It's a crazy day

Jan 13, 2010

I have been working my butt off today with lots of work.  I also found all of my documentation from three years ago.  Lord I can't believe it has been three years!  I sent that over and called my OB/GYN for those medical records.  We're going to send my old psych evaluation and hopefully everything else to the insurance company by Friday!  Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers :-)  

I have done a lot of soul searching these last few days.  I just found out that I am having to go on medication for my cholostrol and blood pressure.  I also am having a hard time with sleeping.  My snoring has moved me to the couch for the last fun.  I think I am afraid to hope and dream that this surgery will happen.  I went through a hard time getting so close to surgery to find out that I couldn't do it.  I did get the best gift in my baby Noah.  Don't get me wrong -- he is my wonderful blessing from God.  I just want to be healthy for him.  I want to go to the park and not be embarressed when I can't run or when I sweatt too much or just be plain miserable in my own skin.  I want him to have a mom who can do everything he wants to do.  

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Still waiting...

Jan 12, 2010

I heard from the Centennial -- my doctor finally sent my medical records --well partially.  So I am going to make some more calls again to get the rest of them sent over.  I am traveling for work until the end of February but if I can get this done in March I would be so excited.  We'll see how it goes.... God bless and keep losing out there.

On the path...

Dec 09, 2009

Well I went to the doctor today.  I have been having issues with breathing, leg pain, and was worried about getting diabetes.  I am 10lbs more than what I was 3 years ago when I was approved for my surgery.  Oh well...that was depressing.  The good thing is my doctor is going to send the letter and all of my information into the folks who handle the insurance companies.  We talked and I am going to try to lose some weight before the surgery and she is having my blood tested to check my sugar levels and my thyroid.  We're getting there! 

I called my insurance company and that was such a crazy call!  They wanted to "read" me the requirements but did not want to send me the information or said they couldn't send me the information.  Hmmm...I thought I paid them each month.  They suggested that I visit my HR rep at work.  I don't think so...I am bound and determined to get this done.  I am sooo ready.  Say a prayer and keep losing out there.  God Bless! 

There's a chance!!

Dec 04, 2009

Well, I heard back from the financial office!  I meet the requirements and they cover the surgery!!!  OMG!!!!!!  I am so excited.  I have an appointment with my PCP on Wednesday.  If there is anyway possible I would love to have this done in January.  I have allowed myself to hope and dream of this until now.  Noah is in my lap right now trying to type his message :-)  He is a wonderful blessing and I am so glad he is here.  It has been the best gift of my life along with my other two babies.  I cannot wait to see if this will happen.  Please say a prayer -- keep losing and God Bless You.  

Two Years Later

Dec 04, 2009

It's now 2009 and December 4th.  I just called Dr. Dyer's office to see if my insurance will cover this surgery.  I called a year ago when I was with another company and they excluded this surgery.  I changed jobs and now will find out if my new insurance carrier will cover it.  Say a prayer!!

Home and waiting

Nov 09, 2007

Well it's now November!  We brought Noah home the end of September and he is such a joy.  They sent us home with a monitor for his heart and respiration.  He hasn't set it off in weeks now - Thank God!  He is also on a very expensive, very good formula for allergy babies.  We are in love with this kiddo.  I am lucky.  My mom and mother in law alternate days to come and take care of him while I work.  That has been such a blessing not to have to put him in daycare.  The hubby and I fight over sleep but that too shall pass.  We lost Jaylen our foster son.  He went back to his mother in October.  It was very hard to gain one son and lose another.  The system just isn't for the kids, it's all about the parents.  We have tried calling but she doesn't return our calls.  We miss the little guy although he would argue with a fence post :-)  I am still wanting to have my surgery.  I have to wait as we go on new insurance in January and I have to see what they cover.  After all of this I know I am strong enough to do the gastric by pass and cannot wait to start that phase of my life.  We'll get there.  Anyway, keep losing and God Bless you all.  Take care.

Baby is here and I am still waiting for that other dream day

Sep 20, 2007

It is now the end of September and I had Noah Michael two weeks ago tomorrow.  I am soooo in love with this child.  He is beautiful.  I ended up having an emergency c-section on 9/7/07.  My blood pressure was way high, I was already dialating, and he was still breech.  I have to say if I can do a c-section, then I can do this surgery!  What an experience!  Baby Noah is still in the hospital after two weeks and we don't know when he'll be able to come home.  He has had a rough two weeks on this Earth.  He started having breathing spells on the first day and that put him in the neo natal intensive care.  Then he had jaundice for several days and had to be under the lights.  And, he became allergic to my milk or the protein in milk and was passing blood in his stool.  All the while still having the breathing spells.  We go to the hospital every day to be with him and then come home to be with the "big kids" in the evening.  It is so hard leaving him in the hospital.   This is still a tough year.  I have to say though that Centennial Medical Center is the BEST hospital ever!  If I have my surgery, I am so glad this will be the hospital.  They are wonderful there!  Well better run.  Keep losing and God Bless you all!

Still Dreaming and looking to 2008....

Aug 19, 2007

Well, here we are, August!  It is hot, hot, hot!!!  Why the Lord wanted me overweight and pregnant during the hottest summer in 50 years, I'll never know   I am now beginning my 34th week and am so ready to have this baby.  It has been a test, a trial, a love, and a lesson in so many ways.  I found out baby Noah is breech.  He refuses to turn and he is already 5lbs.  I am gearing up to have a C-section b/c for some reason I think that is what is going to happen.  I cannot wait to meet him, to hold him, and to love on him.  We have his area of our room all ready for him.  He has more clothes than any kiddo I know.  He has a whole family waiting to spoil and love on him.  

As far as my surgery goes, it's up in the air.  I started my new job on 7/30/07 and will have Cigna HMO until January.  They have the 6 month diet rule but by the time I complete that we will be using a different insurance plan.  My new company is a group health/ work comp company that is self insured so I will need to find out if they even cover the surgery or what.  That puts me into 2008 for even seeing if I can have the surgery.  I can only pray and hope that it will all work out.  Trials and tribulations of 2007.  Let's hope that all changes in 08.  Well better go.  Keep losing and God Bless! 

Still Dreaming....Someday!

Jul 14, 2007

Well, its good news on the diabetes front!  I don't have it!  The 3 hour test is awful!  Hope I never have to go through that again!  It's now going into week 29 and I am doing well.  My blood pressure has leveled off and remains around 134/83 instead of my high of 150/103.  I can finally say what my mystery situation is now.  I have been offered a new job.  I know it's crazy to think of moving employment when I am seven months pregnant, but I think it will be a good thing.  They wanted me pregnant so they know what they are getting :-)  The only downside is that I will change insurance carriers and most likely will not have my surgery in December.  That's ok -- I think.  I am not giving up.  I am just going to have to put this on the back burner for awhile.  Maybe that is what God intended all along.  We'll see what happens.  The good thing is that I know I can live without all of my favorite foods.  I have learned to listen to my body and not be too upset when my head says something sounds good and my body says no way.  I don't know what will happen when my body changes again and starts to carve those foods, but at least I know I can take the physical discomfort and the head hunger without going mad.  I am very excited about the baby.  I have my shower tomorrow and I know it will be wonderful.  Even the hubby and kiddo's are going to be there.   

Well, I'll keep updating as I really think this is good for me.  Keep losing and God Bless you!  kmb

Still waiting for Dream Day!

Jul 03, 2007

Hello!  It is almost 4th of July and I can hardly believe that this year is half way over!  I hope it keeps going by fast :-)  Well, here we are in my 27th week of being preggers and it's beginning to get really tough.  The good news is that I actually lost 4 lbs in the last month so I have lost a total of 2 lbs. during this whole pregnancy without dieting! Like I keep saying, this baby really dictates what I can eat and what I cannot eat.  I haven't had steak in months!  I can't eat french fries from fast food.  I am craving apples this trimester.  The 1st trimester it was grapes.  The 2nd trimester it was oranges.  Now apples!  I don't even like fruit!  

Now here comes the rough part.  I have preeclampsia.  It's the sudden onset of high blood pressure in pregnancy and can cause a multitude of issues for the baby and me.  I had this with my last pregnancy too, but not this early in the pregnancy.   And, now I have to go for the big 3 hour gestational diabetes test on Thursday b/c the initial test showed my blood suger to be high.  I hate the fact that my weight is affecting this baby so much and I feel so guilty!  I am doing everything I can to be healthy, but it's hard to carry an extra 100 lbs while being pregnant at 35 years of age!  It hurts after a long day and I am one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to leave the house to work.  

I just hope that I can control my blood pressure and my suger through a good diet since I have been doing pretty well in that department.  I can't imagine how unhealthy I could be if I was eating the way I use to.  That would be horrible!  So please say some prayers!

Also, the mystery situation I have referred to in my past posts should be resolved soon.  I'll talk about that in my next update!

Keep losing and God Bless You! 

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Surgery Date
Jan 11, 2007
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