The Care & Maintenance of a Bariatric Surgery Tool

The Care & Maintenance of a Bariatric Surgery Tool

November 4, 2020

We set goals or resolutions as we welcomed in another year that might have been related to your bariatric surgery tool. How are you doing with the progress you wanted at this point in the year?

This is a check-in so we can support each other about getting back on track, losing weight regain, being active, or whatever you wanted for yourself. If it has been a hit/miss to make the improvements you wanted or are you still hanging on to some guilt about being off track? Find out how to care and maintain your bariatric surgery tool.

Old habits die hard and temptation can become easier to give in to. There's no magical date to return to the goals and resolutions you set. You can re-focus on your healthy lifestyle at any time!

The "magic pills" are still being advertised, the exercise equipment that makes you lean and mean, the wondrous shakes, pouch tests, and supplements that melt off the fat and the fad diets are still available and waiting for us to buy into their claims. You don't need that stuff since you have a bariatric surgery tool.

This is a reminder that you already have a wonderful tool. In fact, it is the most potent of tools - "just add protein" and your pouch or sleeve is there for you.

Instructions for the Care & Maintenance of a Bariatric Surgery Tool

1.   Take your pouch or sleeve out of the box. Inspect for damage (often caused by cookies, chocolate, egg nog, etc.).

2.  Press the top of your head and say "Pouch (or Sleeve), I am hereby resetting you!" Next, clean your cupboards and throw away (or hide in the back of cupboards) the cookies and chocolate and any off-track foods. Out of sight, out of mind...

Get your triggers out of your house or at least out of sight. Designate the back cupboards for the food brought by friends and family members foods that are tempting or trigger you. Rearrange your cupboards so that what you see the most fits your program to get back on track.

3.  Press the "ON" button. Sit down and make a food plan that includes seven days of meals and planned snacks, focusing on high-protein and low-carb food choices. Ditch anything from boxes and bags. Think REAL FOOD.  If it spoils, it is real food.

4.  Your product will not work without batteries. You will need to load up on AA or AAA batteries.  Your AA and AAA batteries are the Adequate and Appropriate food that will power you. For some, it may be a third A which might be Abstinence.

Go to your supermarket and shop the outside perimeter of the store. The perimeter of grocery stores is where they place real food. When you shop the perimeter, you'll be able to focus on lots of vegetables of different colors so you can "taste the rainbow" of colors and flavors, protein, and non-starchy dairy items.

Fill up your cart with the foods that will fill up your bariatric tool with nutrient-rich ingredients for stews, soups, stir-fries, chilies, and other bariatric-friendly recipes.

5.  Make sure your product has no leaks and keep water as your main fluid. Water is your best friend. No more pop, wine or pumpkin spice lattes, or whatever it calorie-laden drinks you like. Return to the beverage that your body likes and needs which is water. Remember that stuff? 🙂

6.  Focus on those healthy habits again. Remember, the ones that you swore you'd never slack on. Return to the habits that will be best for your weight loss, allow you to maintain your weight, and enhance your health.

No drinking with your meals, no grazing, no unplanned eating, eat at a table, and not while watching television. Keep in mind, when our habits slide down, our weight tends to go up.

7.  Fuel your product using only the best source of fuel primarily. Dig the protein. Generally speaking, you burn off 1/3 of protein that you consume by merely digesting it. That makes it a very efficient fuel for your body.

Enjoy eating dense proteins. That's your #1 way to feel full and satisfied. If you skip meals, a protein shake might come in handy. If food makes you feel full, embrace the protein in food form.

Track your food using an app such as MyFitnessPal so you're accountable to yourself. Aim for at least 40% of your diet coming from protein (the macro button on MFP can figure this out for you). No more than 20-30% of your intake for the day to come from carbs. Think whole foods, not processed. Eat real food. And, yes, protein first.

8.  Make sure your product remains durable and has a long life span. Be careful not to use it precariously and don't skip vitamins because they are important. When you're careful and protective of your tool, you will have a happy, healthy future with it.

9.  Enjoy your new product and keep it just like new. Go back to support group meetings. Be accountable to someone.  Find a group of friends so you can keep each other on track. Consider finding a mentor or a supporter.

10.  Your product has a lifetime warranty. 
If you have issues or you're concerned about your product being defective, call or see your surgeon. If you're a newer post-op, a year out or maybe two years out, your main focus might be on the big numbers you see on the scale.

You'll lose a lot the first week after surgery but after that, it will be approximately 1-2 pounds a week for most. That rate of weight loss is normal and reasonable. Keep plugging away and you'll get to where you want to be.

What I've Learned Along the Way on My WLS Journey About My Bariatric Surgery Tool

I had RNY (Gastric Bypass) in 2006 and am passionate about the WLS community and my support group members.

  • There isn't a magic pill when you veer off track.
  • If you find yourself off track, make sure to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get right back on track again. Give yourself some grace since none of us are perfect and never will be. It is a journey.
  • Nutrition is about 90%, exercise about 10%.
  • Eventually, when you get the groove, add in a half-hour walk.
  • Your product can be used in the coldest of winter weather or in the dry heat of summer. It's a 4-season product that is with you 365 days and 24-hours of those days.

Regardless of when you're reading this, you have a totally clean slate ahead of you. You get to make the choices and achieve the goals that set to have the healthy life that you want. Yes, at times, the journey can be hard work but keep reminding yourself that you are WORTH IT!!

Check out more articles by Dawn on ObesityHelp and Facebook!

Dawn Rudling Stefani


Dawn Rudling Stefani had surgery in 2006 and has been an avid member of ObesityHelp since her pre-op days. Her OH username is “Diminishing Dawn.” She is an advocate and a strong supporter of the weight loss community, runs her local support group, and is an elementary school teacher. She is very active in weight loss surgery groups on Facebook and enjoys making new acquaintances with other WLS patients. Read more articles from Dawn!