Stuck in an exercise rut

on 6/30/10 6:38 am - Mission Viejo, CA

I'm fishing for tips and advice for those of you who might have had any experience being stuck in an exercise rut.  An expert has advised that I've grown too "comfortable" in my same daily routine. On and off -- the story of my exercise in the first place -- I'd felt that exercise had helped me in the week or so after starting, but once I became regular it didn't _seem_ to do much of any good.


I'm supposed to shake things up a bit and get my muscles confused (and working harder) by new activities.

Problem is : I have a hard enough time doing my "routine" in the first place. I'm pretty sure that venturing off in some new direction would go a long way to increase my "I'll start {aGAIN} tomorrow" song and dance.

Anyone else experience this?

(deactivated member)
on 6/30/10 7:30 am
Hi. I'm still pretty new here and don't have a band yet.  But read about Adam Zickerman's Power of 10 weight lifting program in a book I was reading about WLS.  I started that last week.  It's once a week slow-motion weightlifting.  Once you get a routine down, it should take about 20-30 minutes to do 6 exercises in machines once a week.  It can be done twice, but I can't get to the gym more than once a week right now.  You are supposed to lift the amount of weight that will get you to muscle failure in about 8 reps taking about 10 secs to lift the weight and another 10 to return the weight.  Here is the link to his gym in Manhattan.  He wrote a book which I found at Barnes & Noble here in town.  He also has videos on youtube - I think was is a 90yo lady pressing 800# on the leg press. ew
I was really sore for about 3 days afterwards.  The day I did the program I had that week-in-the-knees feeling - ALL OVER!  But I can't wait to go back and do it again Saturday.

Maybe that would mix it up enough to confuse your body for awhile.
Good luck,
on 7/3/10 9:41 pm - North Haledon, NJ
I picked a friend who would NOT let me get out of or make an excuse for not getting in some sort of exercise.  We schedule time together to do get some sort of exercise in.  We know that on Tuesdays at 10AM we go for a walk, rain or shine, indoors or outside.  We know on Fridays we may go to the park for a bike ride.  And we made a promise to each other that when one of us wasn't feeling "in the mood" we would push each other to make it happen.
on 6/30/10 10:23 am
If you have cable tv see if you have free on demand.  There is ExceriseTV and Magrack.  Under the Magrack banner you have to tab to fitness and yoga and it will take you to different work out programs.  I also have FitTV in my cable selection and I like that because I can DVR something and try it later and keep it literally forever if I want.  Try it and see what you find. Good luck. 
on 6/30/10 11:42 am - Enid, OK
My trainer and surgeon both have recommended mixture of weight training and cardio. My trainer encourages me to increase or decrease the resistance setting every so often during my cardio on the elliptical or treadmill. Even raising the incline for brief periods on the treadmill will do the same thing. She says this keeps my body guessing what the energy needs are during my exercise routines.
on 6/30/10 12:01 pm - Australia
Have you ever been to the Exercise & Fitness Forum?  I'd x-post there too.  You get great advice and support  from the people who are really into it lol.

on 6/30/10 10:26 pm - NC
It's really easy to get into a rut if you do the same thing over and over. I've turned into a gym rat. I wouldn't say that I love working out...but I love the way it makes me feel and I love the results. I do a bunch of different things to change it up. I take a weight lifting class 3 days a week called Body's my favorite and it's really change my body. I have an elliptical at home if I can't make it to the gym. I take a spin class on Fridays, I run/walk on Wednesdays, sometimes I take a Body Combat class..or even Step. When I don't feel like doing any of Daughter and I go for a bike ride. You can try different video's..p90X, Jillian Micheals, Walk away the pounds..ect. Good luck to you!

Start/293lbs   Current/189lbs  Goal/160lbs

on 7/1/10 1:13 am - Hollywood, FL
I use a trainer 2x a week with my husband. She s soooo great! Our workouts are never the same! If I tried to do it by myself, I wouldn't push myself enough, she takes the thinking out of the equation for me. She knows how to move from one muscle group to another, and catches us early when we are doing an exercise the wrong way, so this prevents & lessens the chances of injury. Lets face it once you get injured, you can talk yourself out of exercising altogether and get you in a downward spiral.

I use my break time at work to do the stairs in the parking garage so I get my cardio in really well.

-Exercise with a buddy for accountability
-download some music that  makes you feel good and energizes you
-go shopping for new gear
-sign up for an event (if you are a walker or runner sign up for a 5 k and move on from there)

***Remember, exercise also boosts your mood. The first step out the door is always hard, but once you get moving you feel so glad you did.

Good luck,

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 7/1/10 3:04 am
I was in an exercise rut until recently and my weight loss had stalled.

A co-worker and I started the P90X program and we are doing it every day after work.  The whole concept of the program is muscle confusion.  Every single day is completely different.  I'm doing things I never would have thought possible.  We are currently in week 3 and I've already dropped 12 lbs.  I'm thrilled with the results so far, but I can honestly say that there is no way I would have pushed myself passed the first butt-whooping workout on day 1 if I were doing this alone. 
             "Without change, there'd be no butterflies."


Starting Weight:   308      Surgery Day:  295      Current Weight:  248
on 7/1/10 6:24 am - Solon, OH
 Not in an exersise rut in fact I exersise 6 days a week, and if I don't, omg the guilt trips set in. Do I enjoy it?? Hell no, but I know it's essential for my recovery. I am 4.5 years out.

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