Pre-Op testing

Mar 09, 2009

I made it through my day of pre-op testing.  It started early at 6:45am.  I registered at St. V's. early over the phone which was helpful.  This morning I only had to sign a few papers, then they came and got me. The nurse took me back and took about 8 or 9 vials of blood. I also had to give urine but she gave me the cup and when I was ready I was able to give enough of a sample.   I didn't take the breathtech test because I was not told to stop my GERD medicine. But that's ok because I would not have gone two weeks without it.

Once the nurse was done with me she handed me off to a nice volunteer to walked me to Radiology.  Since this is all about the upper digestive track I only had to undress on top.  Jeans and shoes etc all stayed on.  Once the ultrasound was done I locked up my belongings and waiting on a bench for the next technician.  A very nice lady came and got me and took chest x-rays and then was the uppper GI.   It's not so bad. I had to take some fizzy crystals to bloat my stomach.  Then it was time for the barrium. Yes, well.  Not much to say but I drank it down.  Then I had to roll around on the table while the tech took pictures.  All the xrays took about 20 mintues.

I was then walked to respiritory therapy.  I had an EKG and did a breathing test. Then was instructed on how and when to use the IS thingy she gave me. Sorry I can't remember the actual name, but I'll have to breathe into for the next few weeks. It helps to make sure I don't have any lung problems after surgery.

I met with the surgery nurse and she went over a few things but nothing I hadn't already been told. I signed a paper about getting blood if needed and I was done.

All in all I was done in about 2.5 hours.  Everyone was nice and I was walked to every place I neede to go.  A very well oiled machine if you ask me.

Tomorrow is the all day nutrition class!

I got the letter on Friday!

Feb 16, 2009

I received the approval letter from my insurance company on Friday! Yippie!!  I can't believe it.  I'm very excited and nervous too. Just a bundle of emotions right now.   Now I just have to wait to hear from the surgeon's office for my date.

About Me
Westfield, IN
Surgery Date
Feb 16, 2009
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