
Merry Christmas

Dec 14, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I have to apologize again for not being able to set up a meeting before the New Year.  I know it is a difficult time for a lot of people with Christmas coming not only to find the time to meet but also to make those healthy choices.  Believe me, some days I struggle and I don't always make the best ones.  However, I want to encourage every one to stay strong, and know that it is ok to treat yourself every once in a while.  No one is perfect and what ever your situation is, whether you are waiting for surgery, just had surgery or you are a vetran it will always be difficult to make the right choices.  But just remember you have to make choices that are for you and no one else.  So if you need to have that one little cookie (if you can tolerate it) then do so, it is a lot better than eating in secret or denying yourself and being unhappy with your choices.  Please just make decisions based on your doctor/surgeon/nutritionist's advice.  Don't go overboard and you should be just fine.

I am truly sorry for not being able to schedule any meetings lately as I have been so busy.  I am in the process of starting my own business and I am working with very tight dealines in order to make that happen.  Also, with the holidays upon us and a 2 1/2 year son at home you can imagine how busy we have been.  I hope to be able to set up some regular montly meetings starting in the new year.  I would like to set a schedule up so that we know a few months in advance of when and where the meetings will take place and that should make it easier for everyone to get there.  If anyone has any ideas or thoughts for up coming meetings please let me know and we can try and implement them.  

I want to wish everyone and their families a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!  I hope that Santa brings you everything you ask for.  I know that 2010 was a year of new beginnings for me and great accomplishments and will be a year I will be reflecting on and remembering all the good things that happened to me as we move forward into 2011. 


Lots of love and blessings,
Jennifer and Family


Its Been A While

Nov 21, 2010

It has been a long time since I was really on this site and posted anything.  I have been so busy in life lately that I have not had time to get one here.  I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone who has met a goal, or recently had surgery.  Good luck to those of you who are having surgery soon and welcome to all those who are new here and seeking advice.  This place has helped me out so much especially before and the first few months after surgery.  It is such a great source of support.  I really miss coming here, but unfortunately it seems when I sit down to the computer most days to get things done, OH seems to be taking a back seat to the rest of my life.  I am going to try and get here more often as I have missed this world.  

I am 9 months out and currently down 115lbs and feeling fabulous.  I am wearing size 14 jeans and a large shirt.  If I didn't lose anymore weight or go down anymore sizes I know I will be very happy being where I am right now.

I have been able to accomplish a few goals these past few months since I have been laid off my full time job.  I have completed my life guarding certification (something that I def could not have done 9 months ago) I am just one class away from finishing my Group Fitness Certification ( I plan on teaching Aquafit to start), but then I have to do some shadowing hours, but I am very close.  And I am well on my way to starting my own business and creating some financial independance for me and my family.  Life has been great lately. 

Before the surgery I would never have had the confidence to complete these goals and I am so grateful for every opportunity it has given me. 

Sorry this got a little long......I will sign off now, but thanks for reading my post and I hope that it can inspire others out there to follow their dreams too.

Lots of Love to my OH family, who I always know is here for me even though I am not here a lot.


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Sorry Everyone

Nov 21, 2010

Hello Everyone,

I just want to start out by saying hello and welcome to all the new members and thank you for joining.  I also want to apologise to everyone for not being on here very much.  My life has been so busy lately that I have been neglecting my duties here and I am so sorry for that.  I am going to try this week to get a date together for December before Christmas that we can meet.  I will be in touch soon with everyone on here about that.

Thanks so much for your understanding.


Niagara Region Support Group Meeting

Oct 22, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that we will be meeting at the Niagara Falls YMCA/McBain Community Centre in Niagara Falls, ON for our next meeting.

Date/Time:  Wednesday, Oct. 27 @ 7pm
Where: Niagara Falls YMCA/McBain Community Centre
What we are doing:  We will be meeting in the cafe area at 7pm sharp to get organized then we will be going into the Y for the aqua fit class that starts at 7:30pm. Please try to be on time as I would like to give everyone time to change and get into the pool.  Also, if you have a membership, please bring it, if not I have passes for everyone to use the YMCA for a 3x trial.  Please make sure you bring your bathing suit and towel and be ready for a fun time in the pool.  After the class is over it will continue to be open swim so if anyone would like to stay and swim or take some leisure time in the pool they may. 

Hope to see all of you there.....

Jen and Susan


Niagara Regions WLS Support Group Meeting!

Sep 19, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Just posting a reminder for the Niagara Region WLS Support Group on here.  You will notice that it is on a Monday night instead of a Sunday and in St. Catharines, not the YMCA.  If anyone needs a ride from the Falls, please let me can send me a message on OH or email me at [email protected].  We are just trying to accomodate everyone's needs, so that St. Catharines people do not have to always drive to the falls.

Meeting Details:

Date/Time:  Monday, September 27, 2010 @ 7pm
Place: 85 Westland Street, #37A, St. Catharines, ON
Its at the Townhouse/Co-op Community Centre off Maria Street
(Pinecroft Cooperative Homes)

You can google the address to find it, or you can message me or Susan if you need help.

Hope to see everyone there.
Jen and Susan



Sep 12, 2010

So I have wonderful news to report.  I pretty much cried today when I saw the in suspense yet?

Ok I will tell you.......I have now joined the CENTURY CLUB and I am in ONEDERLAND baby all at one is good......I got on the scale this morning in my bra and underwear with my hubby standing there to witness the glorious event and there it was.....the scale said 199lbs.  I have officially lost 101lbs.  Man that feels good.....just 34lbs to go to goal......I am so happy and proud of myself I could just burst  (this is me bursting, lol) I actually cannot remember the last time I weighed under 200lbs....probably sometime around the time I was 16 maybe.....but I am pretty sure I was very close to 200lbs even then.  So this is me saying GOODBYE to the 200's forever 

Till the next blog.....happy losing!

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6 Months Out!

Aug 27, 2010

Ok so this blog is slightly behind schedule, but I have been enjoying my summer so far.  I got laid off work in the middle of July and since then I have been trying to get lots of stuff in.  I went camping with my son, nephews and parents this summer which was super fun.  It was definitely a better experience now that I am down almost 100lbs.  Canoeing was fun and I didn't feel like I was going to sink the boat!  I spent many days at the beach with my son and wore my bathing suit with pride!  That felt pretty great too.

I had my 6 month follow-up at Hamilton, exactly 6 months to the day of my surgery and things look really good.  I have lost 12.05" on my waist and 11.38" on my hips.  I am officially down 91lbs on their scale too.  They told me my numbers looked good, but this time I asked for copies of all my reports since before surgery and I took a look at the numbers.  I realized that while my numbers are good some of them are borderline and some are on a downward trend.  My iron and ferritin have been dropping and are at the low end of the range.  My protein, vit. D and vit. A are also in the low range and have been decreasing.  Not by a huge amount but still.  If the trend continues it could become an issue for me.  So I am trying to really be good take all my vitamins everyday.  Its a struggle but I think I am doing pretty good so far.  I just need to keep it up.

Its funny when starting this journey I thought this would be hard but easy at the same time.  Just stick to the plan, take your vitamins and eat your protein.  But it isn't as easy as it seems.  My day gets away from me sometimes and I haven't gotten in all the protein I should have, or I didn't get that second dose of Vit D/Calcium in and I always say I will do better tomorrow.

I am pretty excited though about getting into fitness.  I have been doing Zumba classes, swimming, and recently I got a Wii Fit Plus
for my birthday and I am lovin' it!  I think it is really starting to make a difference in my inches lost as well as weight.  All in all though things are going great and I am lovin the difference I see in myself.  Not only on the outside but the inside too.  I feel so much more confident in myself and my abilities, and I don't think I can't do that because I am too heavy.  Its funny, in my lifeguarding class I was actually the second lightest person in the class.  That has never happened to me before.  It was pretty cool. 

Anyway, things are going well.  I am proud of myself and my accomplishments so far.


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Niagara Region Support Group Meeting - August 2010

Aug 18, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Our next meeting will be:

Sunday, August 29th @ 1pm
McBain Community Centre/YMCA
7150 Montrose Road,  Room A
Niagara Falls, ON

Please note this meeting we will try and do a clothing exchange.  Please bring some of your larger outgrown clothes that are in good condition and hopefully it will help some people get through some transitional stages as we all strive to reach our goals.  If anyone has hangers that they can bring or coat racks that would be great.  I will try and get some from the Y as well.  And we can just fold some the clothes on the tables too.

(Please don't forget your toonie to help offset the cost of the room. Thanks)

Please feel free to invite anyone interested in weight loss surgery or support, the more the merrier.

Hope to see you there.
OH group Leader


Offical OH Support Group Leader

Jul 21, 2010

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to post that for some time now I have been trying to get in all my training in order to be an Official OH Support Group Leader, well on Saturday, July 17th I was able to complete that training.  I am now an Official OH Support Group Leader.  It feels really good to have completed the training and be able to bring more and better insights for my group.  I look forward to all the things to come and the great info and advice that comes with the responsibility of this leadership.  

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Support Group Meeting

Jul 09, 2010

Just wanted to let everyone know and to remind those at the last meeting that we are having another Niagara Region support group meeting.

When:  Sunday, July 25th @ 1pm
Where: McBain Community Centre/YMCA
              7150 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, ON
What to Bring:  I have covered the cost of the first 2 meetings, so this time if people could chip in for the cost of the room that would be great.  Depending on how many people show up will determine the cost.....The room costs $16 per session.  Thank you.

Please let me know if there are any topics you would like to discuss ahead of time and I can make sure they are on the agenda and that I have some research done to get answers for you.

Please feel free to bring anyone who might be interested in getting information about Weight Loss Surgery or is in need of support.  Also, if you would like to bring a support person they are welcome too.

Thanks so much,

You can also reach me at
[email protected]

About Me
Fort Erie, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2009
Member Since

Friends 60

Latest Blog 70
