Substitution for cream in recipe

on 10/23/12 10:17 pm
I'd go ahead and use the cream if you have surgeon's office tells me to go low fat but I know that if I do, I get constipated. Plus a HEALTHY person needs a minimum of about 30 grams of fat a day to keep yourself looking good.

Not everyone eats out or in an office weekly, much less daily! Some of us actually either brown bag our own meals or eat at home.

Butter buds: What are the ingredients in Butter Buds?
Butter Buds contains maltodextrin (a natural carbohydrate derived from corn), natural butter flavor (extracted from the butter oils and then dried to a powder-like form), salt, dehydrated butter, guar gum and baking soda.

Non-Fat powdered milk has just as many carbs as whole milk...(12 grams) it's just the fat content that has changed. (I have a box to check because I make my own cocoa mix and it's the ONLY reason I keep dry milk on hand). And while some find fat to cause dumping, carbs is what actually causes weight gain not fat.

Personally, I am glad I chose a surgery that allowed me to eat all the fat I could handle. :)


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 10/23/12 10:18 pm - Canada
 Another great cream substitution is evaporated milk.  You can buy low fat or I think even fat free versions because it's just milk thats been reduced till it's thicker.  Works like a charm, great fake out
referral: fall 2010, orientation: march 2011, nut/psyc: fall 2011, nurse: jan 2012,   tests: march 2012, pre-surg class: Sept 2012, surgeon, Sept. 2012.  Surgery:  Nov 8, 2012

on 10/23/12 11:00 pm, edited 10/23/12 11:02 pm
Why not?  Just curious, heavy cream IMO is better than some of the other milk products or substitutes out there.  I use heavy cream in my coffee. 

This is what I use, it's "friendly' IMO.

Here is the 1/2 and 1/2:

They do carry low fat and fat free half-and half.  Four tbsp in the recipe is such a little amount of cream. 


Edit:  Want to clarify, I do not advocate going against your surgeon especially early out.  In the long-term you'll find things that you can live with and others that you will always want to avoid for yourself.   

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Carol S.
on 10/23/12 11:31 pm - Milwaukee, WI
 If the OP really wants to avoid half and half or cream, that is fine and I can totally support that.  I can't give a substitute without a recipe to be completely honest.  There are just so many options for replacement.  I mean if I'm replacing fats in baked goods (pumpkin bread etc.) for my kids I use no sugar added applesauce but I wouldn't do that in a meat dish, etc. that called for a fat.  

Help a helpful gal out here-post your recipe so you can get some input OP! 

SW/276 CW 150 GW 185

9 Years out.
on 10/24/12 3:33 am - London, United Kingdom
DS on 07/24/12
Greek yogurt is a good sub and it's high in protein!!

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If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell 
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