Please think twice before RNY

on 11/15/11 10:50 pm - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
This is one of the Many reasons why WLS isn't the "easy way out". There is no easy way out. No matter which direction we turn this is a price to be paid. I'm lucky and only two years out. So haven't had to pay much of a price. Blocked intestines at ten day after RNY surgery but I got thru it. Now I had a panniculectomy and have blood clots in my left leg. So seriously the dr. said its from the top of my thigh to my middle of my shin. Its all one solid blockage. Hoping I get to keep my leg. Its swollen and i'm taking the blood thinners. I'm doing what I'm told, tho its still scary.

Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
So Blessed!
on 11/16/11 2:22 am

Dawn, I hope everything turns out well with your srugery. 
on 11/16/11 3:40 am
Dawn, I'm so sorry you are going through this! Also sorry some sad loser had to come crap all over your thread. Don't worry about it, keep your head up!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 11/16/11 4:53 am
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. It seems very unfair.

I will say that my uncle had to have his stomach removed (cancer, not WLS related) and did just fine, and was healthy in the years he lived without it. He did eventually die, but it was from lung cancer. He smoked, so that was almost certainly the cause of both his cancers, but the stomach wasn't an issue.

The last time I spent with him, I was 16 and had just gotten my license, and he was 80. My dad had bought 2 new cars, and Uncle Al talked me into racing them with him. Of course the police caught us, and were incredulous that it was a 16 yo girl and her 80yo uncle, but let us go after calling my dad.

I mention that just because he really did feel well and was always up for fun, right until the lung cancer caught up.

(deactivated member)
on 11/16/11 5:22 am - Lancaster, OH

1.  I am sorry for the part I played in the sidetracking of your post. (I'll blame it on the "recent posts" feature, but it's not a very good excuse.

2.  I am so very sorry for the difficulties that you are experiencing, and wanted to add that I too, know someone who lost their stomach to cancer and has been living a very full and productive life, several years after dealing with the loss of his stomach.  I do wish you the best possible outcome.
on 11/16/11 9:00 am
Revision on 09/01/88
Hi, I can relate.

I only have 1/8th of my stomach left because the unused, excluded stomach eroded following WLS and was removed in 89'.

Because the acid is reduced, intrinsic factor is affected, and other elements won't be "processed" or absorbed as well, I have to watch my labs like a hawk.

Pleae take the time to read up on post-gastrectomy and its consequences. Go to PubMed and read.

Good luck.
on 11/16/11 11:56 am
Dawn ths post has been very informative. I got side tracked, and a bit freaked out. I wish you the best and will check back to see how you are doing. Fingers crossed all goes well.
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