New photos of the madwoman

Sep 17, 2008

I had a friend at work take some new pics of me. I was thinking I was styling.... Thanks Sharon (I think)!

And just as everyone says, I sure wish I had some good befores to compare to. But before I rarely wanted to be photographed. Still don't like it, esp. since I looked at these shots and gacked at how "circus fat" I still am.



Sep 08, 2008

I lost this past weekend to a rebound migraine. No laundry, no dishes, no exercise. It sucks! Plus it was work-caused. I'm really resentful that I feel my weekend was stolen from me.

And because I haven't been to the pool in over a week, I haven't been able to weigh myself. First it was the paperwork for Jarid's SSI (still not done), then the crisis at work and the resulting migraine. The last few times I was able to get a weight, I was hovering around 380-382. I've been there for a while. I know everyone talks about stalls , plus I've been occasionally cheating on Medifast. But STILL!

For about a week I couldn't seem to stay of of DH's chips. It was like I was craving salt because I don't even like the kind of chips he buys. I didn't eat the whole bag, but each night I probably had enough salt, grease and carbs to screw me up. But I HAVE stopped that indiscretion. I was also eating a bit of extra protein - that's what I was craving last week. So I really want to see where I am.

I'm thinking that maybe I need to have some labs done. When I lie down at night, I get really dizzy for a minute or 2. Sometimes the same happens when I get up. I've been on my Lasix and potassium for years, but maybe it is time to back off a bit.

Maybe I can't do this w/o surgery. Who am I fooling?

More Energy

Aug 21, 2008

I've really been dragging lately, but today was different. I had more energy than I've had in a while. Yesterday I swam with a friend and I think maybe pushed myself a bit - I'm such a frickin' show off. Last night I was a little stiff, so I took some Advil before bed. I felt great today.

I had to do a bunch more walking than usual, I'm juggling more balls, but stuff is getting done!

Scooby Snacks Bad

Aug 09, 2008

After 3 months without the crunch of crackers or other carby snacks, I decided to try some Medifast snacks, of which I can have one a day. I was a bit unsure about the idea, as when I got a similar product back in my LA Weight Loss days, I binged on the item.

I did OK the first day the snack arrived, but last night I ate my way through 6 packages of white cheddar soy crisps, and then from there dipped my hand into my son's Dorito bag. A handful, not the full bowl I would have had in the past. Of course I then lapsed into carb-induced sleep.

By being concerned about how I'd handle this type of food, did I set myself up for failure? Or is it just something that I'm not yet ready to test myself with? Luckily these are tiny bags and about 70 cals each, 5 g. protein but still....

On reflection, I realize that I did set myself up - not just the purchase of these evil cruncy snacks, but yesterday I did not get all my MF meals in. I'm sure that was a factor.

Well, today's a new day.

I fell in love today!

Aug 06, 2008

I got my butt to the pool today and as I was on the way out of the locker room to go to the pool, she caught my eye. She told me how great I am doing on my journey and encouraged me to try harder. She is really alluring.

Yes, you may know her. The Scale.

Some of you may know that I rarely post in the weigh-in thread because it has been hard for me to get weighed. I can go to the sleep clinic at the hospital or my doctor's office, but nothing convenient. Well, today I noticed that the scale in the locker room goes to 400, not 350. (I could have sworn it was 350 - maybe they got a bigger one)

The first time I consider weighing myself, there are too many young moms with great bodies. I played and did water aerobics in the outdoor pool and then checked again. Nope, the after work crowd. Swam laps and sat in the hot tub. 3rd time was the charm. Locker room was deserted. I step on, slide the 2 weights full to the right.

OMG! I'm less than 400. How much less? 388 was the lowest I've been in 6 mos and that was when I was sick. Last weight was 402. Inching it down ....


I have lost 64 pounds since mid-May.

So I now have a crush on Ms Scale. I'll have to go exercise more often so I can flirt with her.

Start  Current  Lost
450      388        62

Back to the pool today!

Jul 26, 2008

Lots happened since my last post. Still losing, although the scales at the Doctor's Clinic must be posessed. Right after my fall, I weighed in at 392, which was nuts. But then when my cellulitis flared up, I was 388. Two weeks later, I'm back at 402. Go figure. But then, it does make sense, as my lower left leg is the big sister of my right leg.

So I think I'm not going to obcess about the numbers. The difference is in how I feel, which is much better. This week my big monthly meeting with the division I support was scheduled on a Wednesday - my usual telework day. I thought I could shift to Thursday, but the a special Sharepoint traing was schedule - a mst attend. So, OK, I;ll tele work on Friday - I THINK I can make 4 days a row i the office. Then a new hire drops in my lap - I sure do have work for him, but I need to take the time to get him up to speed. So my old/new/now VIP boss wants the kid to start on Friday. Yikes.

So I suck it up, and made it in to the office all 5 days this week. a real WOW for me.

Did 2 loads of laundry (one huing out), filled and ran DW, made a new necklace and got my butt to the pool. It was a gorgeous day - and the pools were pretty deserted. The club kids say it is busier during the week. Go figure. I swam about 500 M, soaked in the hot tub and then went out to play in the outdoor pool. I did water aerobice, floated in the sun and played beach ball with a cute lil' tyke. His young dad was an lower leg amputee and must not have hat the kind of leg he could wear in the water. Poor guy had to hop around in the pool with his 15 mo. old son (who adored the water, and me - his new best friend who played ball with him.

A lovely time. Stiff anf tired, but much happier.

Medifast 3 weeks in

Jun 07, 2008

This stuff is awesome! I'm not hungry, but I sure do look foreward to my Lean and Green. I can eat chocolate pudding every day! And shakes! OMFG, I sound fricking psycho, but I feel like I'm cruisin'.

Swam and did water aerobics both Wednesday and Friday (yesterday). My boss says my color looks good and when I did my hair curly, he claims he did not recognize me. Yeah, right. How many 400 lb flashy dressers do we have in our dept?  Still, it is nice that he noticed that something changed.

Saw my new PCP on Tuesday and got a new Rx for Chantix. Gotta do the paperwork thru Free & Clear so it will be covered by my insurance. The last time I tried it, I was out of pocket - pricey at $130/mo. 


May 23, 2008

I started on Medifast 6 days ago. Tired, but not very hungry. I needed to make a change - I was so darn stuck.

Escaping the Dark Moon

Apr 10, 2008

Feeling better. Swam Saturday and again yesterday (Wed).

Struggling to be back in control

Apr 06, 2008

Well, I hope I'm back from the side trip of my journey. Kiddo left about a month ago in a huff, plus I was sick. Work is stressful, and I feel like I'm not good enough. My thinking is fuzzy and I hurt all the time.

Kiddo's drama took my focus off me. I feel it coming back again. Sort of. Mebbe. Then again, I swam yesterday for the 1st time in 10 days, and was so tired that I spent most of today napping to catch up.

Since I quit smoking cigarettes, I have been eating more. Doh. When I try NOT to eat, I don't know how to deal with my feelings, so I'm a royal bitch. How the frick do you guys (generic guys, M/F) deal with this sort of stuff? I'm horribly codependent, but too tired to go to a meeting after work.

Any advice is appreciated. Now I have to try to find the energy to empty the DW co I can clean the kicthen and cook a healthy dinner instead of sending DH out for takeout.



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Boalsburg, PA
Oct 17, 2007
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