Drain, food and pain meds OH MY!

Oct 14, 2009

I had my drain taken out yesterday. I called the surgeon's office and told them it was leaking.. leaking enough that I had to change the sponge several times through the day. They called back and had a spot for me to come in and get it taken out. YAY! Turns out nothing was wrong, it was just clotted inside and the fluid had to get out some how. The didnt tape up the drain wound, they want it to heal from the inside out so now I have a big gash in my side. Kinda gross looking and it's going to leave a nasty scar but I am feeling better I suppose. Now when I overdo it I can tell because my gauze is all wet from the drain site since it's still supposed to leak. ewww gross. lol

I've got my appetite back! Or at least I can't go all day with out eating anymore. Not that I was before, but I was just never hungry. Ive also been trying some different things just to see how I tollerate them. This morning I had NSA CIB and skim milk, when I got home I had a 4oz dannon light and fit cherry yogurt, and right now im trying to finish a 4oz jar of gerber vegetable and beef baby food. The baby food is very dense so it is taking me a long time to eat the 4oz.

I tried to see how it would be if I skipped the pain meds today. Im not in pain, or at least no sharp pains but I am very uncomfortable. My stomach is sore in general, I have bruises that are sore and OMG my back and legs are so sore from over compensating for me not using my stomach muscles. So I caved and took some pain meds. Ive never taken a whole dose, just enough to take the edge off. I am going to see if I can manage with just the one dose.

I was cleaning the house earlier.. i know i know take it easy but i cannot just sit around and do nothing! It took me a while, about an hour of off and on cleaning but I picked up some garbage, put the dishes away and loaded/started the dishwasher. After I was done with the dishwasher I noticed that my gauze was sopping wet I leaked so much from the drain wound. Maybe I over did it? Im also noticing that my hip is really sore and kinda hurts when I walk now. Oh how I would love some muscle relaxers :(

My husband is getting a cold so I need to go to the store and get some vit c for him. we will see how that goes cause I have to get dressed again (i put PJ pants on) before I go.

I am down another .5# today :)


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Mar 19, 2009
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