Please think twice before RNY

on 11/15/11 6:36 pm
On November 15, 2011 at 5:49 PM Pacific Time, Dawn wrote:
 Apparently I will have to drink all my nutrition. I have to meet with a dietitian before the surgery to discuss it.
My FIL has been w/o a stomach for about five years now. My mom worked for a surgeon for about 20 years, and she tells me they had more than one patient who'd lost their stomach to cancer---but who were doing very well.

Yes, it WILL mean the end to things like steak, but it WON'T mean you'll never eat 'real food' again. My FIL eats a LOT of food---'soft' food, but chewy, tasty things.
on 11/15/11 9:50 am
A person can live without a stomach. A person cannot live without their intestines however.
When push comes to shove....shove hard!


Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

on 11/15/11 6:33 pm
On November 15, 2011 at 5:45 PM Pacific Time, DivineMs.M wrote:
How in the world are you going to be okay? Pardon my ignorance, how do you live with no stomach? I am very sorry to hear your having such troubles.
My FIL has been without a stomach for about five years now, due to stomach cancer. He's fine---better than BEFORE, in fact.
on 11/15/11 10:27 pm - Salem, IL
Thank you for your comment about your FIL. It gives me hope that I might have some quality of life
on 11/16/11 12:22 am

This has really freaked me out. Good to know this info..

on 11/15/11 9:47 am - Salem, IL
 I never had any problems till this year. I never regretted having the surgery till then. Apparently it's not uncommon.
Judi J.
on 11/15/11 9:49 am - MN
It seems like some people just are prone to ulcers. I'm so sorry you are one of them. haven't there been some cancer survivors who had their stomach removed? It sounds scary that is for sure.

I hope things go as well as they can and that it is bearable for you. hugs, Judi
on 11/15/11 9:51 am - Salem, IL
 They do remove all or part of the stomach of people with stomach cancer.
on 11/15/11 9:55 am
I do wish you well. I have an ulcer check 5 December..... You have scared me silly. See if I ever miss a dose of carafate again. I will find out where mine was located.
on 11/15/11 10:44 am - Salem, IL
 Don't stress over it. If you aren't having any pain, then you are probably safe.
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