Stall & Running

Mar 08, 2012

Ok- So I am stuck in a stall. I haven't lost anything in 2 months. I bounce back and forth between the same 5-7 pounds. I had a heart attack when it first started until I mathmatically figured out that I would have had to eaten an extra 24,500 calories to truly gain 7 pounds. So I try to avoid the scale as much as possible. About 2-3 weeks ago I actually started running!! I'm following the Ease in 5K program/app. At first I was only doing it on the weekends but I then started doing it in the eenings after work. I'm terrified of running on the treadmill so I run on the nearby highschool track. I made it all the way to week 3 but decided to start repeating weeks 1 &2 until I'm ready to move on. Running is hard and it sucks but I always feel good afterward. That and, although the scale isn't moving, my body looks so different. Alot of the loose/saggyness isn't really even noticeable anymore. I also use the treadmill at the gym every other day (3.3 mph w/ 8-10 incline), swim laps and use the weght machines 2-3 days a week. I have been dealing with weakness lately though. I talked to a health coach yesterday and she thinks I need to add more good carbs back into my diet. I was so concerned with my weight stall that I was cutting everything out. She said that right now, once my body burns through the protein I'm eating, it will start taking away from my muscles, organs and healthy body fat. I need carbs to fuel the amount of excersise I am doing. So that is my goal right now. To do some research on how I should be fueling my body and continuing my weightloss. Yesterday I allowed myself a "bad" day. I had some chinese food at work (a small amount) and one slice of pizza lastnight. Wouldn't you know the damn scale showed a loss of 3 pounds from yesterday morning??? I do not intend on continuing to eat that way of course!! It just proves that starving myself is not teh answer either. I will figure this out!!

Year One

Jan 07, 2012

My 1 year anniversary for my RNY was 1/4/11. CRAZY how fast the time went by!! Doesn't feel like it could have possibly been a year already. Life has been crazy. I feel skinny, although I still want to lose another forty to fifty pounds. I feel cute . I LOVE shopping. I bought my first belt today because, regardless of how tight the jeans, I have no butt left so they always slide down lol. It astounds me that I went from almost 350 pounds to being in ONEderland. However- I'm far from perfect. Lately things have been rough. I was sick and haven't been to the gym in a couple of weeks. I've been drinking entirely too much. I've blacked out a couple of times which is scary (this is all in relation to losing my mom and not being able to handle the new attention). I suck at taking my vitamins and getting in my protein. All of this weighs on me because I've been lucky enough so far (knock on wood) not to have any complications. I'm sabotaging myself. I think I've finally gotten my weight loss routine down though. I don't lose for 3-4 weeks then lose 10-12 pounds in a matter of a week. I pretty much average 10 pounds a month. I was convinced by a few friends to seek a therapist. I really need to schedule my 1 year post op appointment too. Anyway- it is a beautiful day here in Cali- time for a walk.


Dec 23, 2011

Jennifer is a happy girl. I've now been under 200 pounds for a week!! I never thought I'd get here and then BAM! :) It is so weird to hear myself say I weight 100 and something pounds.... Weird! Life has been amazing the last couple of weeks. Suddenly I'm getting tons of attention and I love it! My confidence is building rapidly.  This morning I attempted running for the very first time. This next year is going to be a good one. I can feel it :)



Dec 14, 2011

I attended my company's holiday party last Friday night. My first outing with other adults since surgery. I picked out the perfect outfit that really showed off my weight loss. My co-worker helped with my make-up. I felt so good! Then we get to the party (at a country club) and it is non-stop compliments, praise, hugs, ATTENTION. I loved every minute of it. I even had one co-worker tell me she didn't recognize me at first! I promised myself I would be careful on the drinking. I sipped champagne and wine before dinner. Ate a little salmon and prime rib. My friends/co-workers didn't understand why I didn't grab some bread and veggies. Really, I was full after just a little meat. Anyway- then the drinking started. I stuck with rum and diet coke. I purposely brought only $30 so I couldn't go overboard. I danced, laughed, mingled.... Well, my co-worker told me to ask this really nice guy to dance so I did (she is trying to teach me to be more social). He ended up buying my drinks the rest of the night. BAD IDEA. I don't know exactly what happened...... I remember bits and pieces. I found out lots more yesterday at work. Apparently I went on a kissing spree.... UGH! I was horrified when I first found out. We aren't talking a couple of people. I know of at least 5, maybe 6. I'm afraid there were more. That is so not me!!! I ended up getting a ride home from a couple of male co-workers. I remember getting out of the car but not going in the door. I woke up a few hours later completely sober and feeling like garbage. For the most part, everyone is still commenting on how great I looked and how it was nice to see me break out of my shell (I'm super shy and quiet at work). I've been getting tons of new, positive attention. I can't let that happen again though. Thank god I got a ride home from good guys..... They are my new buddies too   It's been an interesting week to say the least.

Oh! I'm down 9 pounds!!! I've really started hitting the gym consistently and my new found male attention kills my appetite so food hasn't been an issue :) I'm actually starting to FEEL skinny lol.



Nov 28, 2011

Ok I survived my first post-op Thanksgiving and first without my mom. I opted to stay home with my kids and cook. I wasn't sure how it would be. First off, turkey doesn't like me. I can eat chicken with no problem but turkey made me nauseous every single time, regardless of how well I chewed. Didn't matter if it was white or dark. My turkey wasn't dry whatsoever (I brined it over night). I didn't miss the pie at all. However, I did miss my cranberry, turkey and mayo leftover sandwiches. Without the cranberry sauce, it just wasn't the same. My dad and step mom did stop by later in the afternoon and brought me something AMAZING. A sugar free pumpkin creme pie! It was sooooo good. I skipped the crust completely and just had a few bites here and there. My stomach doesn't like sugar alcohols either so I knew when to stop. It was so weird seeing a loss after Thanksgiving for once! lol

Anyway, I'm proud to say I have been to the gym the last 4 days in a row! Makes me happy. I was starting to worry because it was getting to be once a week if that, and even then it was only swimming for 30 minutes. Now I am back on treadmill and swimming plus adding lots and lots of weights. I have a 3 pound gain but I expected it seeing as I did heavy weights 3 days in a row. I am so sore but it makes me feel accomplished. I need to come up with a schedule/routine though. I think I'm finally ready to start running too. Just when and where are the real questions. I am not coordinated enough to run on a treadmill!


Nov 10, 2011

I feel so completely off track. I am literally scared to death that this is the beginning of me gaining everything back. When my mom first passed, I couldn't eat and lost 10 pounds in a week (as I previously posted). Now I want to eat constantly. It's a war. My emotional eating/binging ~vs~ my pouch. I've gotten to a point that I am eating every couple of hours when I'm not even hungry. I don't pay any attention to calories (high) or protein (too low). I eat until I'm full or feel sick. Then as soon as there is room I eat again. I'm very aware of what I'm doing. Sh*t I didn't deal with before surgery that I should have! I'm a binge eater. I remember when it started. It was 16 years ago, right after the birth of my first son. I would literally eat until I felt like I was going to throw up. Then I'd get even more depressed and cry, promising to stop. I, like alot of people out there, lied when asked if I have ever had an issue with binge eating. I would have said anything to get my surgery. Well, I need to deal with it NOW. I've been terrified to step on the scale (although my jeans are still getting looser). What happens if I can't beat this before the magic of the RNY wears off? What happens if I end up being 300+ pounds again??????? UGH! At least I'm aware of what's happening. My only saving graces are that 1) I can't eat sugar. After getting sick off canned fruit twice, I won't even attempt it. 2) I used to be a big drinker prior to surgery, especially when I was upset. Now one glass of wine makes me feel crappy enough that I don't want alcohol at all. I think I'm completely done with coffee also. I went from about 5 cups a day to 1. Now even that 1 cup is causing a hypoglycemic reaction.

It isn't only weight gain that I'm afraid of. I'm scared that I am going to physcially hurt myself. Cause irrepairable damage. Ulcers? Stretched pouch? Anything else??? I knew going into this that there were risks and I needed to really take care of myself. I remember to take my vitamins when I'm at work, which is only 4 days a week. 10 months out, I still don't take my Iron...... This is all so very real. The last week or so I have felt like sh*t daily. I've started getting a pain in my left side just under my rib. My pouch hurts off and on. I've felt really weak and blah. As I type, I have a pain on my right side, just under my ribs. Gall Bladder?? Awesome......

I know it's not too late to fix this. Turn it all around. Get back on track. First step is admitting the problem(s) right? 


For Her

Oct 30, 2011

Last week I lost a total of 10 pounds due to total devastation. This week I'm back up 2 pounds but I expected a little bounce back. Last Saturday (29th), my sister and I held my mom's memorial and it couldn't have turned out better. My mom would have been so happy. However, I was so busy all day that I didn't eat, and then indulged in some post-memorial wine with my family. Big mistake. I didn't even drink that much but felt horrible all day yesterday. Anyway- now that the memorial is done, it's time to start living life again. My mom is always on my mind but she wouldn't ever want me to live my day to day life miserable.

So starting today I'm getting completely back on the wagon. Vitamins, food, gym...all of it. Things are finally calming down at work so I will have more time for the gym again. I did easily give up a few bad things already. I went from drinking 5+ cups of coffee a day to only 1. Switched out crackers and nuts for mini rice cakes (just a couple does the trick with only a fraction of the cals/carbs). I'm doing this for me, but I'm also doing this for her. We don't know exactly why she got Breast Cancer (no history in our family), but her doctor originally suspected it could be from life long obesity issues. My mom was my original support person when I was going through the process of getting WLS. I can't just throw it away because I lost her. I miss her so much.....

Devastated is an Understatement

Oct 20, 2011

I lost my best friend yesterday. My mom passed away. I was with her the entire time. I saw it all and it is forever burned into my brain. Although I wouldn't give up those last few moments with her for the world, I wish I hadn't  witnessed her death. It kills me. I don't know how I will ever feel better.

To keep this weightloss related, I don't feel like eating. I feel sick constantly. I've lost 5 pounds in the last few days. I'm almost under 200 and I honestly don't care right now. None of it means anything to me right now. I'd rather be 300+ pounds and still have my mom with me......

1 comment


Oct 05, 2011

The scale hasn't move for me in weeks and I know full well it is my fault. When I'm upset I eat and lately, crackers and flavored peanuts have been my go to foods. Not only is it comfort food but the crackers seem to calm my stomach. I've been upset to say the least. My mom's cancer started in her breast a year ago, spread to her left lung a few months ago and is now in her brain. Last Friday she had a seizure and we were told to strongly consider stopping her treatments..... We discussed it and decided to at least wait and see if the radiation on her brain and chemo help at all. My mom, who has been my best friend since I was maybe 13 and who I used to talk to every single day on the phone, barely even knows where she is half the time anymore.

Anyway, I don't want to talk about that. It hurts. A couple of days ago, I completely cleaned out my desk of any crackers, peanuts, peanut butter etc... I cut myself off from stopping at McDonald's or Jack in the Box on the way to work (egg mcmuffin or breakfast jack- eat only half the bread). I started packing healthier foods that will fill me up. Breakfast has been: 2 eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1/2 yogurt (Sometimes I can eat it all, sometimes I can't). Lunch: Turkey Chili (homemade) with 1/4 brown rice, salsa & ff sour cream. Snack (if needed): 4 crackers+cheese+turkey or 1/4 skinless apple+string cheese. Dinner: grilled chicken(or shrimp)+veggie or leftover lunch. My hair has started falling out AGAIN so I'm going to start adding a protein shake into my day again. I quit taking Biotin too so I'm going to start that again too. My hair was finally starting to look cute! I weighed myself this morning and I am down 2 pounds! Woo hoo! I was starting to stress a little although, even though the scale hasn't budge in almost a month, I went from a size 18W in jeans to a REGULAR size 16!! :D Crazy how this new body works.... I would really REALLY like to see under 200 soon. I've been so close for so long....



Sep 11, 2011

I was told, pre-op, not to chew gum after surgery and for a little while I did follow that rule. Then I started up again, being careful not to swallow it. Well, yesterday I was busy listening to my boss recount her story of what she was doing on 9/11 when, without even thinking about it, I swallowed my gum. I panicked and started drinking water. In hindsight I realize that probably wasn't the brightest of ideas. I am having issues which I am pretty sure are related. I am having discomfort in the lower abdominal region. Liquids are going through just fine but every time I eat just a little bit, I feel horribly nauseated and it physically hurts. Lastnight was the closest I've gotten to forcing myself to throw up. I couldn't do it (I hate throwing up) but got a horrible case of the foamies. I doubt my pouch is plugged or else I wouldn't be able to keep liquids down. I'm worried about it being plugged up in my resectioned limb though. I feel "backed up". I'm going to keep an eye on it and if it doesn't improve soon I will call my surgeon's office. Pre-op I swallowed gum all the time. Hell, in 1999, after getting my tongue pierced, I accidentally swallowed the whole post! I am really hoping this clears up on its own. The gum was really small so we shall see. Lord knows I'm not the best chewer and have swallowed bigger bites of food. Still, I'm really scared!

On a different note, I've been doing worlds better as far as food goes. I'm still so very close to being under 200 pounds. Yesterday at the gym, I kept looking at myself in the millions of mirrors they have on every wall. I was actually doing double takes. It was creepy, seeing myself "small". yes I still weigh 200 pounds but geez, when you start at almost 350, 200 feels so skinny! :) I think I'm finally ready to start running. Now if I could only find the time....


About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2010
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