Stalls, coffee and carbs

Apr 13, 2010

So it's been another month. I think that I am in the middle of a stall. I have been at the same weight (give or take 1-2lb) for the past month. At first I thought maybe I was eating too many carbs. I started really watching my calories/protien/carbs, but nothing seemed to be too high. Finally today it hit me... is this a stall? It must be. At 242lb, I get between 800-1100 calories a day and my BMR is 1800cals/day so I should be burning  300-1000 calories a day just by breathing, that alone is more than a pound a week. Put on top of that working out and chasing after my 3 year old and I should be losing a lot more. This must be a stall, right? At least I hope it is.

I have my 6 month check up tomorrow. I hope that I am doing well, but I have a feeling that my vitamin levels are off. I have had super itchy skin lately, maybe seasonal changes but the worrier in me thinks maybe a vitamin deficiency. I tried to google vitamin deficiencies with symptoms of itchy skin but didn't find anything.

So my new thing is coffee. I know a lot of post ops drink coffee, but I haven't gotten the OK from the surgeon yet. I have to limit the amount I have because I could drink it all day and never eat. In fact if I have too much before lunch I am not hungry for lunch and have to force myself to eat something. I also compromise with myself and make myself drink 20oz of water for every 8oz of coffee I have.

I quit the gym. They were pissing me off, nickle and diming me. I called corporate twice to complain about the personal training and how the trainers were not listening to me. No call backs. So I call again telling them I want to cancel my personal training. They gave me this huge shpeal about how I signed a contract and can't just cancel. I told them... ILL PAY TO CANCEL! Just Cancel me! They "had to look into it" and said they would call me back. After calling 3 more times to try to get an update, I finally called my bank and had them change my debit card number. Rediculous! This does mean though that I do not have any more gym access. Luckily the weather is nice and I have been able to do some bike riding and playing outside with Conlan. It doesn't have to be structured, strict, treadmill/eliptical exercise for it to count right? All movement is exercise. This is what I am telling myself.

I have trouble areas that I want to get in shape and I am working on those. My arms, legs, thighs, butt. I am not even worried about the stomach at this point. I am focusing on the disgustingly flabby areas.

Well wish me luck! :) I hope it goes well tomorrow and that I have some good news to report back.

Counting Calories, Carbs and Protein

Mar 15, 2010

This is something that I need to work on. I have the exercise thing down. I go 3 times a week and 4 on the weeks when I see the trainer. I have tracked my food since surgery but stopped doing it regularly since I started working out. Working out has also made me much more hungry.

I was looking at my daily food stats on sparkpeople today and WOW, I am going to get in 1100 caloires if I eat everything that I plan to.

I never thought in a million years that I would be at 1100 calories this early out. Granted today I am eating really heavy on the carbs but still. GEEZ!

I think a few minor changes to my regular eatting can really move those numbers around. I am fine with 900-1000 calories but I want to start watching my carbs.

I may need some good suggestions here soon :)
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Some updates

Mar 01, 2010

Well first and foremost... I AM SO TIRED OF BEING COLD! I cannot wait for the summer which is a huge change for me. Normally I hate the summer and hate the heat, but as cold as I have been this winter I am looking forward to it.

Next, I am right around 5 months out and almost down 80lb! I am totally excited about this. My goal at 3 months and 50lb down was to make it to 100lb at my 6 month visit. I officially have 100lb more to loose to meet my goal. I feel like this is the home stretch and I am pushing for it! :)

This weekend I was grocery shopping with my hubby and son and DH tells me out of the blue... you walk so much faster now. All I could think was YEAH! all those hours on the treadmill are paying off :)

DH and I recently applied for life insurance. They sent this exam company to our house to do blood work and weigh us. My agent thought I might be denied because of my weight and having WLS. We found out yesterday that we were both approved and my premium is $20 less than we thought it would be! :)

They also gave us our lab results and wow am I healthy! :)

3 month check up

Feb 17, 2010

I had my 3 month check up today. A month late but still.

Dr. Kane thinks I am doing great. I am down to 255.5! woot woot! I am almost at the halfway mark, and almost weigh less than my hubby!

My work outs are going well. Yesterday I worked on my lower body and worked my legs really hard. I meet with the trainer tomorrow so we will see what he has me doing.

I feel great! :)

Exercise... not working like I thought :(

Feb 15, 2010

So I have kicked my exercise into high gear. I go to the gym 5 days a week now, sometimes 6 on the weeks that I meet with a personal trainer. I feel better. I feel stronger! It is amazing. However, since I started working out my weight loss has slowed down. I know this is normal but it still has me bummed.

I started working out a lot about 3 weeks ago, and since then I hadn't lost a single pound! Not ONE pound in 3 weeks... working out 5 days a week! What the hell is that? This past week we had a death in the family so we had to travel several states away for the services. I wasnt able to work out those days while we were gone and guess what.... I lost 5lb in 3 days. For real?! Are you kidding me?! I stop working out and I drop 5lb like nothing.

This is very discouraging.

I am heading back into the gym today even though I am afraid I am going to be stuck at 260 forever. I guess 260 is better than the 324 I started at, but still it is a very difficult mental road block for me.

I wish there was a clear defined point at which exercise helps melt fat and pounds. If I knew what to expect and when to expect it I would feel so much better.
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Started a blogspot blog

Dec 30, 2009

I started a blogspot blog to talk about my food adventures.

I love to cook and bake so those will be my main topics, but I am also posting about things that Ive eaten and maybe shouldnt have and things that ive eaten and were way better than I thought.

It is still very new but please stop by and check it out :)


Happy Holidays

Dec 20, 2009

I am doing well since my last update. I am officially down 44 lb. I probably could be down more but I need to take it at my own pace instead of rushing. I am happy with what I have lost so far.  I keep focusing on what I need to do to keep me healthy.

I made a ton of xmas cookies last week. Just about everybody commented on how hard that must have been for me, but it wasn't hard. It may change in the future, but for now I have no desire for sweets and haven't since surgery. I drink diet soda from time to time but that is all that I have craved that I cannot have.

I eat everything that I want to, in moderation. Ive had bread, sandwiches, pancakes, biscuits, oranges, grapes, chips. The difference is the amount I used to have and the amount I have now. This really is a wonderful surgery. It has given me back the sense of what I can and cannot have, what I should and should not eat and not because of the calories but because of what my body wants or does not want. There is a difference between being hungry and being bored. I cannot gorge myself anymore. I can want to, I can try, but I get to a point that I know I have to stop otherwise I will be very uncomfortable for longer than tollerable.

My exercise has decreased over the last 2 weeks. Mainly because I havent been sleeping well. Stress at work has been getting to me. I am dealing with that though. The holidays add another stress too. Where I used to eat before, now I just have difficulty sleeping. Exercise would probably help that but wow am I tired after work lol.

I hope everybody is doing well!

It's been a while

Dec 02, 2009

Since i posted last. But that is ok.

I have been very busy with work and home. I think that I am doing well though. I continue to lose and not gain which is nice, though my exercise is sporatic. I have a million reasons why but the best and most realistic one is that I am a LOT more active now and I get at least 30-40 minutes of exercise a day just with the extra activity. Sometimes I go to curves and add in another 30 but most times I just do more around the house or go for a walk with my son.

I am eating regular foods, and eat just about anything within reason. I of course stay away from the things that fill me up quickly like breads and pasta, though I do have a little bit of those. I eat my protein first and stop when I am full which is very easy to feel now.

I am down into the 280's the last I checked which is AWESOME and I am very happy with that. I am in a smaller size clothing and that is feeling great too. I am still not all RAH RAH GO ME! I am more of a ... meh. But I just do not think that a few pounds are as big of a deal as my friends/family are making it seem. When I am down 100 that will be something.. or when I notice chairs are bigger or my car mirrors seem moved.. But for now it is nothing to write home about.

I hope everybody is doing well and had a great holiday :)

Not doing so well

Nov 04, 2009

I am a bit down today.

I havent lost any weight in over a week. I dont know if this is normal or not but it is bothering me. I am getting between 50-65g of protein a day. My water isnt what it should be yet but I am getting better. I am doing between 45-60oz a day. I am taking all of my vitamins. I am walking and exercising. So I don't get it. It is frustrating.

To top it off my drain wound healed wrong. The hole that was left from the drain tube did not match up when it healed and the bottom portion of the hole is outside of the rest of the wound. I have to go to the surgeon Monday and he is going to cut it apart and stitch it together so that it heals correctly. This has got me so scared, I can only imagine how this is going to hurt. :\

Possibly TMI, but I am having BM issues. I know that this is common but the nurse said "no more milk of magnesia". I can take colace if I want but that is it. Her other advice was to drink more water. I am trying but it is difficult, and I AM getting better. I guess it will get better when I can start eatting food with fiber in it but in the mean time this is annoying.


Nov 02, 2009

So.. I get my exercise. Between chasing after my 2 year old and cleaning the house I get the recommended daily exercise of at least 30 minutes. But you know what? That isnt enough for me.

I've decided that it is time to start exercising again. Before WLS I went to curves, I worked out at home, I was pretty darn active. Now I feel like a lazy moose!

Last night I worked out on the Bowflex for about 30 minutes. I took breaks inbetween every 4 exercises and I didnt push myself too hard. And guess what.. it felt awesome! I mostly worked my arms and back, a little on my stomach.. mostly to check out how my muscles are doing. I had no pain, no discomfort, no fatigue, and today.. WOW! I feel great! I am not sure if it was the extra hour of sleep cause of daylight savings or if it was the exercise but I am willing to bet it was the exercise.

I was able to get in 60oz of water yesterday too because i was thirsty during and after exercise... so there is another bonus. Oh, and also I was super hungry today so I have already had 38oz of protien plus a v8, and I could totally go for a yogurt right now! lol

Ive had some people tell me I shouldnt be exercising yet. So I called the dr's office, and havent heard back yet. But the way I see it, if I have no pain and am getting some much needed exercise in, what is the problem? It's not like im lifting 50lb weights here. I am doing 25lb which is really nothing to someone as heavy as me.

I had DH set up my bike on the thing that makes it a stationary bike. Tonight when we exercise together we will take turns doing the bike or doing the bowflex.

This is getting exciting!
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Mar 19, 2009
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