9 yrs post and I'm still freezing cold!!

on 12/31/11 1:01 pm - Northwest, IN
Has anyone ever figured out the magic pill or solution to being so cold? 

Tonight I am wrapped up in my blanket on the couch, socks on and my fingernails are blue (w/o any paint on them).  Yeah I live it up for New Year's Midnight!!   My house is always set at 75 and I am so cold.  Years ago when I had my RNY I lost about 130 lbs and I expected to be cold after loosing the weight.  I just never expected the cold to last so long.  I am still considered obese now so it's not like I'm a thin, skinny person.  Even in the summer I have a space heater going in my office.  Yes I have my annual blood work done and there has never been any indication of tyroid problems.  I 've never been diabetic either.  I am just so cold all the time.  I only feel warm in my own car when I can set the heater to what I like or in the shower when the steam is thick.

Yeah I will admit it could be a circulation problem as I know I have issues with my veins but how do I warm up?  I hate wearing layers of clothing.  I just want to be warm again and sure don't like the idea of gaining the 130 pounds back to feel normal again.  I'm hoping you can tell me there is a pill I can take and I'll be toasty warm and comfortable.

on 12/31/11 1:50 pm, edited 12/31/11 1:50 pm
How about a toasty magic wand that can be waved? All I can do is what you do- layers and space heaters and electric blankets. Brrr!

But good for you for keeping that weight off so long! Thanks for being a warm inspiration!

Happy New Year!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 12/31/11 2:17 pm - Northwest, IN
Yeah I'm even thinking ahead.  I want to be cremated rather than buried.  If I'm cremated then they can put me on the mantle and I'll always be warm.  Better than the ground and be freezing forever!  lol
on 1/1/12 2:29 am
How funny! Thanks for a good laugh!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

Melissa C.
on 12/31/11 6:34 pm
My three suggestions would be
Thyroid-get a thyroid panel done, not jst the TSH
Iron-if it is low you might be cold-lord knows I am (I'm right behind you at 8 yrs post op)
Circulation-clue blue finger tips

I hope you are able to find your answers; I'm cold all the time, I layer all the time and I look pretty funny in TX summers with long sleves and I get cold in the swimming pool..lol

Keep it Simple, Keep it Fun, and Always keep it REAL

I believe..That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become....

A Craving is just an emotional temper tantrum...Marianne Williamson

(deactivated member)
on 12/31/11 8:14 pm
Her's a tip to make your house FEEL a lot hotter  .... take a big pot pf water , set it on the stove on high and let it boil away .   Keep adding water  to top it off .    

The dessicated state most people allow their homes to take on in the winter makes even the highest temperature  feel freezing ..a litle humidity makes the  exact  same temperature  feel far far WARMER ...

We all deserve to feel cozy and  warm  and cocooned ...   Now  if I get really CHILLED  during the winter I  always take a really hot bath  and get my core body tempereature up .. sometimes a hot shower and a piping cup of tea just aren't ENOUGH ..
on 12/31/11 9:47 pm
I'll be 7 years post-op in February and I also stay cold with an electric heater running in my office all summer.  My labs are fine too.

Were you always hot before surgery?  I've never been one to sweat much even at my highest weight so that may be why our internal thermastat hasn't regulated.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



MyLady Heidi
on 12/31/11 10:42 pm
 I can relate, basically if possible I bundle up and go for a walk that always helps.
(deactivated member)
on 1/2/12 2:35 am
 I never ever sweated before my RNY ... now since I sweat all the time !   I think I had low iron and zinc levels ... 

I wonder if its isn't  related to some kind of deficiency ...  becausei've been much more vigilant about  taking my vites  since my surgery .. 
on 1/2/12 3:23 am - NJ
if you smoke that could be the problem
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