hungry all the time.

on 8/5/12 8:38 am
Remember the surgery is only a tool. A person under-going it needs to change their relationship with food. I would imagine most of your hunger is "head hunger". Do anything you can when you are feeling hungry to aviod eating unless it has been many hours since your last meal/snack. Have confidence in yourself and how far you have come. I find others have way more confience in me and my ability to maintain my weight loss during the times I struggle.
on 8/5/12 9:34 am
 some of it is head hunger and I recognize that.  but majority is real hunger.   my situation is quite unique.... I am what the doctors call a poster child for the person that does everything right, and they say  my health issues, my weight, etc were and are not my fault.  (which is great to hear because you begin to think you are crazy)   It is a long story,  but I have been health conscience all my life, because i was born ill, and i became even more ill and health conscience in my early 20's.   So, I am kind of a freak if you will (lol) but I will never stop trying to become healthy.  I never eat unless at least 3 hours have passed.  My relationship with food has always been that I eat to survive, not survive to eat, while at the same time I enjoy the food and have most always tried to cook creatively and with healthy versions.  Now I admit, there have been some times in my life where I enjoyed a bit of food that I probably shouldn't have, but not on average.  
Anyway, it is hard to tell a lifetime story in just a short bit of time, and thank you for your input.  

Generic User_Name
on 8/9/12 6:17 am
 Look at what you are eating.  Are you getting enough protein?  Are you eating too many carbs?  Are you getting enough liquids?

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