What is wrong with me??? Whiny post...

on 11/20/12 5:56 am - GA
Revision on 02/13/12

I know "how" to do this, hell I've lost 65 lbs, why can't I get my crap together to loose the last 10-15??? I know 600-800 calories, 40 carbs, 80 (or more) protein and 100 oz of water, so if I "know" it, "why" can't I apply it????

It's so emotional that I can do really good for a while and loose a couple of pounds and then I start going back to the gym and I gain a couple of pounds. Why??? Then I get discouraged and I eat something bad and stop tracking and it snow balls. I haven't stopped going to the gym, because I love the way running and working out makes me feel but dang is the rest going to fall into place? I swear when I eat right and don't work out, it falls off (or at least I think it does).

I can sit here and read all of these fabulous posts and I think to myself, I'm never going to get there. Some how along the way I broke my sleeve. I feel the same way about being overweight inside as I did when I first found this site 65lbs ago. My co-workers tell me all the time "you are so skinny" why can't I see that? Why can't I see over the 2 fat rolls that I still have on my stomach that make me feel like I am 206 again? Why can't I see that in a size 8 for the first time since I was 14, that I have done something positive?

In the beginning this was so much easier, I won't lie. It's so hard for me now. I don't want to give up, but I don't know what to do.... I'm not ready to be done yet. I want to reach my goal and get a little under so I have some comfort room to float around.

Maybe instead of have my stomach partially removed, I should have had my brain taken out! lol

Has anyone else felt this way, please tell me if so that it's only temporary and this to shall pass just like the dreaded 3 week stall did. I know I have been super whiny and I know what I need to do, but I guess I just need a little encouragement and past encounters if anyone went through this also. Thanks for listening....



on 11/20/12 5:58 am - TX

You exercise, you tear muscle.  Water rushes to the torn muscle to repair it.  You gain weight.  But it's WATER not FAT.  I can't tell you how to do it, but you need to push past that short term weight gain to come out o the other side - and keep on exercising.

on 11/20/12 6:01 am - GA
Revision on 02/13/12

Thank you for your reply, that makes sense about the water. I'll be back at the gym tonight. :)

on 11/20/12 6:02 am
Hi! Sort of new, but I thought you might lime to k.ow that if you're building muscle weight gain is likely initially. But it'll drop off and your body will be more Ummm defined from doing so. Patience is the key here.
on 11/20/12 6:05 am - GA
Revision on 02/13/12

Thank you, I will remember that. Although patience is soooo not a strong point of mine, but all I have is time right? lol

on 11/20/12 6:41 am - Granada Hills, CA

Not that Ive mastered this, but we have to get to a point where we eat and exerise and make good choices for the sake of a healthy lifestyle. We have to be able to disconnect those choices from the scale. Once we hit maintenane, we will have to continue to make good choices even though there will no longer be the reward of seeing the scale move. 

Easier said than done - toss the scale. Do what you need to do and forget about the scale. 


Mental body image is a huge factor. I know many many days where Id eat like crap because I felt like a fat pig even though I objectively knew I was not. Its something we have to work on. I was very fortunate to be able to have plastics and im hoping that I'll make progress with this when I dont wake up every morning feeling like a deformed monster. Everything - 95% - of this journey is all in our heads. Following a simple mathmatical formula, a plan - thats simple until the brain enters the picture. Just be aware of those issues and do what you can to sort through them - if you think therapy might help, dont be afraid to try it otherwise you will always be at risk of self-sabotage. 


For now - set some non-scale related goals. Sign up for a race or something to keep you training and running and enjoy the experience. I know when I was struggling and I was training for 1/2 marathon, Id sometimes stop and tell myself to stop eating because I didnt want to have to carry any more weight than I had to while I was running - it was hard enough as it was! Just find whatever mental tricks work for you. 

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 11/20/12 6:55 am - GA
Revision on 02/13/12

Thank you Alison! I've been throwing around the idea of doing a race that someone invited me to do with them in Jan, think I'll do it :)

on 11/20/12 7:23 am - CA
VSG on 03/14/12

I just replied to your message - and like I said - Alison gives you great advice here.

The woman is a goddess superhero!  She won't lead you astray :P

HW:242 Start of Preop Diet:  217  SW:200 CW:116.8 GW: 115;  SOCAL MEETUPS GROUP!:  http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/socalhallo2012/    


on 11/20/12 7:32 am
VSG on 11/21/12

I haven't experienced what you're going through since my surgery date is tomorrow.  However, I do remember hearing something about "resetting your sleeve" diet plan when you stall, but can't remember the details, sorry. 



on 11/20/12 11:02 am - GA
Revision on 02/13/12

Good luck on your surgery tomorrow!!

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