WOW Moments!

on 5/29/11 10:07 am - Walkerton, IN
Biggest wow moment, being told by my cancer treatment team that my cancer would never have been found if I hadn't lost the weight. it was stage 3 but still operable. I am now cancer free one year later.

 Live Today, and Dream of Tomorrow

Kristi N.
on 5/29/11 10:56 pm - NC
That is the biggest WOW! WLS literally saved your life! I am amazed and thrilled for you! Thank God, Thank your surgeon, thank yourself for making the right decision.

Many Hugs!
HW 244lbs SW 232lbs CW 148lbs GW 125-130lbs                     
on 6/30/11 1:20 pm
God bless you.  Keep it up. I too am a cancer survivor 5 yrs. and off the meds that helped with my wgt gain.and a WLS  patient since March. So far I've lost 52 lbs. and feel great. You will too!
on 5/29/11 5:01 pm
My big wow moment will be coming at the end of this summer when my husband who deployed 7 days after my surgery comes home to a whole new woman. I am just over 3 months into my new life and have lost a total of 71 lbs. He hasn't seen a picture of me yet due to I want to keep him in suspense. I had set a goal of losing 80 lbs by the time he comes home, but I believe I am going to crush that in plenty of time. I will post pics of his reaction.

But in the meantime while waiting for the big wow moment, I have had little wow facts happen.  My most favorite is fitting my body into a pair of pants that I haven't worn since I was in high school. And it's been many, many, many years since I have been in high school. The feeling was over whelming. Having surgery is a whole new life change, but it's a change that I will love for the rest of my life.
on 6/6/11 1:02 am - Del Rio, TX
Everyday is a wow moment. I didn't realize how much I was cheating myself being so heavy and big.  I just thought I was living. I said it before and I'll say it again " I wasn't living, I was mearly exsisting". I thank God daily for giving me the ability and means to have the surgery (the tool). One of the most memorable "wow moment" for me was when a towel from a hotel actually covered me up. WOW!
Be Positive ! Be True ! Be Unique! Be YOU !!!

Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have given me and for all you have taken away!

May God lead your steps and bless your path!             
on 6/10/11 2:23 am

There are soooo many WOW moments and I thank God.

1. Putting on a belt

2. People saying I look 29. I am actually 42

3. Jogging on a treadmill for 20 mins

4. My children saying "mom you look good"

5. My husband watching me and smiling but not saying a word

6. Coming to a place within myself when I actually realized I'm at peace

7. Enjoying shopping and feeling like and thankful that I look pretty good

8. Weight on drivers license is higher than what I weigh now

9. Enjoying Living Life is truly a WOW moment

Thank you to all of you who post and have helped me and others by allowing us to support one another. Everyone keep up the good work.



on 6/17/11 3:19 am
My Wow moment has been this entire week.

I have been working on finally getting myself some clothes.

I have not purchased any since Feb.

I have been buying size 12 shirts and 14 pants.

I was wearing a tight 24 before surgery. I got a large swimming suit from Target. What? I am so happy. I will be posting pics soon.


on 7/3/11 12:20 am - Harbor City, CA
My wow moment was a few days ago, June 30, 2010.

I completed my first 5K.  As of the 1st I am 5 months out.
I could barely walk before surgery and now I am doing
a 5K?  Just a freaking miracle! 

I am so grateful for this process that saved my life!

                      ✿ L♦O♦V♦E ✿ & ✿ P♦E♦A♦C♦E ✿ღ ✿ & F♦R♦I♦E♦N♦D♦S ✿ ღ
                         "Keeping The Faith!"   "Slim by Summer!"
                                    HW: 250 - SW: 241  - CW: 154.7GW: 140  

 1 month: 22 pounds (2162 months: 12.2 pounds (203.8)  3 months: 10.6  (193.2)
 4 months: 9.7  lbs  (183.5)  5 Months:   6  pounds  (177.5 ) 
6 Months: 12 lbs ( 165.5)
 7 Months 7.1 lbs (158.4) 8 Months +1.6 pounds(159.8) 9 Months 2.7 pounds (157.1)
10 Months 8.1 lbs (149) 11 months +2 pounds ( 151) 1 YEAR!!!  2.6 pounds (148.4)

                                  Hit "One-derland April 9th, 2011   (199.7)

                                  "Half-Way Goal" April 25th, 2011 (194.8)

                                  "Happyland 80`s" May 14, 2011  (189.6)

                                   "Groovyland 70`s"  June 20th 2011  (179.9)

                                    " HippyDippyland 60's"  July 16th  (169.8)

                                       " CQQL-land 50`s"  August 25th ( 159.8)

                        "Normal BMI"   24.8  October 21st, 2011 (154.5) I am 5`6

                                 "AWESOME-land 40's" Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                              "Century Club 100 Pounds"  Dec 1st 2011  (149)

                                        ' ONE YEAR SURGIVERSARY!!!"

                                           Two Year Surgiversary!!!"


(deactivated member)
on 7/15/11 4:16 pm
I would like to know what type of surgery you had.  I am looking to have the VSG due to money constraints..

Forever Knight Seasons 1-3 DVD,Grey's Anatomy Season 7 DVD,Grey's Anatomy Seasons 1-7 DVD
on 7/16/11 3:29 pm - CA
Hello! About eight months after my surgery weighing about #170 this occurred.  After working out in the gym, all sweaty, I walked outside (it was at Curves, they didn't have showers). I walked outside in my outfit and there was a fire truck going down the street, no sirens on, just driving along. The fire truck stopped, off jumped a cute fireman, brilliant smile, and he said "Hi! I just wanted to say hello and let you know that you are absolutely beautiful!" He gave me another smile, jumped back on the fire truck and they drove away into the sunset.  Made my day!   :0)
   Living Life One Day at a Time
   XOXO    Mary
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