Protein shake advice

Erin Castillo
on 6/4/12 1:49 pm - NM
Can anyone give some advice about what protein shakes they found really tasty?  I start my liquid diet on the 11th, wow that's only one more week, and I seem to be going in circles looking for a good proetin shake.  Any advice?  Thanks!   
Erin Castillo
on 6/4/12 4:20 pm
I prefer the Premier Protein shakes (pre-made).  I am in Canada, and therefore we can buy them only at Costco and only the chocolate flavour is available.  I like to either add 5-6 ice cubes to it OR add it to a decaf coffee for a cafe mocha flavour.   When i add it to the decaf I find I do not need any sweetener or milk.

Remember though that what your tastebuds like pre-surgery, may not be the same post-surgery.

Erin Castillo
on 6/4/12 11:10 pm - NM
Thanks for your response.  I will definately look into these pre-made shakes.
Erin Castillo
on 6/4/12 7:19 pm
 berries are good....
on 6/4/12 9:03 pm - Canada
RNY on 06/29/12
I agree, Premier! I tried it out and it was the closest tasting to chocolate soy milk. Also I hear great things about the Syntax (sp?) brand, they make a lot of dessert-type flavors. :)

on 6/4/12 9:16 pm
Hi, I have found that adding some peanut butter or some fruit to mines help with the taste.  I can't expensive protein shakes so i just buy the ones they have at Walmarts.  they have vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.  I prefer the vanilla cause i could add things to it but the chocolate one taste good to me.  they do have some really good ones at the GNC store but since i can't afford the ones they have i just stick with what I have.
on 6/4/12 9:35 pm - St Paul, MN
 I was ordering the very expensive online version that was targeted for GP patients. But the price was off the roof. So I went to GNC and found this one which I really like its:
RivalUS Promasil: The Athletes Protein
Permate Delivery Technology 8 x Greater Absorption and Effects (this protain releases throught the day)

It has 

Calories 90
Fat 9g

This has 7 sources of protain!!!
Erin Castillo
on 6/4/12 11:14 pm - NM
Thanks to everyone who gave replies.  This info is very helpful.  I have searched many of the web sites that sell specialized products for baraitric patients, and was wondering if there is a big difference other then the prices!  Thanks again!!!
Erin Castillo
on 6/5/12 8:00 am - FL
RNY on 06/06/12
I use unjury, the chocolate tastes like chocolate milk, doesn't have too much of that "protein" or chalk flavor. They also have an unflavored one which is not bad in juice or crystal light.
on 6/5/12 8:01 am - FL
RNY on 06/06/12
 Oh I would like to add that bariatric advantage has a wide variety of flavors and is not bad tasting. 
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