If I went ahead with WLS....

on 5/23/11 5:26 am - MI
I remember worrying about all those issues as well. You are so very smart to get some 'head' help first. Old habits and addictions don't go away just because you have surgery. You will be more successful if you face them BEFORE.

Honestly, nobody even seems to remember I ever had surgery. Plans are made, meals are arranged, and nobody thinks about my dietary needs. Isn't that typical though? We have diabetics in the family and nobody remembers them either!

People are very self-centered. If we go out, I get a high-protein dish. If it's a holiday at a family member's house, I eat the protein. Nobody every notices what I'm eating. They just don't care.

And when it's holiday time, I've offered to make the sugar-free dessert for the diabetics and I win, too!

You'll be fine. Don't do this or not do this based on what anyone else will say or think. Do it for YOU.

It took me two years to decide to have surgery. Then I had to figure out what insurance covered, etc. Take your time and get as much education as you can. Be informed.

Good luck on your journey!!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 5/23/11 6:20 am
 While I have told everyone I know about my surgery, I was concerned about fitting in too since so many of our gatherings have food.

I didn't think I'd be OK with a surgery that might cause dumping, reactive hypo-glycemia, or getting something stuck. Turns out the sleeve or DS were the only ones that would work for me in that regard. 

My insurance (at that time) only covered RNY or band. So I left the country and got the surgery that is a good fit for me. I have friends with other surgery types, and they just don't have the freedom to eat the variety I do, which can be a bummer when it can ruin an occasion for them. I'd think again about an appeal or any way to keep your pyloric valve.
Mia H.
on 5/23/11 7:00 am - OH
 It's hard. I met resistance with my family a lot and now they are okay with my decision.   I am not going to tell you the bad and good of any surgery, because it's your body and your own personal decision.  If you want to message me you can, I will be more than happy to offer any support on how to deal with difficult family members and friends. 

(deactivated member)
on 5/23/11 8:43 am
 I have absolutely no issues  and I eat in public all thetime .   The truth is  people rarely care if Ure a good looking chick   IF you EAT  wHAT U  eat or HOW U eat lol  ... now family  WILL  notice particularly if U usedto throw down in the overeating department .  

Best thing U can say is Ure on a diet 

 then be really really  BOORING about it  lol

they wont press  U trust me  ;) 

on 5/23/11 2:44 pm - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
LOL, I like your style!
on 5/23/11 8:43 am
I've eaten "normally" since I was about 3 months out. I eat normal foods, I eat smaller portions (even now) and I don't have to worry about eating in restaurants, at weddings, graduation parties, out with friends, bbq's, pot lucks or anything. It's not severe - we eat healthy meals with protein forward, just like people who haven't had the surgery. You find healthy things on the menu or you skip eating all together, saying I had a late lunch or just met my friends for appetizers and I'm still full, etc. But,don't you think they won't notice something when you drop 100 pounds or more in a short period of time? there's nothing wrong in telling people you and your doctor have decided this is the best course for you and if they have any questions offer your docs number. I had this done almost 10 yrs ago and I'm still thankful EVERY day I had it done.
Good Luck
Jen 9 + yrs post op RNY
on 5/23/11 10:24 am, edited 5/23/11 10:25 am
its ok just have a WLS imo. choose the one you want, go to a reputable surgeon

everything you think and feel about food, the holidays, people eating around you will most likely change, as your body will dictate another way of being and eating

oh, and people who don't know i had weightloss surgery never suspect when i eat around them. you'll do fine


on 5/23/11 2:39 pm, edited 5/23/11 2:40 pm - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
good advice from everyone, thanks.  I went to the seminar with my hubby and didn't learn much more than from what I have gleaned here.  (other than Tricare won't cover the sleeve, but I suspected that already anyway)

I'll call in the am and set up my first appointment and see where it goes from there.....

Wait I did learn something I didn't know.  The Doc says that Gastic Bypass is reversible but it is very, very rare. 
H.A.L.A B.
on 5/23/11 4:49 am
I do not tolerate most starchy carbs / sugars. So when I am out - I tell that they make me sick (true) and that I am allergic to gluten (somewhat true) and that since my GB is out - high fat foods are a big NO-NO foods (true).
Nobody has issues... and a lot of people told me how jealous that are that I have such a strong will to stay away from those foods. 
Also : during my last visit with the doc he told me to stay away from those foods due to health reasons.  And if some "meaning well person" insist I try some - just a bite - I look them in the eyes, and ask them in a really low voice " DO YOU really want me to get sick?"   and still looking into their eyes  wait for response... no excuses on my part.  Works every time.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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