Is there hope?

Rebecca F.
on 11/14/12 10:36 am

I got my lap band put in December 2008. Starting weight was 317, lowest weight with the band 290, current weight 345.  i have been denied for another bariatric surgery.  Is there hope for me?

Had an endoscopy and my band looks great!   Can I really get myself to the point that the band can actually help me?  

on 11/14/12 11:13 am - Vancouver, WA

Oh I hate to be Debbie Downer but the band doesn't work for a lot of people, in fact for most people. Why did they deny another surgery? Is it something you can appeal? You didn't lose alot with the band to begin with so chances are it won't work this time either unless you weren't really working it before. My only suggestion that helped me before I got the band was to journal every bite that went in my mouth BEFORE I ate it so I didn't forget to write it down. Also get as much exercise as you can swim, get a piece of exercise equipment to use or even just walk everyday. You can often find equipment pretty cheap in the classified ads or craigs list. Remember to eat dense protein first, cut your bites small and chew well so you get that firm protein in there to keep the rest of your food from sliding on thru. No drinking with meals, wait at least a half hour after eating. Are you having any issues with your band at this point as far as pain or difficulty eating? Sometimes if we can't eat solid protein when we are too tight we gain because we tend to use sliders or liquidy foods so we can eat something. You might also try some counceling because very often our bad eating habits grow out of emotional issues from our past. I wish you the very best and I truly hope if you can get yourself back to basics you can lose more weight. Do keep coming here so you can stay motivated!!

on 11/14/12 6:55 pm - Hollywood, FL
Everything is a "tool"! Our surgery is a tool. Exercise is a tool. Nutritionist is a tool. Journaling is a tool. Counseling another tool. Support group meetings are GREAT tools too!!! Use them al and use them all at the same time. Go back and check, are you eating Protien first, are you drinking your water? Watch for calories from liquids.

Some of the dr. Offices have become "cattle calls" and have gotten away from providing good follow up information.

Also, my doctors office recommends low carb diet to follow in the weightloss stage. Check wih your doctor about what they recommend. Sometimes we unknowingly move away from some of the basics.

I remember being at a support group and saying how much I enjoyed my raise bran, and everyone just kinda gasped. I thought because I was losing that it didn't matter what I ate so much because my consuption and my food was so mininmal and better quality compared to my presurgery eating. Then someone kindly pointed out, that between the high carb count and sugar I would be setting myself up for problems later pertaining to cravings

. Dr. Wife told us that many patients are so focused on the preop and post op information that they fail to hear about the actual " lifestyle" eating. Counting those carbs!!! I had dieted sooo l thought I understood the whole carb thing. Now I eat a lot cleaner, not foods that are heavily processed. Protien first.

I also discovered that it wasnt so much me liking food, but I have a serious addiction , I am very sensitive to sugar!!!! Even damn crackers can set me up for problems! Certain foods I can immediately detect the sugar in , even if it's >1 in sugar! But I wouldn't discover this until I was 10 pounds away from goal and seeing a dr. Who is qualified in dealing with food addiction.

I learned abou****ching the glycemic index in certain foods. If I eat a fruit it is usually accompanied by a piece of solid Protien. Example apple with a piece of cheese. Bananas and grapes are problems for me, too sweet!!!! The Protien neutralizes my taste buds.

I am not saying you are not following the rules, as you never indidicated what you were doing. Just suggesting that you reevaluate every aspect. And if you are following rules to a "t", maybe someone out there isn't and they will read this post, which now looks like a novel! LOL!

Anyway good luck,
Prek3 (5 yrs. post op)

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 11/14/12 9:47 pm - Canton, MI

I agree with both comments.  It seems lots of us do have problems beginning about three to five years out, and that lots (NOT ALL) of those problems relate to not making lifestyle changes.  My band is also functioning well and I am also gaining, because I have not made the lifestyle changes=or actually gave up the lifestyle changes-that I need to commit to. And it is so much harder to get back on track once you start adding ice cream and salty snacks back into the diet.


But I think many of the other surgeries also have these difficulties, perhaps not to the extent of the band, because they at least promote malabsorption and/or dumping.


on 11/14/12 10:38 pm - Hartford, CT

after you got the band in 2008, did you ever go back for aftercare? fills? do you exercise? do you eat what you're supposed to? all of these things will help the band, which is a tool, to help you get you where you want to be. i took me about a year to wrap my head around what changes i had to make to seriously commit to the band, because until i did i had only lost about 25 pounds. once i finally started focusing on what i had to do to make it successful is when the weight started dropping off. i didn't want to exercise. i still wanted to eat all the foods that i did before i had surgery. you will not have a successful experience if you can't make the necessary changes. i hate exercising. i despise and loathe it, but i still force myself down to the pool five times a week because i hate the excess weight more. i hate not being able to eat bread, french fries, steak, etc, but i hate throwing up more. i made the changes that were necessary. for WLS to work for you, you must make the necessary lifestyle changes that go with it. exercise and nutrition. WLS is not a "fix," it's just another tool to help you lose the weight, but you still have to work your butt off for it help. there is no easy solution to losing weight.

Rebecca F.
on 11/15/12 12:20 am

I did get fills and stuff. I did not follow with my nut as often as I should have.  And no I have not been compliant as I should.   I have been drinking crush pop way too much and of course I have ate too much over the years and realistically I know I have failed myself and have not taken advantage of this tool.  I just feel like every where I turn people are saying the band does not work, it never will.  It does have restriction, and I may go back for a little more, I think I have 6 cc in now.  I just had my heart set on RNY, and I know those surgeries need compliance as well. I am just in a very desperate place right now and I need to re assure myself that there can be success with the band.

on 11/15/12 12:39 am - Hartford, CT

the band CAN work, if you willing to work with it. not everyone agrees with me on that, but i've lost 140 pounds with it so far since having it put in january of 2011. i've also worked my butt off as well to get there, by doing the things i hate like exercise and eating what i'm supposed to. no one says you have to cut out every yummy thing you like to eat, but you do have moderate and if you like soda, try drinking diet. it cuts the calorie content, or moderate where you only have one a day. find ways to "Trick" yourself like using smaller plates and smaller silverware. it sounds silly but it can help because with small silverware you can't eat as big of bites. put your fork/spoon down between bites. eat slowly. eat your proteins first. don't drink while eating. it's a process and it takes time but you can have success with it.

on 11/15/12 12:41 am - Hartford, CT

and RNY comes with its whole other list of problems, like dumping if you eat the wrong food. every type of WLS has its litany of things that can happen if you don't do as you're instructed. you can gain weight with RNY just like you did with banding.

on 11/15/12 2:41 am - Hollywood, FL
I feel your frustration. If life and WLS could be just that easy ( many nay sayers think this is easy) but I feel this is where the hard work comes in. The HEAD! Feeling your feelings and giving yourself the permission to say "I need help"! And right now I am hearing you say "I need help!". Hang around here, but don"t borrow other people's band problems either. The grass is not always greener on the other WLS side.

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 11/15/12 1:40 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12

Not only is there hope but there is great hope. After reading the other posts I think you have the best information for getting back on track there is. Set up an appointment with your surgeon and your nut. Get counseling with someone familiar with eating disorders.

The other important thing you MUST do is to forgive yourself. You have been telling yourself that you have failed and that you won't succeed. Bull! Forgive yourself. You messed up the first time, so what? Many of us have to learn the hard way. Take it one day at a time, one thing at a time. To do it all right now may be overwhelming and cause you to give up. Do what ever you have to do whether it is to go slowly or dive in headfirst but do what you have to do to make this work.

Keep in touch with your surgeon frequently. If you have done everything possible and can have it documented and still don't lose it may be cause for and insurance appeal. Believe me, you do not want to go through another surgery if you can avoid it. That is the hardest way to go. Do these other things, start now before the holidays, and come here often. The band can work if you are willing to work it. No, not everyone can lose with the band. Before you call yourself one of them so the work.

God Bless,



Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


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