Looking to have surgery

on 1/15/12 6:05 am - WI
RNY on 06/01/12
I am looking to have  gastric bypass surgery, I just initiated the process with the bariatric clinic so I know it is going to be awhile before I am actually getting the surgery, I am just looking for advice. I am still a little unsure of my decision. I have tried several times to lose  weight by myslef and I come from a long line of obese family members with a slew of health problems. I am 26 years old and just found out that I have high cholestrol. I think it is most frustrating because already I do not eat that horribly., I dont eat a lot of sweets and i love my fruits and veggies. And unfortunately I know it is just a matter of time before I develop diabetes also. I have two kids and can't play and do things with them the way i feel I should be able to. My husband is extremely supportive although he has insecurities about me losing weight and leaving him. That is one of the reasons I am still unsure, as I want him to understand that this is not for vanity it is so i can live longer and have longer to enjoy life with him. Anyone who has been through the surgery I would appreciate and words of wisdom.
on 1/15/12 7:23 am - Sacramento, CA
There are two things that contribute to having high cholesterol:

1) genetics

2) a diet high in animal fats (not sweets)

If you're genetically predisposed to high cholesterol, WLS likely will have little effect on it. There are some great medications for this. But you could also track your daily cholesterol intake also to see if you're eating too much. 


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

on 1/15/12 7:26 am - TX
RNY on 01/03/12
First, do it for yourself and no one else...your husband and children are going to get more of their mom and wife wnen you are healthy, energetic and confident.

I've heard stories about relationship issues following weightloss, but if you love the person you're with and are expressing your love and devotion, then it shouldn't be an issue.  If it is, then it could be an insecurity issue on your spouse's behalf which can be addressed when you cross that bridge.

I wouldn't let those fears hinder your decision, however.  Your health is what's most important...in my opinion...
on 1/15/12 8:06 am - WI
RNY on 06/01/12
Thank you for you response, I truly do love my husband I know me losing weight  isn't going to change that, I think deep down he knows that too, but he has heard some stories about people leaving or cheating on spouses after weight loss. I am ready to be healthier, and unfortuantely I just can't do it on my own.
Valerie G.
on 1/18/12 4:54 am, edited 1/18/12 4:55 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
Some are just genetically inclined for high cholesterol. The only thing I can offer with wls is that the DS procedure does help counteract that, since we malabsorb around 80% of the fat that we eat (whi*****ludes cholesterol). If you could see the wonderful fatty meats and whole cheese I eat, you'd never guess that my cholesterol is 120. Not many surgeons do the duodenal switch, so you may have to do some rooting around to find a doc who does this procedure, but it IS an option for you.

Now for hubby.
WLS doesn't cause divorce.
What it does is give a woman confidence and maybe a little bit of assertiveness, and if there are problems in the relationship, a newly confident woman may be inclined to make some changes.

What it also does is cause insecurities in a spouse as they watch their loved one suddenly become thin and more attractive, especially when others are noticing, and they notice them noticing. To counteract this, you simply give your spouse that reassurance and attention that will make them feel that your feelings have not changed. Yeah, they "should know" how you feel, but trust me and make the extra effort. You will benefit yourself as well. If he feels like he's still your stud-muffin, he'll be less likely to get jealous on you.

How do I know this? I'm 6 yrs post op and just celebrated my 21 yr anniversary

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

Kim S.
on 1/18/12 5:04 am - Helena, AL
Research the top four weight loss surgeries to determine what is best for you and your health issues, goals and lifestyle.  Those are RNY gastric bypass, duodenal switch, lap band and vertical sleeve gastrectomy.  All WLS requires drastic lifestyle and diet changes and they all have successes and failures. 

Research long and hard so you only have to cut once!!

WLS will not fix high cholesterol.  Diet will only minimally impact it.  It is largely genetics and can be controlled with medication.

A relationship that is broken before surgery may completely fracture afterward due to feeling better and more confidence.  A good relationship should be unaffected by the surgery and should only flourish with your newfound energy....I'm living proof of that-my husband is my best friend-always has been, always will be.  Now that I'm healthy we have even more things we can enjoy together!

Wishing you the best on your journey.

(deactivated member)
on 1/18/12 6:59 am

My high cholesterol is gone.  It went down minimally pre-op when I followed the Atkin's diet as did my  blood sugars but post-op it is gone.

My total cholesterol is 113 down from almost 300 pre-op.

I would have to be at home to get the LDL and HDL numbers for you. My HDL is a little lower than it should be cuz I don't exercise like I should.

It had to be the surgery because I eat the same as I did pre-op.

Most DSer's see this drop in cholesterol as we malabsorb around 80% of all fats ingested.
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