in many many years so I will take it!


Mar 08, 2007

9-08-04 ..

OK, so some of the "two pound euphoria" has worn off. I have gone up a pound .. no worries though .. it could be monthly stuff .. I can't tell anymore! I went through a rough weekend because I took measurements and they weren't what I wanted them to be. Oh well. I've been through this before and expect I will go thru it again .. I just have to keep on keepin' on .. rolling that rock up that hill (my euphemism for exercise) and it will come off. When it's ready. I have an appointment to check the Band on 10-15-04, and I **** might **** get a fill. I feel like I have lost some fill again, like last time. The wonderful news is, Kelsey will be going with me to start his proceedings! I am exceedingly proud of him! His BMI's not but 35, but we want to settle down the diabetes before it gets worse. I am excited for him. He will lose quick, I just know it. Of course, he says this is "just in case" and I am NOT pushing it. Just holding his hand and loving him! :) Speaking of love and stuff .. I was finally able, a couple of weeks ago, to get my wedding ring off. Not that I *want* to take it off! But I hadn't been able to remove it since like '98, so that was pretty monumental for me. I was getting claustrophobic and I did NOT want to have it cut off. My finger is deformed! :D


Mar 08, 2007


Friday update! I weigh on Friday mornings before work, and pass the savings on to you. :D I'm in a goofy mood this morning .. we are partying at work and have been all week, and I STILL lost 2 lb! ** Doing the two-pound dance ** I have now lost fifty (50) lb since surgery .. that feels like a milestone! And 85 lb overall .. dang girl, you go! Can you tell I'm proud of myself? Water, Exercise, Protein! It works and it pays off, and it feels dang good to be doing it for myself! :) :D :)


Mar 08, 2007


OK, no panicking. I am down another 1 lb. Hey, if it wants to come off one pound a week, I'm not fussed. As long as it's coming off. Looks like my militant attitude is paying off. My style is not for everyone .. I put a LOT more effort into my loss than most everyone else I know .. but it is what works for me. Not only that, it is what I must do to keep the weight coming off. My weight is stubborn, or it likes me, or something because I have to fight it pound by pound to get rid of it. No coasting for me. :) I wish sometimes it were easier; that I had had the experience of effortless weight loss, but those thoughts usually come when I am beat down and tired of thinking about it all the time. Then I wake up and remind myself that my personality would have turned the coasting into complete disaster and I would have been a regain statistic. I'll take my journey, difficult, with a side of frustration please! But I'll wash it down with a big ol' glass of satisfaction that I have worked hard and that the hard work is paying off.


Mar 08, 2007

8-09-04 .. Update from the World's Biggest Dumbass. :/

OK, attentive readers (yeah, right) will note that I posted about inexplicably gaining two pounds a couple of weeks ago. Well, it turns out that was ALL IN MY HEAD. Gives the term "fathead" a whole new meaning. I have had the idea kicking around that I had weighed 244 at some point, and that I gained up to 246. That mystery 2 lb has been driving me crazy for some time now. So I get out my notes at home, ready to consolidate them all into one notebook. Guess what? I can find *no* reference to *ever* weighing 244. I check my chart. Nope. Call Mom and ask her if I ever mentioned that weight. Nope. Ask Kelsey the same thing. Guess what? NOPE. So I get to work and check on here. 246, lowest weight. Conclusion? That I am a jackass of the first order.

Well, since I *must* have something pertaining to my loss to obsess over, I promptly and stupidly worked up a chart chronicling my monthly and weekly loss trends. MISTAKE. It has slowed consistently, with one little blip in May '04. This is worrisome, as it has not picked up even after my fills. Oh well. I did have those troubles with my portions, mis-sizing my bowls, not getting my water in, and not FitDaying weekend intake. I have solved all of that so I really should give it time to show up in the numbers. I won't panic ... yet. :)

** addendum .. -47 lb = 31% excess weight lost. Take THAT, quoters of outdated Band statistics! :D


Mar 08, 2007


Feeling *much* better today. I weighed this morning and have lost one of the infamous 2 lbs, so that helps a lot. I won't update my weight up top until it goes down "officially", though! I do have my quirks. I am undecided as to whether I need another fill. I have lost 19 lb since the last one, which is 4.75 lb per month, which is great for me. The past month has been somewhat screwy, though, so I guess I will give it more time. I only just began to fix my water, portion size and fat issues, so I have to give that time to kick in. Good thing I always planned to be conservative with my fills! I was telling Kelsey the other morning, sometimes you feel like there is nowhere to go. That feeling is one of the major reasons I avoided RNY. I (think) I am decently restricted, and eating the right things in the correct portions, getting in my water and exercising faithfully. If this doesn't do it, I can always fall back on getting a fill. I do NOT want to risk being overfilled, but I think I may have lost some fill like I did last time. I guess, at that point, there'll be nothing to it but to do it. We are in this for life, and it's not a race ..


Mar 08, 2007

Haven't posted for awhile, due to being bummed about the little 2-lb gain. It does suck, sometimes, when you do all you can and you still are stuck like Chuck! I am working out every day, keeping my calories low and still not losing. It blows! I have figured out that I am getting in too much fat, and not getting in all of my water, and that doesn't help. I also realized that I had mis-measured my favorite bowl and so have been eating 1.5 or 2 cups out of it, not 1 like I thought. So there's my FitDay measurements blown all to Hell. Stupid mistakes like that really can get you down. Then it starts to spiral and you don't want to exercise. It feels like pushing a rock up a mountain sometimes! But I still wake up thinking, ok, what is it today? Upper body, lower body, or treadmill? So I guess it has made its way into my lifestyle, which can only be a good thing. I ain't gonna win no challenges with this body, but my metabolism is up and I feel like I have achieved something every day. I couldn't always say that!


Mar 08, 2007


Well, here it is, my one-year bandiversary. Man. A year of banding looks WAY different from this end than I imagined it in the hospital 12 months ago.

I was hoping for an 80-90 lb loss by now, but that just wasn't to be. As of this morning, I have lost 44 lb. (I have inexplicably gained two pounds in the past two weeks.)

I am cognizant of what else I have gained in the past 52 weeks. I have taken control of my life in ways I never dreamed of, pre-surgery. I have cut my food intake by 2/3. I have learned reams about nutrition and fitness. I have learned to love water. I have integrated exercise into my daily life, rising early in the morning to do it. I have made great friends. :) I have learned patience, though I don't much like how I've had to learn it. I have fought for something I wanted and won. I feel stronger, healthier, more in-control, and happier.

My journey is just beginning.

Happy birthday, Ryan O'Reilly. I have loved and hated you, but we are partners for life.


Mar 08, 2007


Well, here it is, my one-year bandiversary. Man. A year of banding looks WAY different from this end than I imagined it in the hospital 12 months ago.

I was hoping for an 80-90 lb loss by now, but that just wasn't to be. As of this morning, I have lost 44 lb. (I have inexplicably gained two pounds in the past two weeks.)

I am cognizant of what else I have gained in the past 52 weeks. I have taken control of my life in ways I never dreamed of, pre-surgery. I have cut my food intake by 2/3. I have learned reams about nutrition and fitness. I have learned to love water. I have integrated exercise into my daily life, rising early in the morning to do it. I have made great friends. :) I have learned patience, though I don't much like how I've had to learn it. I have fought for something I wanted and won. I feel stronger, healthier, more in-control, and happier.

My journey is just beginning.

Happy birthday, Ryan O'Reilly. I have loved and hated you, but we are partners for life.

About Me
Piney woods, LA
Surgery Date
Aug 09, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Thanksgiving 1999, at my highest weight
September 2005, at my current weight; down 114 with about 70 lb to go

Friends 12

Latest Blog 69
5 years ago today ...
The Scale Looms!
The holidays are upon us .. RUN!
Mmm, meds! :)
4 years .. 7-16-2003
