Obesity Paradox: A Little More Fat May Extend Life

January 3, 2013

Obesity Paradox: A Little More Fat May Extend Life

A paradox is an argument that produces an inconsistency, typically within logic or common sense.-Wikipedia

Data from approximately 100 past studies, which included almost three million people, has led CDC researchers to conclude that being slightly obese or overweight (and metabolically healthy) lowers ones death risk in comparison to those considered of a normal weight.  In fact, the risk of dying is 6 percent less in the slightly overweight.  But researchers are quick to point out, their research does not give one permission to go put on the pounds or to stray from a healthier lifestyle.  It is still true that individuals who are obese or severely obese (with a BMI of 35 or higher) have a 29 percent higher risk of dying and being obese carries a risk factor for many diseases.

Scientists have previously reported that other studies have shown that individuals who have chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, tend to live longer if they carry a little more weight but the paradox is that the excess weight can also raise the risk of an early death due to the higher risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and other serious illnesses.

Researchers are not sure why their study, published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association, reveals such data but It is thought that a little extra fat can provide an energy boost to help fight illnesses or injury.

-Photo courtesy of FBellon