It was a good day today. :) But I was kind of bad. :(

Jul 20, 2012

(Skip to the end if you don’t want to hear about my day and just want to get into the medical stuff)

I got up and my mom immediately told me what happened with the shooting in Colorado. I was so upset over it and I haven’t been able to wrap my brain around it.

After I calmed down, I cleaned myself up a little and went to my friend’s house. Her name is Mary. She’s 21 years old and I met her 2 years ago through our mutual friend Ashley. This is Mary:

Mary and I had planned to swim at her pool, but unfortunately, there was a really bad thunderstorm so we couldn’t swim. We decided to stay in and watch movies. We also baked triple chocolate cupcakes with mocha frosting! YUM! I had 2 (bad Carrie!) Mary accidentally dropped a bunch of cake batter on her shirt. I laughed so she picked up some batter in her hands and smeared it all over my cheeks!

We watched Mary Poppins and Crossroads (yes, the Britney Spears movie) while we had cheese pizza and talked about the latest Cosmo. Mary also painted my nails. It was a good girl’s day!

Before I left, she gave me a bunch of presents!

From left to right: My favorite candy (chewy Sprees), a card (with $20 inside!), a pen, some post-it notes, Hello Kitty post-it notes (for my purse), metal nail polish, and a funky cup!

While I was there, I called my surgeon’s office and they said they had all the notes from my visits with Alanna (my dietitian) except for June. They said once they got June’s notes, they’ll set up all my appointments. Since I live an hour from their office, they’re going to let me to all my pre-op stuff in my own town so I don’t have to waste the gas to keep driving back and forth to Greenville! The only times I absolutely have to go to Greenville are for my Psych eval. and to talk to my surgeon about getting my actual appointments for my surgeries!!

I’m excited that things seem to be moving along as I quick pace but I’m also scared at the same time. I’m afraid something will happen to mess up my chances of having surgery, and I’m afraid of the actual surgery. My life will be so different afterwards! Eek!!

I also got a call from my psychiatrist saying that my insurance FINALLY approved a new medication that’s supposed to give me more energy. I called my pharmacy and they should have the prescription ready for me on Monday (they had to order it). So that takes my grand total of pills I take a day up to a whopping FOURTEEN! Shit, that’s a lot of pills!!!!


Meet Alanna

Jul 19, 2012

I had my 4th visit with my dietitian today. Her name is Alanna Waldron. That’s her in the middle:

She goes over what my diet will be like in the days leading up to my surgery, as well as how different my diet will be in the first year after my surgery.

My sister and I are both having the surgery done. My sister has Medicaid so she’s only required to go through a 3 month process. I have both Medicaid and Medicare. My Medicare kicks in first so I have to go through Medicare’s requirements, which is a 6 month process. I’m 4 months into that process. After Alanna faxes the information from today’s visit, I’ll be able to call my surgeon’s office and start scheduling my procedures (Upper GI, Psych Eval, Blood Gas, etc.).

I discussed with her today about my weight loss. I told her I was depressed over how little I’ve lost because my sister has lost almost 60 pounds since January and I’ve only lost 12. It made me want to give up. Alanna said that my weight loss is great, especially considering that I’m taking 2 medications that cause me to gain weight. For me to have lost ANYTHING is a great accomplishment! She had to remind me that I have those meds working against me, yet I still lost weight so she’s very proud.

It gave me a new outlook on the situation! I’m finally proud of the loss! I can’t compare myself to my sister because she and I eat differently and digest food differently, and we’re also built differently. I need to focus on my own accomplishments and stop focusing on my sister’s. :)


Welcome to my world

Jul 18, 2012

My name is Carrie. I live in a small town in North Carolina. I’m 35 and I have a 17 year old son named Josh. He’s the reason I live! ♥

I’m morbidly obese. I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t know how I got to the size I am because I know exactly what got me here. I have a love for food!

I haven’t always been fat. I used to be tiny! I just learned to eat my emotions and got myself to what I am today.

I’ve tried several different weight loss methods throughout the years and finally decided to have gastric bypass surgery.

I have Medicare which requires a 6 month weight loss program. I’m 4 months into my program at the moment.

My starting weight was 411.9 pounds. I know, that’s a staggering number!

My plan with this blog is to keep updated on my weight loss and doctor visits, as well as count down the days to my surgeries.

I can’t just have the gastric bypass, I also have to have a surgery to place a filter into my femoral artery, so if I develop a blood clot in my leg, the filter will catch it so it won’t go to my heart or lungs and kill me.

Here we gooooooo…


About Me
Tarboro, NC
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2010
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 53
