Is the party over?

on 4/18/11 2:03 am - La Verne, CA
I am 15 months out ryner and have dieted hard this whole time.  I am a 2 lb a week loser from the get go.  I had emergency  hernia surgery a month ago and lost 2 lbs from that surgery.  Last week I was up 4 lbs.  4 lbs?  WTH?  I got on the scale this morning and I was down two, but this is how fast I gained weight before surgery! 
I am eating faster now and everything goes does fine.  I still eat my greek yogurt with protein cereal, granola and nuts in the morning, a lite lunch with protein and the same for dinner.  I drink two protein shakes a day and have one protein snack or nuts in the evening.  This last week I had pizza, but I had that before too (usually 1 slice, salad too).
I know I eat too fast.  I am freaking out that the party is over.   Who is out further than me that can impart some eating wisdom?
(deactivated member)
on 4/18/11 2:17 am - Santa Cruz, CA
A gallon of water weighs 8.8 lbs;  you are freaking out over a quart of water which will be gone by next week.  Unlax!!

Just keep doing what you know is right and don't let the scale drive you nutz.
on 4/18/11 2:25 am
I gained 8 lbs in one week without realizing it but when I did I sat down to figure out what I ate.  It was SALT intake.  I don't drink enough water (tends to make me nauseous) and since I did eat some Mexican food and salty snacks several times in that week, my body was holding onto every little bit of fluids I took in.  Lesson learned!
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
Susan S.
on 4/18/11 3:10 am - Roselle, NJ
The good news is it's likely water as indicated...the bad news gets harder...much harder. I did well well past the 2 year 'honeymoon' window because I was exercising at an extreme level and was very very very strict re: refined carbs. Both of those things changed and I put on 10 pounds very quickly.....and it's been a durable 10 pounds. While I still have very good restriction for somebody this far out I too eat more and more quickly......and food choice is everything! Be strict about the form of carbs. Limit them (from flour and sugar) to the best of your ability. I had a 3 plus year period where I ate very small quantities and needed to keep eating (nuts and nut butters were amped up when I needed to gain 10 pounds. I gained 15.....and have really cut down on the nuts/nut butters because they are calorically dense. Push water like crazy...I know....yuck. Stricter guidelines re: food choice. Ramp up the exercise. Susan
Obesity Help Support Group Leader - The Woman Warrior
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero


286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)

LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09


on 4/18/11 3:38 am - La Verne, CA
I eat nuts every day almost at every meal.  Should I stop? 
I havent succumed to desserts or sugars, but have begun to eat pizza and homemade chips when we go out to our special place.  I dont eat them at home though.  I am really sick to think that I have worked so hard for this to happen!
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/18/11 3:41 am - Tuvalu

Nuts are high in fats and in sodium.  But you don't have to stop eating ALL fats.  And if you can just learn that nuts have salt and salt makes the scale go up and then you pee a lot and it goes away, life will be fine.

And I can add or subtract EIGHT pounds of water weight in one day, no problem.
Susan S.
on 4/18/11 4:10 am - Roselle, NJ
 "worked so hard for this to happen?"    What's happened?    It seems that you succumbed to the very understandable and common idea that what works for a while for many of us does not slow down and stop eventually.  I didn't believe it either.  I got too thin!!!!  I had to eat more and it took a sports injury and some slippage of my habits to help me to see how 'in balance' I have to be ....for life.    It's easy to develop a sense that it won't be harder....not hard...but harder....because we haven't returned to our old eating behaviors. (many people do and they are on here all the time talking about failed surgeries)....but the new ones shift and change (and I allow myself a cookie...or some tuscan bread.....or pizza) and I see the scale respond.  There are people who are insistent they want to be able to eat in a fashion that allows them to have a bit of everything.   I've learned I'm not one of those people.    Having a bit of everything triggered cravings and complacency.  I was better off when I was strictly no room for refined carbs period.

Nuts everyday every meal is a place to start.  Nuts offer healthy fats.....and some protein.  They are also calorie dense.   Yes they are better than chips or other carby foods - but they are still a snack.   Every meal every day is more than snacking.  I had to limit them and I wasn't happy about it.

I now consider myself like every other 50 year old I know.  I have to watch what I eat carefully and I have to exercise more.   People who were never overweight and never had WLS have to do those things.   We've seen the outcome of a history of poor choices.     Our surgery gave us a chance to learn a new way of being.  You aren't done.   I lost until I was 19% body fat ...well beyond my or my surgeon's goal.   I've bounced back and fit the criteria/stats to a T.   I'm told all the time I look better now than I did at my thinnest.    My worry is that the regain was so easy once I played around the edges......and that did come at a spite of what people further out told me.  Stay focused.     Susan
Obesity Help Support Group Leader - The Woman Warrior
286/170/131 (starting/goal/current)
LBL - 10-30-08, brachioplasty/augmentation 2-26-09, medial thigh lift 3-16-09
Plastics - Dr. Joseph Fodero


286/170/140/131 (starting weight/goal/surgeons goal/current)

LBL 10-30-08 - Joseph Fodero
Brachioplasty/Breast Augmentation - 2=24-09


Mary Catherine
on 4/18/11 3:13 am
 I had surgery in 2007.  My surgeon warned me that after 18 months there would be a bounce-back weight gain of about 20 pounds.  He kept urging me to get to 20 pounds below goal so I would have a cushion when bounce-back happened.

My bounce-back came at 30 months.  First three pounds in a month, the next month another three, then another three.  When I hit 14 pounds of regain, I joined Weigh****chers.  I am now I holding at between one and three pounds over my goal.   

For me, the post-op party ended when I no longer kept my weight off without having to monitor it.  
Now I have to be aware and accountable to keep my weight under control, but it is much easier with my pouch filling up quickly and with whatever remains of my malabsorption.

I do weigh every morning.  I realize that weight fluctuates, but also hold myself accountable for what I eat and how much exercise that I do.  

When one party ends, just get some rest and organize a new party.  There are some bad times, but most of the time life should be fun.

on 4/18/11 3:41 am - La Verne, CA
Thank you for your input.  No one ever told me to get 20 lbs under.  I think my loss has stopped. 
I like the idea of regoranizing for our new party.  I cant get smug at this point, which is where I might be right now.
What was I thinking having fried cod the other night?  I cant eat like that, that is really rude to my pouch!
on 4/18/11 4:58 am
Your ticker indicates that you are at goal. How much more do you want to lose? As others have pointed out, you are at the stage where the malabsorption decreases and as you get smaller you need fewer calories to lose weight.
I heard that your calorie intake should be your goal weight times 10. If you want to weight 110lbs your calories should be 1100 a day. Not sure if that is right but it couldn't hurt to eat that way until you do get where you want to be and then gradually add in more food and see if you are able to maintain your weight of if you start to gain. If you start seeing a gain then it's time for plan B, back to the lower calories where you found you kept at the weight you wanted to be at.
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