As of today down total of 101 pounds and 14 more to goal...

Amy W.
on 1/5/12 3:30 am - Bellingham, WA
I am amazed at the changes in my body daily but had not sat down and actually looked at the math and specifics in a while. Well I did today and realized that my total loss from before and after surgery is 101 pounds and that I am a mere 14 pounds from my goal...still in shock at the moment because I thought it would take much longer to get here. I am just under 6 months out and was expecting this stage to take at least a year to reach. I think I need to pinch myself to make sure this is
While my surgery got off to a rocky start to say the least, I still have no regrets...this was the best thing I could have ever done for myself!!
To everyone struggling on or trying to decide whether it is worth the risks...keep your chin up because it will happen and my testimony is that YES it was worth all the risks. Keep on rockin it my sisters and brothers:-)
waist @ 29.5 in, chest @ 33 in, hips @ 35 in, thighs @ 21 in...inspiration can lead to greatness whether it comes from within or from others, rock it out girls and guys!   
So Blessed!
on 1/5/12 3:33 am

Queen Koosa
on 1/5/12 4:18 am
  Great job!

on 1/5/12 4:19 am - Eugene, OR
 Congratulations!  That's great!

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 1/5/12 5:52 am - Moorhead, MN
 Awesome job, congrats! 

 “Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.?   Louis L'Amour quote  

on 1/5/12 6:11 am - Fort Wayne, IN
I wish I was only 14 pounds from my goal! Great job!

Open yourself to possibility and possibility will present itself.
Laurie T.
on 1/5/12 8:15 am - MA
Amazing!! Keep up the great work! 
On the other side of fear lies freedom.

on 1/5/12 8:44 am

View more of my photos at

autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 1/5/12 9:32 am - MO
RNY on 06/06/12
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