Before and After RNY With Brenda

Before And After RNY With Brenda Down 170 pounds!

May 2, 2023

My name is Brenda and I am 70 years old. After serving active duty in the military for 17 years and 8 months, I was released for being 10 pounds overweight. Because of this, I did not reach my 20 year retirement date and therefore my retirement pay. The military was my life and after being no longer enlisted, I went into a deep depression. I gained 180 pounds. One day, I finally looked into the mirror and said, enough is enough! I decided to have weight loss surgery and never looked back.

I went to the bariatric laparoscopic surgery center in Fresno, California. My surgery was performed by Dr. Edward Felix in 2004. I had to go through counseling, physical testing, and an evaluation of my mental capacity to see if I was compatible with having the surgery. I weighed 360 pounds at the time that I went to get the information regarding the surgery. Information was supplied to me regarding iron, acid reflux supplements and more. I was told how important it would be to get the correct amount of protein into my body every day. 

Before and After RNY With Brenda

Name:  Brenda L.
Total Weight Loss: 170 pounds
Surgery Type: RNY
Surgeon: Dr. Edward L. Felix
Surgery Date: 11/15/2004
Surgery Center: Advanced Bariatric Center

My Post-op Journey

After my surgery, I could only drink a capful of water while trying to take all the pills and vitamins that were given to me. Because my stomach was now a much smaller size and I had trouble getting water down, I had to do a lot of research to get answers that worked for me. It was very stressful trying to get all those required proteins and vitamins into my body, including an iron supplement which I found in a liquid bottle and it sucked big time. Yes, it made me gag, but that was the only way I could get the iron and protein into my body because the protein drinks were too rich for me and caused dumping syndrome. You do not want to go down that road!

Throughout my journey, it was recommended to me to not use the scale if possible and I did not. I kept seeing results in the mirror and with my clothing, and I was very excited. I knew I was on the right path. I lost 170 pounds and I am happy to say that after all of these years, I have maintained my weight and I stay at about 190 pounds!

20 Years Post-op: I Attended My First ObesityHelp National Conference

After more than 20 years as a post-op, I was invited to attend the 2022 ObesityHelp National Conference with my daughter-in-law Veronica. I was very skeptical and did not know what to expect. I wasn’t sure what was going to be there. But once there, I was in amazement as to the speakers and the products that were there to assist and to help guide us through this kind of surgery and procedure. It was phenomenal. I am here to say that this is one of the best ever types of support that is out there for somebody who has a weight problem and wants to be healthier, stronger, and more mentally stable. The products are amazing! You have vitamins that are easy to digest in square form type candies. You have protein liquid drinks that are easy to digest. You have every kind of vitamin that you need to safely get through the requirements for losing your weight and to stay at your weight. (Give or take sometimes.) I absolutely love the patches and I use them every day!

My Non-Scale Victories

I had so many great non-scale victories:

  • I remember the first time after my weight loss was when my son came up to me and said, “Mom, I can wrap both my arms around you and touch my fingers together!” And he looked up at me and he said that he was so proud of me.
  • Another one of those aha moments was when I was able to skip rope with my son and not get tangled up in the rope.
  • I was able to get on an amusement ride with my son and not have to ride by myself.
  • Being able to cross my legs without one leg sticking all the way straight out and I now can actually cross my legs.
  • Wearing sleeveless tank tops and short sleeve shirts and feeling very comfortable in myself.
  • Getting into a pair of jeans without feeling my circulation being cut off at my stomach. I can wear them very comfortably now.
  • Being able to do a 3- mile walk with my brother who does a 5-mile walk everyday was one of my greatest accomplishments.

Before and After RNY With Brenda: Thoughts

 After weight loss surgery, you always gain some weight here and there. but you have all of these bariatric-friendly products and the support of a team of specialists, doctors, nutritionists, and don't forget your friends for life out there to keep you on track. There is so much out there in this time and place to have a positive outcome for your surgery.

As for me, I realize I am never going to have that twiggy body, but who cares? I am so happy and healthy to this day. My outlook is awesome. I love myself no matter what and because of that, I am a survivor in this sometimes judgmental world. Skinny, skinny is not my way to go or be.

Be happy with yourself and the rest will come.

Before and After RNY With Brenda

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