
Niagara Region Weight Loss Support Group Meeting

Jul 09, 2010

Just wanted to let everyone know and to remind those at the last meeting that we are having another Niagara Region support group meeting.

When:  Sunday, July 25th @ 1pm
Where: McBain Community Centre/YMCA
              7150 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, ON
What to Bring:  I have covered the cost of the first 2 meetings, so this time if people could chip in for the cost of the room that would be great.  Depending on how many people show up will determine the cost.....The room costs $16 per session.  Thank you.

Please let me know if there are any topics you would like to discuss ahead of time and I can make sure they are on the agenda and that I have some research done to get answers for you.

Please feel free to bring anyone who might be interested in getting information about Weight Loss Surgery or is in need of support.  Also, if you would like to bring a support person they are welcome too.

Thanks so much,

You can also reach me at
[email protected]

Meeting Some Goals!

Jul 09, 2010

Yesterday I started the first 2 of 3 steps to becoming a Life Guard.  I started my bronze medallion and bronze cross courses.   It will run 10 weeks, every Thursday night from 6-10:30pm.  We spend 2 hours doing classroom stuff and 2 1/2 hours in the pool.  One of the requirements for this course is you must be able to swim 24 laps in 18 mins.  This certaintly seemed like an accomplishment that was way out of my league.  I mean at 300lbs I would never had got into my bathing suit on the pool deck for 2 1/2 hours and even thought about swimming that many laps, especially with some younger fitter guys.  I would have felt so out of place and stupid. 

Well, last night our teacher said, lets get started with the timed swim and see where we are at.  There are 5 of us in the class, and 2 of the guys are younger and pretty fit.  So I thought, I would try and at least keep up to them if I could.  Competition helps drive me.  So we were off, swimming, I did really well the first two laps, even beating everyone to the end on the second lap, then all of a sudden, it was like wow, this is getting harder the more laps I swam.....But I kept pushing myself to see what I could do.  I have not swam like that in a long time.  Well then I noticed the 2 "fit" guys were out of the pool, so I'm guessing they were done....but I just kept going...then our teacher says to me, "you only have 2 more, GO GO GO" I am super tired, but I push myself to go faster and harder.....I could hear the guys cheering (sort of muffled through the ear plugs) as I approached the end and when I stood up he said you did it in 18mins and 2secs.  Wow what an accomplishment.  I know there was plenty of places I could have shaved that time off, so now I know I can do it.  That was my biggest worry for this whole course.  And I did it on the first day.  I feel awesome.  The rest of the stuff will be a breeze now.....I just can't wait to continue to get into the pool and do more....I love swimming and I am glad I am back at it again.....

Once I finish this course, I will be taking the fitness course as well so I can instruct classes  and eventually get Zumba certified as well.  I love my new life!!!


Till next time!


I Love Clothes Shopping Now!

Jun 14, 2010

I went to Old Navy was $2 tank top day I thought, what the heck I will go over and see if the XXL fits me now....and well it does.....I could have probably worn the XL but I didn't want it too tight on the roles, the Old Navy Outlet in Niagara Falls, NY also had 40% off all ladies apparel (even sale items).  So I thought what the heck, I will look around and see what I can get....I was super excited to find things that fit me is still XXL but it is not a plus size store.....I think I could have bought every item in XXL they had...but I know that will get big soon enough too....My bill should have come to $157 but I only paid $83 and saved $74 cause of the sale.....I was so excited I just had to share.

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Support Group Meeting!

Jun 11, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I finally secured another date for our next Niagara Region Support Group Meeting.

Date/Time:  Sunday, June 27, 2010 @ 12 noon
Location:  McBain Community Centre/Niagara Falls YMCA
                   7150 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, ON
                   Room A (same as last time)

I made it earlier in the day so that some of the other people who couldn't make it last time because of the time might be able to make it this time.....

Please let me know if you can make it.


Another Support Group Meeting!

Jun 11, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I finally secured another date for our next Niagara Region Support Group Meeting.

Date/Time:  Sunday, June 27, 2010 @ 12 noon
Location:  McBain Community Centre/Niagara Falls YMCA
                   7150 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls, ON
                   Room A (same as last time)

I made it earlier in the day so that some of the other people who couldn't make it last time because of the time might be able to make it this time.....

Please let me know if you can make it.


Relay For Life!

Jun 07, 2010

On Friday I spent 12 hours doing the Relay for Life to help raise money for cancer research.  I decided to join my family in Kingston, ON walking around a track for 12 hours from 7pm until 7am in honour and memory of my family members who have lost their battle with cancer.  Cancer has taken so many of my close family members (6 in total in the last 9 years) way to soon and I decided that I wanted to be a part of something to help fight this horrible disease.  This was a very emotional night for all of us but one we are determined to do year after year until no one has to suffer with cancer again.  We also celebrated those who are survivors of this disease and they are a great inspiration to all of us.  I just wanted to share this experience with all of you.  I hope that you also may consider joining the cause in your own city either this year or next to help us conquer cancer.


Half Way to Goal!

Jun 07, 2010

Yay!  I have reached another mile stone....I am half way to goal....well actually half way would have been 67.5lbs lost, but I have actually lost 68lbs.  It feels so good to be down this much, and now I have less weight to lose than I have lost.  Now on to my next goal to be 220lbs by my birthday (08/13) ....I think I will exceed that barring any set backs, as I am working out, doing Zumba at the Y and I am starting my life guarding certification next month, so I will be swimming a lot more, so I think this will only help my situation more.  I would like to be in Onederland by my birthday but I will stick to my more realistic goal of 220lbs and if onederland happens that will be truly a blessing.

  Staying Strong in my fight! 


May 25, 2010

I am so frustrated with scales lately....I have a digital scale at home that tells me one number, then I go to the clinic at St. Joes's and it tells me another number, then I go to the gym and they have a digital scale that tells me something else.  They are sort of close to eachother, but my home scale always seems to be lower than elsewhere and I get excited with the numbers to only go somewhere else and weigh and they are always a little higher, sometimes by 3 or is just getting a little annoying....I just want to be at one number everywhere so I really get a good idea of where I am at....I have been changing my ticker based on my home scale but now I am not sure it is particularly accurate....I just can't wait until I get to goal and I don't care what the scale says....but then again when I get there I may care even more......Oh such an emotional rollar coaster......

Until next time...

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3 Month Follow-Up!

May 18, 2010

Yesterday I went to Hamilton for my 3 month follow-up at St. Joe's and everything looks great.  They are pleased with my weight loss, my inches lost and all my labs looked good.  They said they do not have any concerns regarding my numbers and that I should just keep doing what I am doing.  I was very pleased to hear that cause some days I wonder whether I am doing this whole thing right or not.  You know when you sit back and wonder, am I eating right, have I lost enough weight so far.  Then you start to compare yourself to others and you think man maybe I am way off and not doing anything right.  Well I guess I am.  I try to make sure that I take my vitamins everyday, drink a protein shake every morning and eat sensible.  Some days seem harder than others but I guess I am still learning and readjusting to things.  I was afraid of my protein levels cause I have been losing a lot of hair, but they said the levels showed fine, so the hair loss is probably just from the shock of surgery and change in diet and I will be back on track in a couple of months (hopefully).  I mean I expected hair loss, but I seem to be losing it at a high rate, and I started losing it almost immediately after surgery.  Most people report it after 3 months, so it worried me a little.  But they said things looked good.  So I have my next appointment August 17th for my 6 month follow-up.  Lets hope I can continue on this path and meet my goal before one year is up.



Woo Hoo!

May 10, 2010

I am now in the 230's....barely but I am here!  Just another wow for me!

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About Me
Fort Erie, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2009
Member Since

Friends 60

Latest Blog 70
