Test Your Allergy IQ

March 28, 2013

According to allergist Clifford Basset, MD, this spring is going to be one of the worst allergy seasons to date. So be prepared allergy sufferers!

How much do you know about allergies? Test your allergy IQ with this quiz.

True or False?

  1. True or False: People with weed allergies are likely to suffer most in the spring.
  2. True or False: Symptoms of an allergic reaction are immediate.
  3. True or False: Pollen counts, which measure the concentration of pollen grains per square meter of air in a 24-hour period, are highest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  4. True or False: The average used mattress contains between 100,000 to 10 million dust mites.
  5. True or False: Mold is a leading cause of seasonal allergies.
  6. True or False: Over-watering plants can kill them and aggravate your allergies.
  7. True or False: Severe anaphylaxis is only caused by bee stings.
  8. True or False: Hay fever is a preventable illness.
  9. True or False: Pets can be a source of allergies, but their fur is not to blame.
  10. True or False: The first frost of the year will put an end to allergies caused by molds.

 Allergy IQ Quiz Answers

1. False. The weed pollen season runs from August to November, peaking in mid-September in most parts of the country.

2. False. Allergic reaction symptoms can occur within minutes to two hours after contact with the allergy-causing substance but, in rare instances, may occur up to four hours later.

3. True. Pollen counts are highest between the hours of 10a.m-4p.m.

4. True. The average used mattress contains between 100,000 to 10 million dust mites. Tip: Never go to bed with wet hair; mites prefer a warm, moist environment.

5. True. Mold can grow in sunlight or shade and enjoys a wide range of temperatures, between 40-100 degrees Fahrenheit. But the one thing it can absolutely not grow without is moisture.

6. True. Wet soil encourages mold growth.

7. False. Anaphylaxis can be caused by allergens that can include things like:


- Medication

- Insect stings

- Latex

8. False. There is no known cure for hay fever.

9. True. Pets can be a source of allergies, but not because of their fur. The culprit is a protein that is found in their skin and saliva. Dead skin cells (dander) become airborne when pets shed their fur. (Shorter-haired pets shed less then long-haired pets.)

10. False. Unlike pollens, molds may persist after the first killing frost. Some molds can grow at subfreezing temperatures. Snow cover lowers the outdoor mold count dramatically but does not kill molds.